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"What's the matter" presentation

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«"What's the matter" presentation»

Theme:  The way of teaching the theme Unit 2. Your health. Lesson 2 ” What’s the matter? ” by using ICT in the 7th grades  Submitted by EFL teacher: Asraqulova Gulzoda Luqmonjonovna    Working place: Namangan city  Boarding school № 3

Theme: The way of teaching the theme Unit 2. Your health. Lesson 2 ” What’s the matter? ” by using ICT in the 7th grades

Submitted by EFL teacher:

Asraqulova Gulzoda Luqmonjonovna

Working place: Namangan city

Boarding school 3



  • I Introduction
  • II Main part:
  • Improvement of Speaking Ability through Interrelated Skills
  • 2.The Roles of Information Communication Technologies in Education
  • 3.Lesson plan on the theme ” What’s the matter?
  • III Conclusions and recommendations
  • IV References
  • Notes
I Introduction

I Introduction

  • Relevence: Today, in the Republic of Uzbekistan great attention is given to the radical reorganization of the educational system that will give an opportunity to raise it to the level of modern standards.
  • In order to realize the aims and tasks put forward by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" (1997) and the “National Programme of Personnel Training” (1997) the complex system of reorganizing the structure and the content of personnel training, proceeding from perspectives of the social, economic development of the society, contemporary achievements of science, culture, technique and technology are being created in the country. [1]
  • The National Programme for Personnel Training is being implemented in the country step by step. Within the framework of this Programme the system of continuous education is being developed, a system which starts with pre-school provision. The material and technical base of the education sector is strengthening, basic textbooks in the languages of peoples, living in the country are being published, the physical learning environment are improved, modern information technology are being used in the process of education. New approaches in the system of education also influenced on the learning and teaching of foreign languages, as language is the major factor of person’s development. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov highlighted the
  • organization of a complex system of learning and teaching foreign languages in the country, focused on the upbringing of comprehensively developed, educated and intellectual young generation of people, who can meet the requirements of the time.
1.Improvement of Speaking Ability through Interrelated Skills

1.Improvement of Speaking Ability through Interrelated Skills

  • How to improve students’ ability of speaking English? That is the key point we are concerned about. This paper discusses the possibility and necessity of improving students’ ability by combining the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.
  • 1. Reasons of Causing Less Effective Teaching
  • How to develop the ability of oral communication of students in colleges and universities? How to help them communicate freely and make them express their ideas clearly? These are questions troubling many teachers. Why is it
  • so hard to get our students to speak English fluently? I believe there may be several reasons:
  • A. In previous years the methodology was teacher-centred with a focus only on reading or writing. Grammar was considered of primary importance and was often taught through a separate grammar book. Vocabulary teaching consisted mainly of memorization either of synonyms or Chinese 'equivalents'. Writing lessons consisted of memorization and writing of model compositions, combined with grammar and vocabulary exercises. Speaking skills were not dealt with seriously in any way (students were not expected to interact).
  • B. Most of the teaching activities are of the traditional modes, such as reading the dialogue, reciting texts, doing translation, and the materials chosen for the students are non-authentic. Usually students feel deadly bored instead of appreciating them and accepting them.
2.The Roles of Information Communication Technologies in Education

2.The Roles of Information Communication Technologies in Education

  • This article discusses the Roles of ICT in education. Information communication
  • technologies (ICT) at present are influencing every aspect of human life. They are
  • playing salient roles in work places, business, education, and entertainment. Moreover, many people recognize ICTs as catalysts for change; change in working conditions, handling and exchanging information, teaching methods, learning approaches, scientific research, and in accessing information. Therefore, this review article discusses the roles of ICTs, the promises, limitations and key challenges of integration to education systems. The review attempts in answering the following questions:
  • (1) What are the benefits of ICTs in education?
  • (2) What are the existing promises of ICT use in education systems of some developing countries?
  • (3) What are the limitations and key challenges of ICTs integration to education systems?
  • The 2nd part of my qualification work concludes that regardless of all the limitations characterizing it, ICT benefits education systems to provide quality education in alignment with constructivism, which is a contemporary paradigm of learning.
3.L esson plan on the theme” What’s the matter? ”

3.L esson plan on the theme” What’s the matter?

  • Usually teachers are given a syllabus, and often a set textbook to follow. This provides a framework and helps us to map out what areas of language we need to introduce, practise and revise. Sometimes teachers are asked to write a scheme of work for the year or term, based on the syllabus or textbook. Textbooks tell us what to cover but often don’t allow us to practise all the four skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. In their lesson plans, many teachers find ways to introduce more “communicative” activities to develop speaking and listening too.
  • We need to include in our plan what we want our students to be able to do by the end of the lesson. For example, “by the end of the lesson students will be able to use three ways to ask permission: Can I..?, Could I? and May I...?” We need to be able to introduce the lesson in an interesting way, without just copying the material from the textbook and without translating.
New theme:  What’s the matter?

New theme: What’s the matter?

  • Headache Cold / Cough High temperature, Sore throat
  • Attachment:
  • "Sometimes I get a headache When this happens my mum makes tea from flowers for me and she massages my head. Usually my headache goes very quickly “
  • “ Last winter my family got flu. My granny looked after us. She gave us hot
  • chicken soup. It made us strong”
  • Homework : Ex 4b p15
  • Write what your mother gives you.
  • e.g. When I’ve got a cold my mother gives me hot lemon tea with honey. It helps a lot
III Conclusions and recommendations

III Conclusions and recommendations

  • To summarize briefly,effective communication is a two-way activity involving both a sender and a receiver of a message. The listener or reader, some believe, has as much responsibility in understanding the message as the speaker or writer has in presenting it. For effective communication to occur, people need not only
  • to speak or write but also to understand how others have perceived their messages if they are to respond in ways that address the concerns and questions of their audience. For instance, a job task might entail reading about a company’s product and explaining it to a prospective customer, thus eliciting both reading and speaking skills to produce accurate communication, as well as listening
  • skills to evaluate the success of the communication. An additional task might require understanding a question from a customer and then reading further in order to provide a satisfactory answer. As another example, as a prelude to speaking at an upcoming meeting, a presenter might need to prepare by reading and writing or taking notes.
What's the Matter?

What's the Matter?

Our habits:

Our habits:

What's the Matter?

What's the Matter?

  • This song is available on Jack Hartmann's Cool Beats That Teach.
  • What’s the matter when its molecules don’t move much? What’s the matter when it stays in a fixed shape? What’s the matter like a mountain that is so high? What’s the matter, what’s the matter - Solid
  • What’s the matter when its molecules move and flow? What’s the matter when it takes the shape of what it’s in? What’s the matter like a river flowing by? What’s the matter, what’s the matter – Liquid
  • What’s the matter when its molecules move fast and far? What’s the matter when it’s hard to tell the shape? What’s the matter like the air that blows the leaves? What’s the matter, what’s the matter? – Gas
  • Chorus: Solid, liquid and gas  Solid, liquid and gas Solid, liquid and gas You can learn it one, two, three Three stages of matter, it’s easy!
  • A solid has a definite volume and shape...
  • .....
  • A liquid has a definite volume, it’s true...
  • .....
  • A gas has no definite volume or shape...
  • .....
  • What’s the matter like a mountain that is so high? What’s the matter like a river flowing by?...
  • .....
  • Repeat Chorus
You should/shouldn’t eat…

You should/shouldn’t eat…

You should/shouldn’t eat…

You should/shouldn’t eat…

IV References:

IV References:

  • I used following books :
  • 1. Karimov IA (1997) “Harmoniously developed generation is the basis of progress of Uzbekistan. Tashkent: Uzbekistan,1997.
  • 2. (2012) The decree of the President of Uzbekistan I.A.Karimov № 1875 “On measures to further improve of foreign language learning system”, December, 10, 2012.
  • 3. (2013) The decree of the President of Uzbekistan № 1971 «About measures on perfection of activity of the Uzbek State University of World Languages», May, 23, 2013.
  • 4,11Bygate, M. (1987). Speaking . Oxford University Press.
  • 5Brown, G. & G. Yule. (1983a). Discourse Analysis. Cambridge University Press.
  • 6Rivers, W.M. (1968). Teaching Foreign-Language Skills. The University of Chicago Press.
  • 7Harmer, J. (1991). The Practice of Language Teaching. Longman.
  • Littlewood, W. (1992). Teaching Oral Communication . Oxford.
  • 8,9,10,12.Byrne, D. (1986). Teaching Oral English . Longman House.
  • 13/17Tinio, V.L. (2002). ICT in Education: UN Development Programme. (Retrieved from
  • http:www.eprmers.org on December 2009)
  • 14Watson, D.M. (2001). Pedagogy before Technology: Re-thinking the Relationship between ICT and Teaching. Education and Information Technologies, 6 , 4, 251-266.
  • 15/17By: Fisseha Mikre (Lecturer, Department of Psychology Last submitted 28 July 2011 Ethiop. J. Educ. & Sc. Vol. 6 No 2
  • 18.Kid’sEnglish2Pupil’sbookS.Xan,Jurayev,O.Maxsudova,K.Inogomova
  • Toshkent “O’zbekiston”2014
  • 19.Kid’sEnglish1Pupil’sworkbookS.Xan,L.Jurayev,O.Maxsudova,
  • K.InogomovaToshkent “O’zbekiston”2013
  • 20.Kid’sEnglish2Pupil’sworkbookS.Xan,Jurayev,O.Maxsudova,
  • K.InogomovaToshkent “O’zbekiston”2014
  • 21.Fly High English 7 Toshkent 2013
  • www.ziyo net .uz.
  • http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk.
  • www.mail.ru
  • http :// www . edunet . uz - m а kt а bl а r , o ’ quvchi v а o ’ qituvchil а r s а yti
  • http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/
The end!!!

The end!!!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"What's the matter" presentation

Автор: Асракулова Гулзода Лукмонжоновна

Дата: 26.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 551463

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