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The  theme  of  the  lessonGrammar:  Gerund                                                                                                                                                     The  Aims  of  the  lesson:1. to  check  up  pupils’knowledge  of  grammar  materials;

                                           2. to develop  pupils’  writing  habits;

                                           3. to  explain  the  importance  of  studying  English.

The  type  of  the  lesson:  checking  up  lesson


                                        The  procedure  of  the  lesson:


       А) greeting

      B) report  of  the  duties

II.  Сhecking  up  the  home  task

III. To  check  up  pupils’ knowledge

  1. Сын есімні? салыстырмалы шырайы д?рыс ?олданыл?ан с?йлем
  2. She is the activest student in the class.                        B. It is worser than that one
    1. This exercise is difficult than the previous one
    2. This play is an interesting as the one I saw yesterday
    3. John is my the  best friend
  3. Есімдіктерді? д?рыс н?с?асын табы?ыз

I asked her for …milk, but she didn’t have ….

a. some, any       b. any, any         c. some, some           d. -, some           e. any, some

3.Етістікті? инфинитив формасы бар с?йлем

a. they finished eating at ten      b. Mary continued working at home

c. Peter asked if he could speak to him               d. she advised me to go.

4. С?йлемді толы?тыры?ыз:

a. is it              b. it is         c. -               d. is                 e. it was

5. Present indefinite Tense-те т?р?ан с?йлем:

a. I’m  meeting my brother tomorrow      b. That coat belongs to me.

c. He’s flying back on Sunday                 d. She worked there for 20 years

6. Present Continuous-тегі етістік:

a. shall not come     b. are talking      c. were having              d. has opened

7. Past indefinite Passive-тегі етістік с?йлем

a. My car was damaged last night.             B. These televisions are made in Japan

c. Cheese is made from milk.                      D. Simon has painted the house

8. Present Simple-де к?пше т?рдегі етістік:

 a. made      b.  goes        c. Skate    d. Sings             e. Studied

9. Past Perfect Active-тегі етістік

a. had said              b. Has gone          c. have done          d. had went          e. has been doing

10. Антонимдер д?рыс берілген н?с?аны та?да?ыз:

a. younger-older     b.  colder-expensive        c. better-best           d. nearer- the nearest

11. К?мекші етістіктерді? д?рыс н?с?асын та?да?ыз:

Astana … is a new city. There … any old buildings.

a. is     are       b. wasn’t      aren’t          c. isn’t        are          d. is    aren’t        e. are      is


  IV.New  theme


Герундий  етістікті?  т?біріне  - ing  жал?ауы  жал?ану  ар?ылы  жасалады.

1.Зат  есім  ретінде  ?олданылады.

Swimming  is  healthy  for  you.

2.Бастауыш  ж?не  толы?тауыш  ретінде  ?олданылады.

Painting  is  one  of  my  hobbies.

3.Verb + objection + preposition  ??рылымынан  кейін  ?олданылады.

Everyone  suspected  Timur  of  stealing  the  money.

V.Doing  exercises

Ex  1  p.260  To  write

Ex  6  p.261   Speaking.What  needs  doing?


      VI.Home  task

 Grammar  rules

Ex  9  p.261  To  write





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The theme of the lesson: Grammar: Gerund The Aims of the lesson:1. to check up pupils’knowledge of grammar materials;

2. to develop pupils’ writing habits;

3. to explain the importance of studying English.

The type of the lesson: checking up lesson


The procedure of the lesson:


А) greeting

B) report of the duties

II. Сhecking up the home task

III. To check up pupils’ knowledge

  1. Сын есімнің салыстырмалы шырайы дұрыс қолданылған сөйлем

  1. She is the activest student in the class. B. It is worser than that one

    1. This exercise is difficult than the previous one

    2. This play is an interesting as the one I saw yesterday

    3. John is my the best friend

  1. Есімдіктердің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз

I asked her for …milk, but she didn’t have ….

a. some, any b. any, any c. some, some d. -, some e. any, some

3.Етістіктің инфинитив формасы бар сөйлем

a. they finished eating at ten b. Mary continued working at home

c. Peter asked if he could speak to him d. she advised me to go.

4. Сөйлемді толықтырыңыз:

a. is it b. it is c. - d. is e. it was

5. Present indefinite Tense-те тұрған сөйлем:

a. I’m meeting my brother tomorrow b. That coat belongs to me.

c. He’s flying back on Sunday d. She worked there for 20 years

6. Present Continuous-тегі етістік:

a. shall not come b. are talking c. were having d. has opened

7. Past indefinite Passive-тегі етістік сөйлем

a. My car was damaged last night. B. These televisions are made in Japan

c. Cheese is made from milk. D. Simon has painted the house

8. Present Simple-де көпше түрдегі етістік:

a. made b. goes c. Skate d. Sings e. Studied

9. Past Perfect Active-тегі етістік

a. had said b. Has gone c. have done d. had went e. has been doing

10. Антонимдер дұрыс берілген нұсқаны таңдаңыз:

a. younger-older b. colder-expensive c. better-best d. nearer- the nearest

11. Көмекші етістіктердің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:

Astana … is a new city. There … any old buildings.

a. is are b. wasn’t aren’t c. isn’t are d. is aren’t e. are is

IV.New theme


Герундий етістіктің түбіріне - ing жалғауы жалғану арқылы жасалады.

1.Зат есім ретінде қолданылады.

Swimming is healthy for you.

2.Бастауыш және толықтауыш ретінде қолданылады.

Painting is one of my hobbies.

3.Verb + objection + preposition құрылымынан кейін қолданылады.

Everyone suspected Timur of stealing the money.

V.Doing exercises

Ex 1 p.260 To write

Ex 6 p.261 Speaking.What needs doing?

VI.Home task

Grammar rules

Ex 9 p.261 To write



Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс


Автор: Нургалиева Алтынай Жаумитбаевна

Дата: 15.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 293590

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