(Plate my Meal™ - Eating Right, Right from the Start!)
- Персональный ресурс учителя, где размещены ссылки на учебные материалы, интернет-источники по теме урока: «English for fun» https://www.smore.com/6p0fq-english-for-fun
УМК: “Английский в фокусе” 10 кл. О.В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули, И.В. Михеева. М.: Express Publishing Просвещение
Раздаточный материал:
- буклеты Центра медицинской профилактики РК (https://vk.com/cmp_rk) «Как не допустить лишний вес»
- карточки для учащихся для расчета индекса массы тела
- карточки для учащихся для работы в парах
Формы работы:
- фронтальная, парная, групповая
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент
На экране (презентация):
Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you what you are.
- T: Hello, my dear students. I hope you are fine. Take your seats.
Dear guests. We are pleased to see you at our lesson.
Dear students. I’m sure you will be active and friendly today.
Let’s start our lesson.
2. Речеваязарядка
Подготовка учащихся
T: Примерные вопросы к учащимся
- Have you had breakfast?
- What have you had for breakfast?
S: I have had some yoghurt, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
- Well. Thank You.
- And You, .... What have you had for your breakfast?
S: I have eaten some potatoes, an egg and I have had a cup of tea.
T: Look at the blackboard and make up your questions with these words.
Ask your classmates in a chain.
На доске записаны ключевые слова, примеры:
breakfast – What do you usually have for breakfast?
health / (un)healthy – Is your diet healthy or unhealthy?
food/drink – What is your favourite food/drink?
typical – What do you eat in a typical day?
diet – Do you follow a diet?
- What do you usually have for breakfast?
- Do you like juice for breakfast?
- Does your mother drink coffee in the morning?
- Do you eat a lot of sweets?
- What fruit and vegetables do you prefer?
- Do you care about your health?
- What is traditional English drink?
- How many times a day do you drink tea?
- When do you drink tea?
3. Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.
1) Постановка проблемной задачи
T: As for me I prefer a cup of tea with sweets for breakfast. But I usually skip my breakfast. I’m not sure that it is good for my health but it becomes a habit.
I would like to measure my body (waistline). Учитель показывает измеритель тела.
Oh, I have got some problems. I think I’m overweight. (I think I’m fatter than I should be.)
Can you give me a piece of advice what I should eat or shouldn’t eat?
S: Have you thought about eating less / taking regular exercise?
(учащиеся отвечают по цепочке, учитель благодарит за ответ)
- That’s a good/nice idea.
- Thanks, I’ll try it.
- I’m not sure if it will work.
- Maybe you are right.
- I have already tried that and it didn’t work.
T: Would you like to messure yourself? Who wants do to it?
2) People say that you are what you eat. Let’s have a look at the screen. There are some delicious, colorful things, aren’t there?
Can you guess what the topic of our lesson is? What are we going to talk about?
(ответы учащихся) ...Yes, You are right, we are going to speak about healthy eating habits.
Today we are going to learn how to:
- talk about food and health
- ask about health and respond
- advise and agree or disagree
4. Повторение и обобщение ранее изученного материала, в том числе определенных понятий и фактов
Выполнение различных заданий.
1) Тест (устно).Quiz: Rainbow of food
We should have healthy eating habits. They can prevent us from getting ill. A fun way to stay healthy is to follow a rainbow diet.
Look at the screen and tell me, which colour food should we eat in these situations.
Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы:
Which colour food should you eat if ...
1. You have a difficult exam to study for? 1- orange
2. You are feeling very nervous? 2- green
3. You are worried about getting lines and wrinkles? 3- purple
4. You’ve been feeling a bit sad lately? 4- yellow
5. You are taking part in a championship? 5- red
Примерные ответы учащихся (в полной форме):
1. If I have a difficult exam to study for I should eat – orange foods like mangoes, oranges, peaches, carrots, pumpkins...
2. If I am feeling very nervous I should eat - green foods like brocolli, lettuce, cucumbers.
3. If I’m/you are worried about getting lines and wrinkles I/you should eat - purple foods like plumps, grapes, beetroot, ...
4. If You’ve been feeling a bit sad lately you should eat - yellow foods like/such as bananas, lemons, pineapples...
5. If I’m taking part in a championship I should eat – red foods like/such as strawberries, raspberries, apples, tomatoes...
T: Well, I agree with you. The colors of food influences on our feelings and how we look.
I think eating a rainbow diet is a good idea.
2) Работа в парах (ученики выбирают карточки с проблемой, которую нужно обсудить в виде микро-диалога)
T: Do you care about your health?
If we eat unhealthy food we will get some problems.
Choose a card, please. Imagine you have one of the problems. Discuss them in pairs. Give advice and respond to it. You can use the language box.
A: I’m underweight!
B: Don’t you think you ought to eat at least three well-balanced meals a day?
A: It’s a nice idea, but I’m not sure if it’ll work.
A: I suffer from a lack of concentration!
B: You might feel better if you eat more ironrich foods.
A: Maybe you’re right, but I don’t really like vegetables!
A: I’m always so tired!
B: You might feel better if you follow a low-carbohydrate diet.
A: That’s not a bad idea.
A: I’ve got toothache.
B: If I were you, I’d cut out sugary drinks and snacks and visit the dentist.
A: Maybe you’re right.
A: I seem to get ill very often! / I’m always catching colds.
B: You might feel better if you eat foods that are rich in vitamin C such as oranges or peaches.
A: Thanks. I’ll try it.
A: My skin is so dry these days!
B: It might be a good idea to drink more water.
A: That’s not a bad idea.
A: I think I’m skinnier than I should be.
A: I often get stomach ache after eating.
A: I think I’m fatter than I should be.
T: Now I see that you know how to advise and respond to it. I hope you will never suffer from any of these problems.
3) Calculations: BMI. Вычисление индекса массы тела, заполнение электронных форм.
T: Look at me again, please. Учитель показывает измеритель) Itshows that I’m overweight. But I’m not sure. I should calculate my BMI to make sure. You have got a brochure.Use it to tell me what BMI is and how we can count it?
Раздаточный материал - буклеты Центра медицинской профилактики РК (https://vk.com/cmp_rk) «Как не допустить лишний вес» о здоровом питании от Центра медицинской профилактики РК. Дается объяснение на русском языке, что такое индекс массы тела, формула для его расчета и рекомендации по питанию.
T: What is BMI, do you know?
S: Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters.
T: Do you know how it is calculated?
S: BMI is calculated using your child’s weight and height.
T: Yes, your right. Let’s calculate BMI for Kate and Eddy to find out are they healthy or not.
Уч ащимся выдаются карточки для расчета индекса массы тела 2-х подростков, расчеты можно выполнить на калькуляторе и для интерпретации результатов использовать информацию с буклета, но лучше использовать специальные ресурсы в сети Интернет, например:
https://www.smore.com/6p0fq-english-for-fun - персональный ресурс учителя Сабанцевой Я.В., где размещаются материалы для урока в электронном виде.
Plate my Meal™ - Eating Right, Right from the Start!)
T: Let’s watch a short film and listen to the nutritionist and her recommendations.
What does a nutritionist do?
S: A nutritionist is a food expert.
S: A nutritionist is a health specialist who helps other people by healthy eating.
T: You are right, a nutritionist is a food expert. Let’s listen to the recommendations.
.. .
T: What does the nutritionist introduce?
T: Yes, She introduces plate my meal or the the eat-well plate.
Let’s look at this poster. Here you see an eat-well plate.
Можно рассмотреть тарелку – выйти на сайт или распечатать постер:
The Eatwell Guide http://www.nhs.uk/LiveWell/goodfood/Pages/the-eatwell-guide.aspx
On this plate there is the food we eat. The eat-well plate makes healthy eating easier to understand. It divides the foods we eat and drink into 4 main food groups. It shows how much of what we eat should come from each group.
2) Обсуждение в группах: продуктытарелки здорового питания
Учащиеся разбиваются на группы в соответствии с группами продуктов на тарелке. Необходимо выбрать продукты, которые относятся к данной группе, подписать стикеры (например, в виде яблочек), и прикрепить к тарелке. Затем объяснить, какие продукты входят в данную группу, в каком количестве, что следует есть меньше или больше, каких продуктов лучше избегать и т.п. Таким образом, тарелка должна стать наглядной, какие продукты и в каком количестве желательно съедать в течение дня.
Дополнительную информацию можно взять на сайте:
The Eatwell Guide http://www.nhs.uk/LiveWell/goodfood/Pages/the-eatwell-guide.aspx
T: Look – here is a nice plate. (Учительпоказываетпустуютарелку)
It can show us how much of what we eat should come from each food group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet.
Let’s Work in 3 groups:
1 – fruit and vegetables
2 – starchy food
3 – dairy products and non-dairy sources of protein
You can work with the Internet to get information about food and drinks. You should decide what food to eat according to your group of food. Be ready to present your results.
I will start. As we know An apple a day keeps a doctor away. I use a sticker. I like bananas. So I’m writing a word “banana” and then I should put it on a plate. According to the recommendations I should eat more vegetables and fruit. Now it’s your turn.
Проверкавыполнениязадания, подведениеитогов:
T: It’s time to listen to your short recomendations.
... выступленияучащихся
Good job! Now let’s have a look at our plate. It’s very informative.
You don’t need to get a balanced right at every meal.
But try to get it right over the time such as a whole day or week.
6. Информация о домашнем задании.
В качестве домашнего задания предлагается пройти тест он-лайн, проверяющий усвоение материала, а также предоставляющий дополнительную информацию по здоровому питанию.
Примеры тестов:
T: Would you like to learn more about balanced diet? Choose a quiz.
Можно также предложить следующее задание:
Ознакомиться с рекомендациями по здоровому питанию отдельно для юношей и девушек (можно скачать буклеты):
10 HEALTHY TIPS FOR TEEN GIRLS AND BOYS https://www.choosemyplate.gov/teens
10 Tips for Girls: Eat Smart and Be Active as You Grow
10 Tips for Boys: Choose the Foods You Need to Grow
7. Подведение итогов
Ре флексия: проверка психоэмоционального состояния учащихся, эффективности мотивации деятельности (попросить учащихся поделиться своими впечатлениями – что было полезным, новым, интересным на уроке и т.п.)
Обсуждение высказывания на экране – как ученики его понимают, какие выводы в ходе урока сделали для себя: Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you what you are.
T: Dear boys and girls. We have done a lot today. And we have come to the conclusions about healthy eating habits. We all know that well-balanced food plays an important role in our life.
You were active and friendly. Thank you for your work. Now the lesson is over. You may go. Have a nice day.
“I t is hard not to worry about what to eat because everyone wants to be like a supermodel.”