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Сен кім бол?ы? келеді?

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I. Organization moment

II. Checking up the homework

III. New material

IY. Class-work

Y. Conclusion

VI. Giving up the home work

YI. Giving the marks


•1.My father is a____________

•2.My mother is a___________

•3.My sister is a ____________

•4.My brother is a___________

•5.My uncle is a____________

•6.My aunt is a_____________

. The end of the lesson

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«Сен кім бол?ы? келеді? »

The theme of the lesson :

The theme of the lesson :

a) To enrich the pupils’  knowledge  giving theme more  information about profession.    c) To bring up pupils to be patriots of their  motherland, to love their country.   b) To develop the pupils speech speaking , reading  and writing.

a) To enrich the pupils’

knowledge giving

theme more


about profession.

c) To bring up pupils

to be patriots of their

motherland, to love

their country.

b) To develop the

pupils speech

speaking , reading

and writing.

Structure of the lesson I. Organization moment II. Checking up the homework III. New material IY. Class-work Y. Conclusion VI. Giving up the home work YI. Giving the marks VII. The end of the lesson I. Organization moment II. Checking up the homework III. New material IY. Class-work Y. Conclusion VI. Giving up the home work YI. Giving the marks VII. The end of the lesson I. Organization moment II. Checking up the homework III. New material IY. Class-work Y. Conclusion VI. Giving up the home work YI. Giving the marks VII. The end of the lesson I. Organization moment II. Checking up the homework III. New material IY. Class-work Y. Conclusion VI. Giving up the home work YI. Giving the marks VII. The end of the lesson I. Organization moment II. Checking up the homework III. New material IY. Class-work Y. Conclusion VI. Giving up the home work YI. Giving the marks VII. The end of the lesson

Structure of the lesson

I. Organization moment

II. Checking up the homework

III. New material

IY. Class-work

Y. Conclusion

VI. Giving up the home work

YI. Giving the marks

VII. The end of the lesson

  • I. Organization moment II. Checking up the homework III. New material IY. Class-work Y. Conclusion VI. Giving up the home work YI. Giving the marks VII. The end of the lesson
  • I. Organization moment II. Checking up the homework III. New material IY. Class-work Y. Conclusion VI. Giving up the home work YI. Giving the marks VII. The end of the lesson
  • I. Organization moment II. Checking up the homework III. New material IY. Class-work Y. Conclusion VI. Giving up the home work YI. Giving the marks VII. The end of the lesson
  • I. Organization moment II. Checking up the homework III. New material IY. Class-work Y. Conclusion VI. Giving up the home work YI. Giving the marks VII. The end of the lesson

II. Checking up the homework

II. Checking up the homework

  • II. Checking up the homework
  • II. Checking up the homework
  • II. Checking up the homework
  • II. Checking up the homework
Exercise: 12 .Write about your relatives.

Exercise: 12 .Write about your relatives.

  • 1.My father is a ____________
  • 2 .My mother is a ___________
  • 3 .My sister is a ____________
  • 4 .My brother is a ___________
  • 5 .My uncle is a ____________
  • 6 .My aunt is a _____________
Phonetic drill.  I can read , I can write.  I can speak English too.  I have learning English  And what about you?

Phonetic drill.

I can read , I can write.

I can speak English too.

I have learning English

And what about you?

Introducing of the new material:

Introducing of the new material:

Lexical materials: A docter [d  כ k  t  ə] – дәрігер an astronaut [ æ  s  t  r  ə  n  כ  :t ] – космонавт a teacher [ t  i  :  t  ∫  ə ] – мұғалім taxi driver [ t  æ  k  s  i  d  r  a  iv  ə ] – такси жүргізушісі a secretary [ s  e  k  r  i  t  ə  r  i ] – секретарь.

Lexical materials:

  • A docter [d כ k t ə] – дәрігер
  • an astronaut [ æ s t r ə n כ :t ] – космонавт
  • a teacher [ t i : t ə ] – мұғалім
  • taxi driver [ t æ k s i d r a iv ə ] – такси жүргізушісі
  • a secretary [ s e k r i t ə r i ] – секретарь.

My sister … a nurse. You … a baker. They … engineers. I … a fireman. My parents … doctors. Tom and John … pilots. He … a good farmer. We … students. His father … a policeman. I … a clown.
  • My sister … a nurse.
  • You … a baker.
  • They … engineers.
  • I … a fireman.
  • My parents … doctors.
  • Tom and John … pilots.
  • He … a good farmer.
  • We … students.
  • His father … a policeman.
  • I … a clown.




Unscramble the words Heecatr __________  с orotd ___________ с tabaro __________ noclw ____________ rakbe ____________ refmar ___________ marnfie ___________ nesur ____________

Unscramble the words

Heecatr __________

с orotd ___________

с tabaro __________

noclw ____________

rakbe ____________

refmar ___________

marnfie ___________

nesur ____________

- Do you want to be _______ ? - Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.  VI. Giving up the home work  VI. Giving up the home work  VI. Giving up the home work  VI. Giving up the home work  VI. Giving up the home work Exercise: 8,on page 79. Exercise: 8,on page 79. Exercise: 8,on page 79. Exercise: 8,on page 79. Exercise: 8,on page 79.  YI. Giving the marks  YI. Giving the marks  YI. Giving the marks  YI. Giving the marks  YI. Giving the marks  The lesson is over.  Good bye.  Y. Conclusion

- Do you want to be _______ ?

- Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.

VI. Giving up the home work

  • VI. Giving up the home work
  • VI. Giving up the home work
  • VI. Giving up the home work
  • VI. Giving up the home work

Exercise: 8,on page 79.

  • Exercise: 8,on page 79.
  • Exercise: 8,on page 79.
  • Exercise: 8,on page 79.
  • Exercise: 8,on page 79.

YI. Giving the marks

  • YI. Giving the marks
  • YI. Giving the marks
  • YI. Giving the marks
  • YI. Giving the marks

The lesson is over.

Good bye.

Y. Conclusion

  • Y. Conclusion
  • Y. Conclusion
  • Y. Conclusion
  • Y. Conclusion

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Сен кім бол?ы? келеді?

Автор: Дуйсенова Салтанат Бегдильдиновна

Дата: 09.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 218550

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