Просмотр содержимого документа
«Свидетельство о публикаций урока»
School lyceum” Shardara”
Considered by the
Headmaster of school
Zh.Saparov ________________-
Plan for open lesson
Theme : Types of films
Teacher :Sansyzbayeva Nursulu Adilbekovna
2018-2019 academic year.
Learning Objectives
After this lesson , students will be able to:
Define theme
Determine theme in text
Identify text evidence that support theme.
Defend thinking for theme choice.
Length: 45
45 to minute
Material: Various songs a Lyrics From popular artists lave Taylor Swift chart paper
Picture of movies , artists
Key Vocabulary:
Supporting evidence (text evidence)
Related Lessons:
Interpreting Tone in Fiction
Drawing inferences in fiction
Themes in Literature
Examples a Explainers
Organization moments: Организационный момент
Good morning, boys and girls. Now take your places. We should start our lesson. Are you ready? (Ответы детей) Yes, you are. I see.
Look at the screen (показывает несколько отрывков из фильмов).
What was this video about?
Can you guess the theme of our lesson? What shall we speak about?
And what is about the purpose of our lesson?
Look at the checklists on your desks (приложение 1). You will assess yourselves and fix your points for the tasks here.
II. Фонетическая зарядка
What types of films can you name in English?
Listen to the words and repeat them after the speaker, please.
1. A horror film
2. An adventure film
3. A thriller
4. A crime film
5. An action film
6. A western
7. A war film
8. A psychological drama
9. A comedy
10. A musical
11. A science fiction, sci-fi
12. A family film
13. A documentary film
14. A cartoon
Have you got some problems? Do you understand these words? (учитель вывешивает листочки со словами, называемыми детьми, на доску).
Look at the board. Match your words with their descriptions.
a) A film about war.
b) A film that makes you thrilled, often about a crime.
c) A film about space travels or life in an imaginary future.
d) A funny film with a happy ending.
e) A film with exciting stories, with new experiences or exotic locales.
f) A film that attempts to document reality.
g) A film about cowboys and life in the Wild West.
h) A film in which terrible and frightening things happen.
i) A film about criminals and detectives.
j) A film where characters are not people.
k) A film that parents and children enjoy watching together.
l) A film with a lot of fights.
m) A film with lots of music and dance.
n) A film which examines the psychological state of its characters.
Key (for the teacher):
1. h 2. e 3. b 4. i 5. l 6. g 7. a
8. n 9. d 10. m 11. c 12. k 13. f 14. j
Do you know all the new words now? Sign to me.
III. Закрепление лексического материала
Let’s define the types of our films. Take sheets of papers. Look at the screen. You have to match the pictures and the words. You have two minutes to do this.
Slide # 3
A film about space travel or life in a imaginary future
A film about criminals and detectives
A film with lot’s of music and dance.
A film about cowboys and life the wild west
A film with a happy ending.
Film in which mysterious and frightening things happen .
a war film
a western
a comedy
a sci-fi
a musical
a cartoon
an adventure film
Your time is up. Swap over your sheets of papers. Compare with the right answers on the screen. Sum up your points. You can get 10 points.
1. c
2. f
3. d
4. g
5. a
IV. Работа в группах
Let’s divide into 3 groups according to the colour cards.
The pink group may find their hint in the pink box, the blue group – in the blue vase and the yellow group – in the yellow dictionary. All these things are in our classroom.
You have 7 minutes to do this. (Ребята находят на предметах цвета команды листочек, где прописано содержание их работы – составить рассказ об определенном фильме, не называя его и по предложенному плану). (приложение 3)
V. Представление групповой работы
(учитель вызывает группы рассказать про свой фильм)
Present your films, please.
Take your self-assessment checklists. Assess your work in groups. Sum up your points. You can get 15 points. (приложение 2)
VI. Драматизация
Can you remind me the type of film where characters are not people?
What is your favourite cartoon? Why?
We have actors who are ready to entertain you.
(двое учеников озвучивают отрывок из мультфильма «Шрек. Навсегда»).
Puss: You should not be here, senior. Shrek: Puss? You've got to be kidding me. Puss: Feed me, if you dare. Shrek: Puss, what happened to you? You got so faa… faaancy. Puss: Do I know you? Shrek: Well, where's your hat? Where's your belt? Your wee little boots? Puss: Boots? For a cat? Hahaha. Shrek: But you're Puss IN Boots. Puss: Maybe once, but that is a name I have outgrown. Shrek: That's not the only thing you've outgrown. Puss: Hey!
Did you enjoy their play?
Would you like to be actors? Why?
VII. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов
Let assess yourselves now. Take your checklists and fill in them over all criteria.
(учитель опрашивает несколько учеников, какие отметки они получили и могли бы они быть улучшены, каким образом?) What mark have you got for the lesson? Could you improve it? How?
Your home task is to write an essay “My favourite film”. Remember about criteria.
You are making progress. You made a very good job of that. You were brilliant, cool, the best. Thank you. The lesson is o
Приложение 1
Date_____________ Name _________________________________
Checking Criteria
Your score
Task «Film - Type»
Work in groups
Your activity at the lesson
You can get 10 points
You can get 15 points
1 point – active, 0 points – passive
23-26 points
19-22 points
15-18 points
14 points or less
Well done! Excellent!
Good! Not bad!
You can do better!
Revise and try again!
Приложение 2
Лист самооценки работы в группе (Self-assessment checklist)
Date ___________ Name ___________________ Score _________
1. В процессе учебной работы я был активен
2. На протяжении групповой работы я был внимателен
3. Я стремился к успешному выполнению задания
4. Идеи и предложения других членов группы я внимательно слушал