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Комплект розроботок к уроку "At sea"

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Урок «Підводне плавання»

Тема:   Канікули біля моря.(5 клас)

Мета: Вивчити лексику за темою «Море».

Формувати навички аудіювання та читання.

Тренувати учнів у декламуванні віршів.

Знайомити з навколишнім світом.

Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, пам'ять, увагу, чуття мови.

Розвивати творчі здібності учнів. Навчати любити природу.

Виховувати  позитивне  ставлення  до  вивчення  англійської мови.

Прищеплювати любов до англомовної поезії.

Обладнання: Зображення морського узбережжя на дошці, , завдання для контролю аудіюван­ня (Н02), словники, DVD-програвач .



1.  Привітання. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Учитель вітає клас, учні, у свою чергу, вітають учителя. Бесіда з дітьми.

Т: Do you like sunny days? Where do you like to be? What do you like to do?

2.  Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Т: Do you like to be near the sea? What do you like to do? Учні відповідають на запитання.

Т: Today we'll speak about the holidays near the sea.

3.  Фонетична розминка. Діти читають вірш. На відео — морські краєвиди.


 Play on the seashore

And gather up shells,

 Kneel in the damp sands

Digging well.

Run on the rocks

Where the seaweed slips,

Watch the waves

And the beautiful ships.


1. Читання текстів. Т: Let's take a walk on the beach and see what we can find. Учні в парах читають текст, потім знаходять до нього малюнок Через 5 хвилин вони презентують свій текст.


1) It's a beautiful shell. Shells were once the homes of soft-bodied sea creatures. They are known as shellfish. They look like snails. There are thousands of shellfish living in the sea.

2) This creature is called a starfish. It has five or more arms and its mouth is in the centre underneath. Some of them are brightly coloured. The smallest starfish can be only 2 cm across.

3) These are mollusk shells. Those empty shells above were once mussels. Live mussels tend to cling to rocks, but the empty shells lie about on the shore. The razor shells are often found on sandy beaches.

4) Here's a crab. Crabs have shells to protect their soft bodies. As they grow bigger they have to shed their shells and grow new ones. This happens several times.

5) Here's a funny round shell. It doesn't look like a skeleton, but that's what it is! It's the skeleton of a sea urchin. A sea urchin is a spiny animal that lives in the water. They are green or black.

 2. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

3. Роботи з піску.

Т: Do you know what is sand? No? Listen to me.

A grain of sand is made from rocks that are broken into tiny pieces and worn down by the wind and the tides of the ocean. It takes billions of these miniature rocks to make a beach of sand. If you look at the beach you may find small stones and pebbles.

4. Говоріння .

T: What can we see under the sea?


Most sharks are fierce hunters. They catch fish, squid and even seals with their huge jaws. Sharks have rows of dagger-sharp teeth — when a tooth wears out, it is replaced by another.


Have you ever heard, about a fish that is able to fly? Flying fish can glide 100 m through the air on their wing-like fins!


The sailfish is the fastest creature in the sea. It can speed through the water at 109 km/h — 12 times faster than any Olympic swimmer.


A stingfish is flat like a pancake. Its skin is sand-coloured. It hides on the shallow, sandy bottom of the sea.


A Portuguese man-of-war isn't really a jellyfish. It's actually a floating colony of tiny animals. Together they form all the different parts of the man-of-war — from its blue 'sail' right down to the 9 m long tentacles.

6) LIZARDFISH         

A long, large fish is called lizardfish. It's mud-coloured and speckled just like the bottom of the deep ocean. It likes to hide there.


A South African leaf fish looks like a leaf floating along with the current.


An octopus can change colours. When it swims through green seaweed, the octopus is green. When it swims through the ocean depth, it's brown.


A hermit crab lives in an empty shell. For more protection, the crab attaches an anemone to its shell. The anemone is an animal that looks like a flower.

5. Аудіювання.

T: Let’s listen about  the biggest animals in the world.

Т: The sea is full of strange and unusual creatures. Some are very tiny, others are incredibly huge. Let's watch some of these creatures.


A blue whale is the largest animal that has ever lived. It is bigger than the biggest dinosaurs it is not a fish, it's a mammal. It means that it needs to breathe air to stay alive. There are not very many blue whales left in the world today because for a long time people hunted these whales for meat, oil and whalebone.

A full-grown blue whale can weigh as much as 120,000 kilo­grams. That's more than 50 full-grown elephants!

The blue whale is a great creature that eats tiny sea animals and plants called plankton               

whales talk to each other by singing. Their songs can last as long as two hours. They sing alone and they sing together. Whale songs are full of bubbles and squeaks, grunts and groans.

Baby blue whales weigh more than most cars when they are born! Mother whales take good care of their babies Swimming close to them and teaching them all about life in the sea.

3) Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.


Answer the questions.

—   What are the biggest animals in the world?

—   How many whales are there in the world? Why?

—   How huge is a whale?

—   What does a whale eat?

—   How do they talk?                         

--How long can a whale's song last?

A. Find the end of the sentence.

B. Put them in the right order.

 1. There aren't very many blue whales left in the world today...

 2. Mother whales take good care...

 3. A full-grown blue whale can...

 4. A blue whale is the largest animal...

 5. Whales talk to each other by...

 6. It is bigger than...

 7. The blue whale is a gentle creature that...

 8. Whale songs are full of ...

 9. They swim close to them and teach them...


a)... eats tiny sea animals and plants called plankton.

b) ... because for a long time people hunted these whales for meat

and oil and whalebone, c)... that has ever lived, d)... all about life in the sea. e)... weigh 120,000 kilograms, f)... the biggest dinosaurs, g)... bubbles and squeaks, grunts and groans, h)... singing! i)... of their babies.


A:   lb, 2i, 3e, 4c, 5h, 6f, 7a,8g,9d.

B:   4,6,1,3,7,5,8,2,9. .

заключна частина уроку

1. Домашнє завдання.

T: Draw a blue whale and write 5-8 sentences about it or write a story about the sea.

2. Підведення підсумків уроку.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«конспект5 клас»

Урок «Підводне плавання»

Тема: Канікули біля моря.(5 клас)

Мета: Вивчити лексику за темою «Море».

Формувати навички аудіювання та читання.

Тренувати учнів у декламуванні віршів.

Знайомити з навколишнім світом.

Розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, пам'ять, увагу, чуття мови.

Розвивати творчі здібності учнів. Навчати любити природу.

Виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови.

Прищеплювати любов до англомовної поезії.

Обладнання: Зображення морського узбережжя на дошці, , завдання для контролю аудіюван­ня (Н02), словники, DVD-програвач .



1. Привітання. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. Учитель вітає клас, учні, у свою чергу, вітають учителя. Бесіда з дітьми.

Т: Do you like sunny days? Where do you like to be? What do you like to do?

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Т: Do you like to be near the sea? What do you like to do? Учні відповідають на запитання.

Т: Today we'll speak about the holidays near the sea.

3. Фонетична розминка. Діти читають вірш. На відео — морські краєвиди.


Play on the seashore

And gather up shells,

Kneel in the damp sands

Digging well.

Run on the rocks

Where the seaweed slips,

Watch the waves

And the beautiful ships.


1. Читання текстів. Т: Let's take a walk on the beach and see what we can find. Учні в парах читають текст, потім знаходять до нього малюнок Через 5 хвилин вони презентують свій текст.


1) It's a beautiful shell. Shells were once the homes of soft-bodied sea creatures. They are known as shellfish. They look like snails. There are thousands of shellfish living in the sea.

2) This creature is called a starfish. It has five or more arms and its mouth is in the centre underneath. Some of them are brightly coloured. The smallest starfish can be only 2 cm across.

3) These are mollusk shells. Those empty shells above were once mussels. Live mussels tend to cling to rocks, but the empty shells lie about on the shore. The razor shells are often found on sandy beaches.

4) Here's a crab. Crabs have shells to protect their soft bodies. As they grow bigger they have to shed their shells and grow new ones. This happens several times.

5) Here's a funny round shell. It doesn't look like a skeleton, but that's what it is! It's the skeleton of a sea urchin. A sea urchin is a spiny animal that lives in the water. They are green or black.

2. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

3. Роботи з піску.

Т: Do you know what is sand? No? Listen to me.

A grain of sand is made from rocks that are broken into tiny pieces and worn down by the wind and the tides of the ocean. It takes billions of these miniature rocks to make a beach of sand. If you look at the beach you may find small stones and pebbles.

4. Говоріння .

T: What can we see under the sea?


Most sharks are fierce hunters. They catch fish, squid and even seals with their huge jaws. Sharks have rows of dagger-sharp teeth when a tooth wears out, it is replaced by another.


Have you ever heard, about a fish that is able to fly? Flying fish can glide 100 m through the air on their wing-like fins!


The sailfish is the fastest creature in the sea. It can speed through the water at 109 km/h — 12 times faster than any Olympic swimmer.


A stingfish is flat like a pancake. Its skin is sand-coloured. It hides on the shallow, sandy bottom of the sea.


A Portuguese man-of-war isn't really a jellyfish. It's actually a floating colony of tiny animals. Together they form all the different parts of the man-of-war from its blue 'sail' right down to the 9 m long tentacles.


A long, large fish is called lizardfish. It's mud-coloured and speckled just like the bottom of the deep ocean. It likes to hide there.


A South African leaf fish looks like a leaf floating along with the current.


An octopus can change colours. When it swims through green seaweed, the octopus is green. When it swims through the ocean depth, it's brown.


A hermit crab lives in an empty shell. For more protection, the crab attaches an anemone to its shell. The anemone is an animal that looks like a flower.

5. Аудіювання.

T: Let’s listen about the biggest animals in the world.

Т: The sea is full of strange and unusual creatures. Some are very tiny, others are incredibly huge. Let's watch some of these creatures.


A blue whale is the largest animal that has ever lived. It is bigger than the biggest dinosaurs it is not a fish, it's a mammal. It means that it needs to breathe air to stay alive. There are not very many blue whales left in the world today because for a long time people hunted these whales for meat, oil and whalebone.

A full-grown blue whale can weigh as much as 120,000 kilo­grams. That's more than 50 full-grown elephants!

The blue whale is a great creature that eats tiny sea animals and plants called plankton

whales talk to each other by singing. Their songs can last as long as two hours. They sing alone and they sing together. Whale songs are full of bubbles and squeaks, grunts and groans.

Baby blue whales weigh more than most cars when they are born! Mother whales take good care of their babies Swimming close to them and teaching them all about life in the sea.

3) Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.


Answer the questions.

What are the biggest animals in the world?

How many whales are there in the world? Why?

How huge is a whale?

What does a whale eat?

How do they talk?

--How long can a whale's song last?

A. Find the end of the sentence.

B. Put them in the right order.

1. There aren't very many blue whales left in the world today...

2. Mother whales take good care...

3. A full-grown blue whale can...

4. A blue whale is the largest animal...

5. Whales talk to each other by...

6. It is bigger than...

7. The blue whale is a gentle creature that...

8. Whale songs are full of ...

9. They swim close to them and teach them...

a)... eats tiny sea animals and plants called plankton.

b) ... because for a long time people hunted these whales for meat

and oil and whalebone, c)... that has ever lived, d)... all about life in the sea. e)... weigh 120,000 kilograms, f)... the biggest dinosaurs, g)... bubbles and squeaks, grunts and groans, h)... singing! i)... of their babies.


A: lb, 2i, 3e, 4c, 5h, 6f, 7a,8g,9d.

B: 4,6,1,3,7,5,8,2,9. .

заключна частина уроку

1. Домашнє завдання.

T: Draw a blue whale and write 5-8 sentences about it or write a story about the sea.

2. Підведення підсумків уроку.

T: Did you like the trip?

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«???????? ????????»

Підводне плавання 5 клас (Канікули біля моря)

Підводне плавання

5 клас

(Канікули біля моря)

Фонетична розминка

Фонетична розминка

Shore Play on the seashore And gather up shells, Kneel in the damp sands Digging well. Run on the rocks Where the seaweed slips, Watch the waves And the beautiful ships.


Play on the seashore

And gather up shells,

Kneel in the damp sands

Digging well.

Run on the rocks

Where the seaweed slips,

Watch the waves

And the beautiful ships.

Play on the seashore

Play on the seashore

And gather up shells ,

And gather up shells ,

Kneel in the damp sands

Kneel in the damp sands

Digging well.

Digging well.

Run on the rocks

Run on the rocks

Where the seaweed slips,

Where the seaweed slips,

Watch the waves

Watch the waves

And the beautiful ships .

And the beautiful ships .



1)It is a beautiful shell . Shells were once the homes of soft-bodies sea creatures. They are known as shellfish.  2) The creature is called a starfish . It has 5 or more arms and mouth is in the centre underneath.

1)It is a beautiful shell . Shells were once the homes of soft-bodies sea creatures. They are known as shellfish.

2) The creature is called a starfish . It has 5 or more arms and mouth is in the centre underneath.

3) These are mollusk shells . Those empty shells above were once mussels. 4) Here’s a crab. Crabs have shells to protect their soft bodies. 5) Here’s a funny round shell. It doesn’t like a skeleton, but that is what it is! It’s the skeleton of sea urchin.

3) These are mollusk shells . Those empty shells above were once mussels.

4) Here’s a crab. Crabs have shells to protect their soft bodies.

5) Here’s a funny round shell. It doesn’t like a skeleton, but that is what it is! It’s the skeleton of sea urchin.

№ 1


№ 2


№ 3


№ 4


№ 5


Sand’s Works.

Sand’s Works.

Sand. A grain of sand is made from rocks that are broken into tiny pieces and worn by the wind and the tides of ocean.


A grain of sand is made from rocks that are broken into tiny pieces and worn by the wind and the tides of ocean.

Sand  animation

Sand animation



What can we see under the sea?

What can we see under the sea?



Flying fish

Flying fish









Leaf fish

Leaf fish



Hermit crab

Hermit crab



Blue Whales Some facts:

Blue Whales

Some facts:

  • It is not a fish, it’s a mammal.
  • It’s weigh 120,000 kilograms.
  • It eats plankton.
  • It can sing.


Draw a blue whale and write 5-8 sentences about it or write a story about sea.

Draw a blue whale and write 5-8 sentences about it or

write a story about sea.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Комплект розроботок к уроку "At sea"

Автор: Сушкова Яна Федоровна

Дата: 13.06.2014

Номер свидетельства: 103838

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