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Theme: “Where is my bag?”

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Behind                   [b?`ha?nd]               артында

Between                 [b?`twi:n]               ортасында

 In front of             [?n fr?nt ?v]           алдында

 In                           [?n]                         ішіндe

 On                          [?n]                        ?стінде

 Next to                   [neks tu:]               ?асында


This is Colin`s dog. It`s name is Rex.

Rex is  behind  Colin.

Rex is  between  Carol and Colin.

Rex is  in front of  Omar.

Omar is  next to Ben.

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«Theme: “Where is my bag?” »

Сабақтың тақырыбы: The 11t h of Desember  E nglish lesson The 5- form

  • Сабақтың тақырыбы:

The 11t h of Desember

E nglish lesson

The 5- form

Theme: “ Where is my bag?”


Where is

my bag?”

Presentation of the new material: Behind [bɪ`haɪnd] артында Between [bɪ`twi:n] ортасында  In front of [ɪn frᴧnt ᴐv] алдында  In [ɪn] ішіндe  On [ᴐn] үстінде  Next to [neks tu:] қасында

Presentation of the new material:

Behind [bɪ`haɪnd] артында

Between [bɪ`twi:n] ортасында

In front of [ɪn frᴧnt ᴐv] алдында

In [ɪn] ішіндe

On [ᴐn] үстінде

Next to [neks tu:] қасында

2 1 6 3 4 5 7








Where is the cat? under

Where is the cat?


Where is the cat?  in

Where is the cat?


Where is the cat? between

Where is the cat?


Where is the cat? behind

Where is the cat?


Where is the cat?  next to

Where is the cat?

next to

Where is the cat? on

Where is the cat?


Where is the cat?  In front of

Where is the cat?

In front of

Work with a book This is Colin`s dog. It`s name is Rex.

Work with a book

This is Colin`s dog. It`s name is Rex.

  • Rex is behind Colin.
  • Rex is between Carol and Colin.
  • Rex is in front of Omar.
  • Omar is next to Ben.
Doing exercises

Doing exercises

  • The clock is ….. the wall.
  • The book is ….. the table.
  • The ball is …… the table.
  • The chair is …… the table
  • The carpet is ….. the floor.
  • The flowers are ….. the vase.
  • The lamp is ….. the table
Productio n  w e h b e t n e - between  d h I b n e - behind  f t r o f n o n - in front of  o x t e n t - next to  r u n d e - under  n o - on

Productio n

w e h b e t n e - between

d h I b n e - behind

f t r o f n o n - in front of

o x t e n t - next to

r u n d e - under

n o - on

Good bye!

Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Theme: “Where is my bag?”

Автор: Эралиева Шахло

Дата: 11.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 142518

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