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Учебный материал по теме "Правила" 5 класс

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Учебный материал по теме "Правила" (раздел 6) для 5 класса. УМК Английский язык Ю.А. Комарова, И.В. Ларионова, К Гренджер.

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«Учебный материал по теме "Правила" 5 класс»

Unit 6 Rules

Unit 6


Do you wear a school uniform? What do you wear at school? Do you have to wear a school uniform? Does your friend have to wear a school uniform? Do you have to stand up to greet your teacher? Do you have to put your hand up to ask a question?
  • Do you wear a school uniform?
  • What do you wear at school?
  • Do you have to wear a school uniform?
  • Does your friend have to wear a school uniform?
  • Do you have to stand up to greet your teacher?
  • Do you have to put your hand up to ask a question?
7. Who can catch the ball in football? 8. Can you throw the ball in bowling? 9. Do you have to wear special shoes in tennis? 10. What can you do in the park?

7. Who can catch the ball in football?

8. Can you throw the ball in bowling?

9. Do you have to wear special shoes in tennis?

10. What can you do in the park?

Traffic Rules [ m ] m eter m otorbike pave m ent hel m et [ Ə u ] r o ad m o torbike [p] p arking p avement p edestrian [ a I ] c y cle s i gn l i gh ts

Traffic Rules

[ m ] m eter m otorbike pave m ent hel m et

[ Ə u ] r o ad m o torbike

[p] p arking p avement p edestrian

[ a I ] c y cle s i gn l i gh ts

parking meter c y cle l i ne pavement traffic l i gh ts crash helmet m o torbike traffic w ar den crossroads p e destrian crossing road s i g n

parking meter

c y cle l i ne


traffic l i gh ts

crash helmet

m o torbike

traffic w ar den


p e destrian crossing

road s i g n

Rules  have to … (obligation – обязанность, долг)


  • have to …

(obligation – обязанность, долг)

Rules 2. can ( permission - разрешение)


2. can ( permission - разрешение)

Rules must (obligation –  обязанность)


  • must

(obligation –


must (+) ____ must V (-) ____ mustn’t V (?) Must ____ V … ?


(+) ____ must V

(-) ____ mustn’t V

(?) Must ____ V … ?

mustn’t – запрет don’t have to – нет необходимости

mustn’t – запрет

don’t have to – нет необходимости



  • Заполни пропуски to (где необходимо). Переведи.
  • 1. Do you have … throw the ball?
  • 2. You can … climb the trees in the Dream Park.
  • 3. My friend has … wear a school uniform.
  • 4. We can … swim in the lake.
  • 5. They have … hit the ball with a racket.
  • 6. Can you … have a great time in the park?
  • 7. I have … be at school at 8.15.
can / have to / must
  • can / have to / must

1/ I …… wear a school uniform.

2/ We ….. cycle in the cycle lane.

3/ They …. dance well.

4/ People …. walk on the pavement.

5/ We …. wear special shoes in tennis.

6/ Children …. ride a bike, walk, play games in the park.

7/ You …. stop when the traffic light is red.

Complete the text with must, mustn’t, have to, has to, can, can’t .
  • Complete the text with must, mustn’t, have to, has to, can, can’t .

1. The car … stop if people are crossing the road.

2. We … swim in the swimming pool but we … eat or drink there.

3. He … do his homework.

4. You … cycle on the pavement.

5. I … to wear a school uniform.

Correct the mistakes

Correct the mistakes

  • He have to wear a uniform.
  • We can’t to run in the classroom.
  • They have put their hand up to ask a question.
  • Can you eat by the pool? – No, I can.
  • Does you have to throw the ball?
  • I basketball you must to throw the ball.
  • I don’t to wear slippers at school.
Make sentences negative

Make sentences negative

  • We can run fast.
  • We have to be at school at 8.15.
  • He has to stand up to answer the question.
  • She must do chores on Sunday.
  • You must eat and drink in the street.


  • Ты обязан носить школьную форму.
  • Только вратарь может ловить мяч.
  • Я не могу кататься на велосипеде в школе.
  • Мы не обязаны приходить в школу в воскресенье.
  • Ты должен носить шлем, когда едешь на мотоцикле. (правило!)
  • Ты не должен ехать на велосипеде (cycle) по тротуару. (правило!)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Учебный материал по теме "Правила" 5 класс

Автор: Кузнецова Ирина Геннадьевна, Лазарева Елена Леонидовна

Дата: 12.11.2018

Номер свидетельства: 485206

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