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"Средства массовой информации"

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«"Средства массовой информации"»

Mass media

Mass media

- Mass media is an important source of iformation which plays a great role in the life of modern society.  -Mass media entertain, inform and educate people and influence their opinion.​  ​

- Mass media is an important source of iformation which plays a great role in the life of modern society. 

-Mass media entertain, inform and educate people and influence their opinion.​ ​

Broadcast media : radio and television. - Nowadays the role of the radio is reduced to providing background music. But still there are news blocks, weather forecasts and talk-shows on the radio. ​

Broadcast media : radio and television.

- Nowadays the role of the radio is reduced to providing background music.

But still there are news blocks, weather forecasts and talk-shows on the radio. ​

Broadcast media : radio and television.   - Television is one of the most important sources of information. - You can always choose something interesting for you to  watch on TV.

Broadcast media : radio and television.

  - Television is one of the most important sources of information.

- You can always choose something interesting for you to watch on TV.

Printed media - Printed media became less popular.However they include information both for general audience and for people with special interests.

Printed media

- Printed media became less popular.However they include information both for general audience and for people with special interests.

The Internet - TV companies, newspapers and magazines have their presence on the web. - The Internet includes all sources of information in on. That is why this type of mass media becomes more and more popular. ​

The Internet

- TV companies, newspapers and magazines have their presence on the web.

- The Internet includes all sources of information in on. That is why this type of mass media becomes more and more popular. ​

- Modern society is often called information society.  People need information for personal and professional  purposes and they try to find the most comfortable  ways to get it.

- Modern society is often called information society. People need information for personal and professional purposes and they try to find the most comfortable ways to get it.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Средства массовой информации"

Автор: Непотачева Светлана Петровна

Дата: 01.03.2021

Номер свидетельства: 574583

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