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Стратегии речевого поведения в англоязычной среде

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«Стратегии речевого поведения в англоязычной среде»

Стратегии речевого поведения в англоязычной среде Соболева Елена Анатольевна

Стратегии речевого поведения в англоязычной среде

Соболева Елена Анатольевна

Стратегии дистанцирования

Стратегии дистанцирования

  • вопросительные конструкции,
  • модальные глаголы,
  • смещение временного плана,
  • условное наклонение.
Тактика дистанцирования Function Direct order Indirect Fill in this form, please. request Will  you fill in this form, please. Have you got a double room? offering desire That’s 120 dollars. I  wondered if you had  a double room? That  will be 120 dollars. We want a table for two. inquiry We’d prefer  a table for two. What do you want for dessert? opinion What  would you like  for dessert? Won’t it be better to go to the bar? Might it  be better to go to the bar?

Тактика дистанцирования





Fill in this form, please.


Will  you fill in this form, please.

Have you got a double room?



That’s 120 dollars.

wondered if you had  a double room?

That  will be 120 dollars.

We want a table for two.


We’d prefer  a table for two.

What do you want for dessert?


What  would you like  for dessert?

Won’t it be better to go to the bar?

Might it  be better to go to the bar?

Намек  understatement


  • understatement

Техника минимизации Function statement attitude understatement He was upset by her choice. criticising He was  somehow  upset by his choice. I also think she is impractical. expressing opinion I  kind of  think she is a bit impractical. The surroundings are industrial. statement The surroundings are  more or less industrial. Last time he told me nothing about his plans. Last time he didn’t tell me  anything about his plans.

Техника минимизации





He was upset by her choice.


He was  somehow  upset by his choice.

I also think she is impractical.

expressing opinion

kind of  think she is a bit impractical.

The surroundings are industrial.


The surroundings are  more or less industrial.

Last time he told me nothing about his plans.

Last time he didn’t tell me  anything about his plans.



  • softening devices:
  • вводные фразы,
  • формулы вежливых вопросов и ответов,
  • безличные предложения,
  • утверждения в форме вопросов
Тактика смягчения утверждения Function Direct opinion Indirect It is his fault. advice In my opinion  it is his fault. My advice is to turn to a professional teacher. hesitation Well , personally, I sort of think  you ought to turn to a professional teacher. Oh, I can’t know for sure. One  can’t know for sure.

Тактика смягчения утверждения





It is his fault.


In my opinion  it is his fault.

My advice is to turn to a professional teacher.


Well , personally, I sort of think  you ought to turn to a professional teacher.

Oh, I can’t know for sure.

One  can’t know for sure.

Техника смягчения прямых побудительных высказываний Function Direct order Indirect  Go on reading. advice You should speak to him directly.  Would you like to go on reading? expressing opinion Why don’t you speak to him directly? It’d be less expensive to go there by car. suggestion We’d better leave at once. Would it be less expensive to go there by car? Won’t it be better (for us) to leave at once?

Техника смягчения прямых побудительных высказываний





Go on reading.


You should speak to him directly.

Would you like to go on reading?

expressing opinion

Why don’t you speak to him directly?

It’d be less expensive to go there by car.


We’d better leave at once.

Would it be less expensive to go there by car?

Won’t it be better (for us) to leave at once?

Стратегии поддержки собеседника

Стратегии поддержки собеседника

  • overstatement
Тактика усиления эмоционального воздействия Function Statement gratitude Overstatement Thank you. sympathy Thank you  so much ! I’m so much obliged to you! I am sorry. apology I’m  so  sorry!/I can’t tell you how sorry I am ! Sorry (but…) refusal I’m  extremely/awfully/so  sorry (but…) Sorry (but) I’m  very much  afraid, I can’t join you.

Тактика усиления эмоционального воздействия





Thank you.


Thank you  so much ! I’m so much obliged to you!

I am sorry.


I’m  so  sorry!/I can’t tell you how sorry I am !

Sorry (but…)


I’m  extremely/awfully/so  sorry (but…)

Sorry (but)

I’m  very much  afraid, I can’t join you.

Стратегия поддержания контакта

Стратегия поддержания контакта

  • разграничение сферы общения
  • закрепление тематики за определенными коммуникативными ситуациями
  • small talk , big talk
Техника поддержания разговора Function Polite reaction attention “ It was great.” –  Oh, yes ?” – “I really enjoyed the show.” concern Oh, it was his funeral yesterday,  was it ? sympathy/surprise Oh dear/my God! Oh no!/Gosh!/Oh come on! No! surprise You can’t be serious!/It can’t be!/You must be joking !

Техника поддержания разговора


Polite reaction


“ It was great.” –  Oh, yes ?” – “I really enjoyed the show.”


Oh, it was his funeral yesterday,  was it ?


Oh dear/my God! Oh no!/Gosh!/Oh come on! No!


You can’t be serious!/It can’t be!/You must be joking !

Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Стратегии речевого поведения в англоязычной среде

Автор: Соболева Елена Анатольевна

Дата: 08.01.2019

Номер свидетельства: 494235

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