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Традиции в британских семья

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«Традиции в британских семья»

Traditions of British Families

Traditions of British Families

British families like to live in a detached house with a garden. British family likes to live in a detached house with garden.

British families like to live in a detached house with a garden.

British family likes to live in a detached house with garden.

A typical British house has 2 floors. On the ground floor there is a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. There is a bathroom and bedrooms on the first floor. A typical British house has 2 floors. On the ground floor there is a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. There is a bathroom and bedrooms on the first floor.

A typical British house has 2 floors. On the ground floor there is a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. There is a bathroom and bedrooms on the first floor.

A typical British house has 2 floors. On the ground floor there is a living room, a dining room and a kitchen. There is a bathroom and bedrooms on the first floor.

British people say: «My house is my castle». They like to stay at home. British people say: «My house is my castle». «Мой дом - моя крепость».They like to stay at home.

British people say: «My house is my castle». They like to stay at home.

British people say: «My house is my castle». «Мой дом - моя крепость».They like to stay at home.

British people usually have a fire place in the house. They like to drink tea near it. British people usually have a fire place in the house. They like to drink tea near it.

British people usually have a fire place in the house. They like to drink tea near it.

British people usually have a fire place in the house. They like to drink tea near it.

They drink tea several times a day. They drink tea with milk or lemon and sugar. They eat bread, butter and cakes with tea. They drink tea several times a day. They drink tea with milk or lemon and sugar. They eat bread, butter and cakes with tea.

They drink tea several times a day. They drink tea with milk or lemon and sugar. They eat bread, butter and cakes with tea.

They drink tea several times a day. They drink tea with milk or lemon and sugar. They eat bread, butter and cakes with tea.

British people have many old traditions. Their favourite holidays are: Christmas and Easter. British people have many old traditions. Their favourite holidays are: Christmas, Easter.

British people have many old traditions. Their favourite holidays are: Christmas and Easter.

British people have many old traditions. Their favourite holidays are: Christmas, Easter.

Typical British family is a close family. They get on well with each other. Typical British family is a close family. They get on well with each o there.

Typical British family is a close family. They get on well with each other.

Typical British family is a close family. They get on well with each o there.

The British are practical, realistic, polite. They always come in time. They have typical English humour. The British are practical, realistic, polite. They always come in time. They have typical English humour.

The British are practical, realistic, polite. They always come in time. They have typical English humour.

The British are practical, realistic, polite. They always come in time. They have typical English humour.

British children give their parents New Year promises. They promise to be loving, caring, getting on well and kind.

British children give their parents New Year promises. They promise to be loving, caring, getting on well and kind.

Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Традиции в британских семья

Автор: Юлина Ксения Николаевна

Дата: 30.10.2016

Номер свидетельства: 353613

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