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Summer - My Favourite Season

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Sometimes the weather becomes too hot in summer and the air gets stuffy. Then a thunderstorm usually brings relief. The sky is suddenly covered with dark clouds and distant rolls of thunder are heard. Later bright flashes of lightning are followed by claps of thunder and it begins to rain. After the thunderstorm the air is remarkably fresh, and very often we can see a beautiful bridge across the sky which is called a rainbow.

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«Мой любимый сезон»

My Favourite Season – Summer

My Favourite Season – Summer

The bright sunshine warms the Earth. When the heat is oppressive, it is a treat to get out of town and have a walk in the woods. The fields are green. In summer nature surrounds us with all kinds of flowers: merry dandelions, beautiful roses, shy daisies.

The bright sunshine warms the Earth. When the heat is oppressive, it is a treat to get out of town and have a walk in the woods.

The fields are green. In summer nature surrounds us with all kinds of flowers: merry dandelions, beautiful roses, shy daisies.

Sometimes the weather becomes too hot in summer and the air gets stuffy. Then a thunderstorm usually brings relief. The sky is suddenly covered with dark clouds and distant rolls of thunder are heard. Later bright flashes of lightning are followed by claps of thunder and it begins to rain. After the thunderstorm the air is remarkably fresh, and very often we can see a beautiful bridge across the sky which is called a rainbow.

Sometimes the weather becomes too hot in summer and the air gets stuffy. Then a thunderstorm usually brings relief. The sky is suddenly covered with dark clouds and distant rolls of thunder are heard. Later bright flashes of lightning are followed by claps of thunder and it begins to rain. After the thunderstorm the air is remarkably fresh, and very often we can see a beautiful bridge across the sky which is called a rainbow.

Children love summer very much because in summer they have long holidays. They don ’ t have to go to school and that ’ s why they have much free time. They can play with their friends in the yard, read or watch TV. So, summer is the best time of the year.

Children love summer very much because in summer they have long holidays. They don ’ t have to go to school and that ’ s why they have much free time. They can play with their friends in the yard, read or watch TV. So, summer is the best time of the year.

Summer - My Favourite Season

Summer -

My Favourite Season

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Summer - My Favourite Season

Автор: Иванова Людмила Анатольевна

Дата: 28.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 311455

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