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A story about Fish

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Hello, my dear friends! I like a thousand other fish, have experienced a hard life. Do you want to know the story of my life?

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«A story about Fish»


10 grade student Nurlan Togzhan

Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Shymkent

Hello, my dear friends! I, like a thousand other fish, have experienced a hard life. Do you want to know the story of my life?

I was born in the Atlantic ocean and have lived, traveling by the boundless water. I do not know how long I traveled under this endless ocean, because the concept of time is unattainable for fish, I learned about time for the first time when I fell into the hands of people (but more on this later). There were rumors among my friends that both the young and the elders of our class were suddenly disappearing, but I did not believe them, and I thought the gossips were made up by someone, who did not have enough attention. After all, it can not be that all the fish started disappearing, before that there were about several million of us, no less. There were also sad rumors that our underwater world is slowly being filled with something that is very bad for the health of all living organisms under water. Unfortunately, it was pure fact. I was convinced of this when there was nothing left of the place where I was born, now there is only a huge garbage island.

I knew what garbage was, of course, because it was everywhere, and every day several of my friends died because of it.

It was a one of the normal days and there was no sign of trouble. Approximately fifty of fish, including me were looking for some clean place to stop and take a rest. Suddenly, I did not even have time to react, we all hit the fishnet, and just as suddenly, I stopped breathing and passed out. When I woke up, I was in a noisy place and I felt really bad. Out of the corner of my ear, I heard a man say to another: "Sir, but our factory is forbidden to pour the leftovers into the sea" to which the other person replied that he did not care. At that moment, it reached me, this is who is to blame for the gradual disappearance of my world. I looked around and saw other fish that were just as unlucky as I was. Many of them were already dead, others barely breathing. They first washed us, then cleaned our covers (even the enemy would not wish this). Maybe the God helped me, but even though I was partially cut, I barely survived. We were put in some kind of iron dish, which was very tight, it was much smaller than our ocean. There were about two thousand of these pieces of iron, and we were all divided into them and put in some kind of walking box (they called it a truck). We ended up in a shop window, but I could not see anything and could only hear snatches of conversation. The owner of the store (apparently) told the seller that she had until tomorrow to sell us. "The deadline expires tomorrow." That is when I realized what time means. After the time runs out, we become inedible. To be honest, I have been praying all day that I would not get bought, you see, I did not want to be eaten for dinner. Unfortunately for me, very soon I was in someone's stomach and finally died. I did not love people at all, and I would not love them again. Who will love them if our whole world has collapsed because of them?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

A story about Fish

Автор: Togzhan Nurlan, Nazym Abubakirova

Дата: 11.02.2021

Номер свидетельства: 572884

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