Letter combination OO
Oo [u]
Oo [u:]
І. Read the words.
Book look stood rook hood wood school tooth zoo spoon food
ІІ. Match the word with the transcription.
Book [gud]
Look [mu:n]
Foot [spu:n]
Moon [kuk]
Good [fut]
Cook [buk]
Too [fu:t]
spoon [tu:]
Letter combination OO
Oo [u] Oo [u:]
Read the words.
Book, look, stood, rook, hood, wood, school, tooth, zoo, spoon, food.
Read the words.
Babyhood, bankbook, book, booking, bookshop, brook, cook, cookery, cooker, foot, footbridge, footing, good, goodbye, goodness, goods, hood, hook, hooker.
Read the words.
Look, nook, oops, rook, rookery, crook, rookie, shook, soot, stood, took, whoopee, wood, woodblock, woodcutter, woodpecker, woody, wool, woolen, woolly.
Read the words.
Snooty, snooze, soon, soothe, spoof, spook, spool, spoon, stooge, stool, stoop, swoon, swoop, too, tool, toot, tooth, troop, whoop, woo, woof, zoo, zoom.
Read the words.
Baboon, aloof, bamboo, balloon, bloom, boo, boozy, boom, boost, booster, boot, booth, booze, brood, broom, choose, cocoon, cool.
Read the words.
Cooler, cooper, croon, crooner, doodle, doom, drool, droop, fool, foolish, gloom, gloomy, goof, Google, goon, goose, gooseberry, groom, groove, groovy.
Read the words.
Hoof, hoop, hooter, loo, loom, loon, loop, loose, loosen, loot, maroon, moo, mood, moose, moot, noon, poof, pool, poop, raccoon, room, roomy, scoop, scoot , shoot, shook.