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Тема "Путешествие"

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презентация на тему "Путешествие".Повтор грамматического материала,закрепление лексики по теме(а именно транспорт и способы путешествия).Также учтено повторение степеней сравнения прилагательных и закрепление модального глагола .Согласно ФГОС было применено и словообразование.Вся презентация нацелена формулирование проблемы творческого и поискового характера и самостоятельное решение проблемы.Данная работа предполагает 

1.   - умение работать с информацией (текстом/аудиотекстом);

2.   – вести диалог, учитывая позицию собеседника;
-осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.
– осознанно строить речевое высказывание в соответствии с коммуникативными задачами;

3.   -построение логических рассуждений, включающее установление причинно-следственных связей;

-освоение поискового и изучающего чтения

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«Тема "Путешествие" »



Let ’s travel together

Let ’s travel together

What should we take for our tourist trip? We should take ___________  We shouldn’t take_________

What should we take for our tourist trip?

We should take ___________

We shouldn’t take_________

How can people travel? by bus by train on foot by car by bicycle by boat by ship by plane

How can people travel?

by bus

by train

on foot

by car

by bicycle

by boat

by ship

by plane

Describe ways of travelling t he most dangerous the safest the fastest the slowest the most expensive the cheapest the most comfortable the most uncomfortable the most exciting the most boring the best the worst by bus by car by train by plane by ship by boat by bicycle by motorcycle on foot on horseback is Travelling

Describe ways of travelling

t he most dangerous

the safest

the fastest

the slowest

the most expensive

the cheapest

the most comfortable

the most uncomfortable

the most exciting

the most boring

the best

the worst

by bus

by car

by train

by plane

by ship

by boat

by bicycle

by motorcycle

on foot

on horseback



New words

New words

  • Customs |ˈkʌstəmz|  is a place where  people check in when they arrive in a country ;
  • A booking office [ ˈbukɪŋ ˈɔfɪs ] - is a place where people can buy tickets ;
  • A fare  [  fɛə  ] is the price a passenger has to pay travelling by bus, train .
Form the nouns from the verbs Nouns traveller /travelling performance arrival reporter Verbs travel perform arrive report

Form the nouns from the verbs


traveller /travelling









Choose the correct answer  : 1. I would like a ticket to: a) Moscow b) London c) Boston  3. I think flight ____ is the best for you. a) 106 b) 210 c) 305  2. When are you going to fly? a) today b) tomorrow c) today or tomorrow 4. Business class is too______ a) cheap b) expensive c) free

Choose the correct answer :

1. I would like a ticket to:

a) Moscow

b) London

c) Boston

3. I think flight ____ is the best for you.

a) 106

b) 210

c) 305

2. When are you going to fly?

a) today

b) tomorrow

c) today or tomorrow

4. Business class is too______

a) cheap

b) expensive

c) free

Correct answers  :

Correct answers :

  • 1. I would like a ticket to Moscow .
  • 2. When are you going to fly ? Today or tomorrow .
  • 3. I think flight 305 is the best for you.
  • 4. Business class is too expensive .
Let ’ s check! Infinitive Past participle be been check checked go gone buy bought book booked

Let s check!


Past participle











Let ’s repeat our grammar

Let ’s repeat our grammar

  • I (check) my luggage in in London.
  • I have checked my luggage in in London.
  • Mary (not, go) through the Customs.
  • Mary has not gone through the Customs.
  • The travellers already (buy) the tickets for concert.
  • The travellers have already bought the tickets for concert.
  • Kate and Mike (not,book) a single room.
  • Kate and Mike have not booked a single room.
Homework Ex. 3 p. 46 Complete the dialogue and act it.


Ex. 3 p. 46

Complete the dialogue and act it.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Тема "Путешествие"

Автор: Савинкова Светлана Петровна

Дата: 15.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 119325

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