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Some exercises to be done on the theme The Past Continuous Tense

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Some exercises to be done on the grammar theme The Past Continuous Tense.

Exercise 1. Read the following sentences and make them negative.

  1. Akbota was drawing pictures.
  2. Saule and Didar were looking out of the window.
  3. Kamshat was reading a book.
  4. The pupils of our class were writing on the board.
  5. My son was playing football.
  6. The girls were listening to music.

Exercise 2. Use the prompts to make questions.

  1. Tim/ draw/ pictures.- Was Tim drawing pictures?
  2. The boys/ play/ chess.
  3. My mother/ clean/ the house.
  4. The teacher/ translate/ the text.
  5. The monitor of the class/ read/ magazines.

Exercise 3. Read the answers. Write a question for each answer.

  1. Were you working last night?-Last night? No, I wasn’t working last night.
  2. Was………………………- Yes, that’s right. Tim was waiting at the bus-stop.
  3. Was………………………- No, Mary wasn’t talking.
  4. Was………………………-Yes, that’s right. My cousin was wearing jeans.
  5. Were…………………….-Yes, Ali and Mehmet were playing football.
  6. Was………………………-Raining? Yes, it was.

Exercise 4.Complete the sentences with The Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. (you, play) were you playing tennis with Paolo yesterday?
  2. (Mary, have) …………………………. Lunch at one o’clock.
  3. (we, watch)…………………………….basketball all day.
  4. Who (you, dance)…………………….with at the party last night?
  5. (Some of the boys, look)……………………………out of the train’s window.
  6. (I, walk)………………………………home in the rain.


Exercise 5. Think about grammar. Are the sentences true or false?

  1. Past Simple always ends in –ed.
  2. Past Continuous questions never use did.
  3. Did is for negative sentences only.


Exercise 6. Read the paragraph. Choose the most suitable word for each space.

Last week my friend Sandy and I (1) A to go to the beach on the bus.While we (2)… for the bus, it suddenly (3)… to rain. We (4) … summer clothes, and we (5)… un umbrella. While we (6)… there in the rain, Sandy’s mother (7)… past, so we (8)… to her. Luckily, she (9)… us, and (10)… us home in the car.

A decided                         B was                           C were deciding

A were waiting              B waiting                   C was waiting

A start                            B was starting              C were wearing

A was wearing             B wore                            C were wearing

A weren’t having        B had                               C did not have

A stood                       B were standing                   C standed

A drived                     B driving                                 C drove

A were waving               B waved                                C was waving

A noticing                      B noticed                               C did not notice

A took                            B take                                    C taked

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«Some exercises to be done on the theme The Past Continuous Tense»

Some exercises to be done on the grammar theme The Past Continuous Tense.

Exercise 1. Read the following sentences and make them negative.

  1. Akbota was drawing pictures.

  2. Saule and Didar were looking out of the window.

  3. Kamshat was reading a book.

  4. The pupils of our class were writing on the board.

  5. My son was playing football.

  6. The girls were listening to music.

Exercise 2. Use the prompts to make questions.

  1. Tim/ draw/ pictures.- Was Tim drawing pictures?

  2. The boys/ play/ chess.

  3. My mother/ clean/ the house.

  4. The teacher/ translate/ the text.

  5. The monitor of the class/ read/ magazines.

Exercise 3. Read the answers. Write a question for each answer.

  1. Were you working last night?-Last night? No, I wasn’t working last night.

  2. Was………………………- Yes, that’s right. Tim was waiting at the bus-stop.

  3. Was………………………- No, Mary wasn’t talking.

  4. Was………………………-Yes, that’s right. My cousin was wearing jeans.

  5. Were……………………..-Yes, Ali and Mehmet were playing football.

  6. Was………………………-Raining? Yes, it was.

Exercise 4.Complete the sentences with The Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. (you, play) were you playing tennis with Paolo yesterday?

  2. (Mary, have) …………………………. Lunch at one o’clock.

  3. (we, watch)…………………………….basketball all day.

  4. Who (you, dance)……………………..with at the party last night?

  5. (Some of the boys, look)……………………………out of the train’s window.

  6. (I, walk)………………………………home in the rain.

Exercise 5. Think about grammar. Are the sentences true or false?

  1. Past Simple always ends in –ed.

  2. Past Continuous questions never use did.

  3. Did is for negative sentences only.

Exercise 6. Read the paragraph. Choose the most suitable word for each space.

Last week my friend Sandy and I (1) A to go to the beach on the bus.While we (2)… for the bus, it suddenly (3)… to rain. We (4) … summer clothes, and we (5)… un umbrella. While we (6)… there in the rain, Sandy’s mother (7)… past, so we (8)… to her. Luckily, she (9)… us, and (10)… us home in the car.

A decided B was C were deciding

A were waiting B waiting C was waiting

A start B was starting C were wearing

A was wearing B wore C were wearing

A weren’t having B had C did not have

A stood B were standing C standed

A drived B driving C drove

A were waving B waved C was waving

A noticing B noticed C did not notice

A took B take C taked

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Some exercises to be done on the theme The Past Continuous Tense

Автор: Ибрашева Динара Ерболовна

Дата: 13.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 276166

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