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Грамматический материал по английскому языку

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. Материал может быть использован при объяснении грамматического материала на уроке английского языка в 8 классе по теме Modal Verbs

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«Грамматический материал по английскому языку»



and their equivalents.

CAN (COULD) мочь

1. It is used in the present and past tenses.

It is followed by the infinitive without “to” and doesn’t take – s in the 3rd person singular.

It expresses physical or mental ability.

I can swim. He can speak English. Can you dance? I can not (can’t) ski.

2. It also expresses possibility depending on real circumstances.

I can get tickets to football. I could get only two tickets.

3. It sometimes expresses doubt and surprise. (Only in negative and interrogative sentences).

It can’t be true. Can it be true?

4. It sometimes expresses prohibition.

You can’t play football there.

5. It also Subjunctive referring to the present.

Could we catch up with him if we wished?

6. It also Subjunctive referring to the past.

We could have caught up with him if we had wished.


It is used in the present, past, and future tenses. When “CAN “expresses physical or mental ability “TO BE ABLE TO” can replace it.


I can ( am able to) could( was able to) * ( shall be able to)

You can ( are able to) could( were able to) * ( will be able to)


She } can ( is able to) could( was able to) * ( will be able to)


We can ( are able to) could( were able to) * ( shall be able to)

You can ( are able to) could( were able to) * ( will be able to)

They can ( are able to) could( were able to) * ( will be able to)

I can not dance I could not dance

Can I dance ? Could I dance? *

Am I able to dance? Was I able to dance? Shall I be able to dance?

I want to dance

I like to dance

MAY( MIGHT) мочь

1. It is used in the present and past tenses.

2. It is followed by the infinitive without “to” and doesn’t take – s in the 3rd person singular.

3. It expresses permission or ( in negative sentences) prohibition.

May we leave a child with you?” “ No, you may not.”

May I smoke here?” “ Yes, you may.”

EQUIVALENT ( to ALLOW) ( разрешать, позволять)

1. “ MAY” is not used to express permission in the past. “ TO ALLOW” is used instead it.

I didn’t allow you to stay here, did I?

2. “ MAY” has no future tense. “ TO ALLOW” can be used instead.

Willl you allow Tom to borrow your rifle?


I may ( allow) do? might(allowed)did? * ( shall allow)

You may ( allow) might (allowed) * ( will allow)


She } may ( allows) might (allowed) * ( will allow )


We may ( allow ) might (allowed) * ( shall allow)

You may ( allow ) might (allowed) * ( will allow)

They may ( allow) might (allowed) * ( will allow )

MUST ( должен обязательно что-то сделать)

1. It is used in the present.

It is followed by the infinitive without “to” and doesn’t take – s in the 3rd person singular.

2. “ MUST” expresses duty, obligation, necessity.

Must we make a fire?” “ You must put it away.”

3. “ MUST” also expresses prohibition.

You mustn’t go home alone.”

Negative sentences.

Must I do my homework for tomorrow?” “No, you needn’t.”

Must I read all the books by tomorrow?” “No, you needn’t. Read only one of them.

EQUIVALENT ( to have to)( должен)

Приходится поневоле, вынужден ( в силу обстоятельств).


I must ( have to) do? * (had) did? * ( shall have)

You must ( have to) do? * (had) did? * ( will have)


She } must ( has to) does? * (had) did? * ( will have )


We must ( have to ) do? * (had) did? * ( shall have)

You must ( have to) do? * (had) did? * ( will have)

They must ( have to) do? * (had) did? * ( will have)

SHOULD ( должен)

Следует по моему мнению, совету.

It is followed by the infinitive without “to” and doesn’t take – s in the 3rd person singular.


I should be more careful I should have been more careful

You should be more careful You should have been more careful

He He

She } should be more careful She } should have been more careful

It It

We should be more careful We should have been more careful

You should be more careful You should have been more careful

They should be more careful They should have been more careful

OUGHT TO (должен)

Это твой моральный долг, когда мы говорим о законах, правилах.

It is followed by the infinitive with “to” .


I ought to repair the chair I ought to have repaired

You ought to repair the chair You ought to have repaired

He He

She } ought to repair the chair She }ought to have repaired

It It

We ought to repair the chair We ought to have repaired

You ought to repair the chair You ought to have repaired

They ought to repair the chair They ought to have repaired

NEED NOT нет никакой необходимостию

It is followed by the infinitive without “to” and doesn’t take – s in the 3rd person singular.

I need not

You need not


She } need not


We need not

You need not

They need not

NEED( to be in want of) нуждаться в чем-либо

I need a book. Do I need ? I do not need a book.

You need a book. Do You need? You do not need a book.

He He He

She } needs a book. Does She need? She } does not need a book.

It It It

We need a book. Do We need ? We do not need a book.

You need a book. Do You need ? You do not need a book.

They need a book. Do They need ? They do not need a book.

TO BE TO( должен)

Я обещал, запланировал по расписанию, по договоренности.

1. It is used in the present and past tenses.


I am to I was to

You are to You were to

He He

She } is to She} was to

It It

We are to We were to

You are to You were to

They are to They were to

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Грамматический материал по английскому языку

Автор: Нуржанова Эльмира Арифовна

Дата: 27.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 299809

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