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Проектная работа "Школа моей мечты"

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«My dream school»

I study at a good  school. I like it very much. But when I think about Russian schools, I imagine this one.

I study at a good school. I like it very much. But when I think about Russian schools, I imagine this one.

  • Maybe in the future our government would build such schools in Russia.
I would like to study in a progressive school.   It would be a building of a modern design.  Children would study five days a week and have classes according to their interests.  They would have four or five lessons a day.  Students would like to study  because their teachers would be very kind and just. They would have a good sense of humour and their lessons would be very interesting.

I would like to study in a progressive school.

It would be a building of a modern design.

Children would study five days a week and

have classes according to their interests.

They would have four or five lessons a day. Students would like to study because their teachers would be very kind and just. They would have a good sense of humour and their lessons would be very interesting.

My dream school would be situated not far from a wonderful lake. When the weather was fine children would spend their spare time there.

My dream school would be situated not far from a wonderful lake. When the weather was fine children would spend their spare time there.

Teachers and students would take part in many activities. They would spend a lot of time together. In my dream school children and grown-ups would be happy.

Teachers and students would take part in many activities. They would spend a lot of time together. In my dream school children and grown-ups would be happy.

There would be a big sports-ground with a swimming pool in front of school.

There would be a big sports-ground with a swimming pool in front of school.

Students would attend different sports clubs. They would play bowling.

Students would attend different sports clubs. They would play bowling.

Children would take part in tennis competitions. They would have PE lessons in a big gym. Skilful and wise instructors would teach them to survive in dangerous situations. Students would not have any health problems. They would be strong. They would never be afraid of any difficulties.

Children would take part in tennis competitions. They would have PE lessons in a big gym. Skilful and wise instructors would teach them to survive in dangerous situations. Students would not have any health problems. They would be strong. They would never be afraid of any difficulties.

The lessons would be very interesting. There would be lots of English and Computer Technology.  The teachers would organize field trips, concerts, parties.  Life would be very interesting for children.
  • The lessons would be very interesting. There would be lots of English and Computer Technology.

  • The teachers would organize field trips, concerts, parties.

  • Life would be very interesting for children.
There would be a large dining-room in school.  A lot of tasty things would be cooked there. Students would try any dish. There would be beautiful furniture in the dining-room.

There would be a large dining-room in school. A lot of tasty things would be cooked there. Students would try any dish. There would be beautiful furniture in the dining-room.

Children would always feel at home in this school. They would only get As and Bs.

Children would always feel at home in this school. They would only get As and Bs.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Проектная работа "Школа моей мечты"

Автор: Цуканова Ирина Николаевна

Дата: 07.09.2016

Номер свидетельства: 342736

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