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Мотивация учащихся

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Любая мотивация базируется на интересе, а именно пробуждении интереса к предмету.

Поэтому необходимо вовлечь ребенка в обучающий процесс, используя разные способы.

Одним из таких способов является участие в театральном действии, так как полное раскрытие коммуникативных навыков( беглого и свободного говорения на английском языке, уверенности в изложении своих мыслей и т.д.) происходит через участие в театральных представлениях на английском языке.

В этом году ученики 5а класса участвовали в постановке сказки «Золушка» ( Cinderella) на английском языке.

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«Мотивация учащихся »

Мотивация учащихся

Куркова Ольга Васильевна,

учитель английского языка МОУ Гимназия №1

Любая мотивация базируется на интересе, а именно пробуждении интереса к предмету.

Поэтому необходимо вовлечь ребенка в обучающий процесс, используя разные способы.

Одним из таких способов является участие в театральном действии, так как полное раскрытие коммуникативных навыков( беглого и свободного говорения на английском языке, уверенности в изложении своих мыслей и т.д.) происходит через участие в театральных представлениях на английском языке.

В этом году ученики 5а класса участвовали в постановке сказки «Золушка» ( Cinderella) на английском языке.

Sisters: Hurry up! The fire is out.

Cinderella! I feel so cold. Bring some more coal.

Cinderella, you must brush my hair.

Cinderella, you must polish my shoes.

My hair!

My shoes!

My hair!

My shoes!

Они порадовали родителей под Новый год, а в 2015 году стали победителями муниципального театрализованного конкурса на английском языке « Christmas Carols» - 2015 в номинации « Лучшая инсценировка английской сказки»

Stepmother: Daughters, come here!

Sisters: What mother?

Stepmother: A king is giving a ball!

A ball? A ball! Oh, mother, shall we be invited?

Stepmother: Oh, yes,of course, we shall.

The king invites you to the ball where his son, the Prince

Will choose a lady to be his wife.

Sisters: Oh, mother, will he choose me?

Or me, mother?

Stepmother: Surely, he will.

There is no doubt.

You are so beautiful.

Very beautiful.

Prince: She has gone. Where is she? Oh, dear what shall I do?

Oh, my God, help me!

King: What’s the matter?

Prince: She has disappeared. She has gone away.

King: You must search the palace.

Daughters: Oh, my poor toes, my poor toes.

Stepmother: It’s too small.

Oh, I have found the girl.

Writing a play.

Writing a playscript is motivating and enjoyable, it practices dialogue writing and it is writing for performance. It also creates a real audience.

Family life.

You can introduce a group of characters and an episode in their lives which students can build on.

You can show students a set of pictures, characters in the play, by displaying them on the wall or blackboard and invite students to ‘design’ personalities for them.

Give the students the script of one episode in a play with a language task accompanying it.

The script can be used in a number of ways:

  • to demonstrate colloquial language;

  • to show the conventional layout;

  • to practice language items such as exclamations, tag endings, which are important aspects of informal speech;

  • for dramatic reading of performing;

Ask students to work in small groups and to write a scene from later in the play. They can add new characters if they wish.

Suggest that students discuss the scene and its events, before trying to write out the script. They should make a first draft .

When the scene is complete, ask students, as you move around monitoring the groups, to revise, improve, edit it carefully.

The final stage would be for each group to do a dramatic reading of their own scene.

Here is an example of one ‘family’ group.

Mother- worries about her children, …

Father- quick tempered,…

Granddad- elderly,…

Sandra – easy-going,…

Chris- responsible,…

Michael- cheeky,…

Describe personalities, using the following adjectives: confused, lively, good-natured, serious, anxious, impatient, cheerful, kind, forgetful, impulsive, generous, sympathetic, quiet, mischievous, caring, understanding, etc.

The example of the first scene of a play.

An English home. The scene is set in the kitchen. It is eight o’clock on a weekday morning. Michael is eating his breakfast. Granddad is reading the paper. Mother is in the hall, calling upstairs.

Mother: Sandra! It’s 8 o’clock. Are you ready yet? You said Chris was picking you up at 8, didn’t you?

Sandra: I’ll be down in a minute.

Mother: ________, no one in his family can get up. If I stayed in bed as long as you all do, nothing would get done.

Michael: The world would come to a full stop…

Mother: ________, Michael. That’s enough cheek from you. Finish your breakfast.

Granddad: Where are my glasses? I can’t read the newspaper without my glasses.

Michael: The cat is wearing them.

Mother: ________, Michael, that’s enough. You’re not sitting on them, are you, Dad?

Granddad: No,________ not. I’m not stupid, am I?

Mother: Let’s have a look. Come on, get up. (Granddad gets up. He’s been sitting on them.)

Granddad: ________, who put them there, I’d like to know.

Michael: Probably the cat.

Mother: I won’t tell you again, Michael.

(A car horn sounds outside. Mother walks to the bottom of the stairs.)

Sandra, Chris is here. You don’t want to be late, do you?

(Sandra appears at the top of the stairs.)

There’s some toast for you on the table.

Sandra: (rushing through the kitchen)__________, I just haven’t got time.

Mother: _______! You can’t go to College without any breakfast.

Sandra: ________. I’ll get something in the students’ cafeteria. See you later.

Mother: What time will you be home today?

Sandra: Not late, but I’ll be going out again. Chris is taking me to a party at Westwood.

Mother: Westwood! That’s miles away. Have you asked your father?

Sandra: Bye, Mum, bye, Michael, bye, Granddad…

Task sheet: Choose the right words and phrases to fill the blanks in the script:

  • surely not;

  • honestly;

  • really;

  • watch it;

  • of course;

  • sorry;

  • don’t worry;

  • well.

Now say what feeling or attitude each word or phrase expresses:

Impatience, indignation, anxiety, anger, disapproval, surprise, reassuarance, pleasure, irritation, apology, disappointment, fear.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Мотивация учащихся

Автор: Куркова Ольга Васильевна

Дата: 26.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 227024

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