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The aims of the lesson:


a) educational: to teach pupils “camping” vocabulary

And how to use it in speech;

в) developing:1)to develop the pupils’ speaking, listening. Writing habits;

2) to develop pupils’ skills and habits in monologue speech. Trough asking guest ion;

с) bringing up: to teach pupils’ to love nature and to

Protect the environment.


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«саяхаттау »

On the ___________________  ( transport ) There was a ________________  (person) Travelling on ________________  (transport) There was a ________________  (person) Travelling on the same _________________  (transport) She was ________________  (doing something ) He was ___________________  (doing something) He looked at her. She seemed __________ and_______  (sad, happy, lonely, pretty, beautiful, nice, tired, worried) Before getting of the ___________________  (transport) He slipped a ___________ ________________ into the pocket of  (color) (something) her coat.

On the ___________________

( transport )

There was a ________________


Travelling on ________________


There was a ________________


Travelling on the same _________________


She was ________________

(doing something )

He was ___________________

(doing something)

He looked at her.

She seemed __________ and_______

(sad, happy, lonely, pretty, beautiful, nice, tired, worried)

Before getting of the ___________________


He slipped a ___________ ________________ into the pocket of

(color) (something)

her coat.

Reading the text Travelling There are many ways of traveling. The whole world is open for traveling. You can go to the place by sea, by air, by train and by bus. If you want to get somewhere as quickly as possible the best way is to travel by plane. We know that traveling by plane is very expensive but most of our people are not rich. They spend their holidays in the places which are not too expensive and where they can rest and improve their health. There are such places in many parts of our country. Many people prefer traveling by car. This way you can visit the nearby towns and cities. The greatest advantage of this way of traveling is that you can stop wherever you like and stay there as long as you want. You start from your own front door and take any road you like. Before starting your travel you have to study the map of roads, hotels and other things. Traveling is of a great use for the development of a person. When traveling we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see at home.

Reading the text


There are many ways of traveling. The whole world is open for traveling.

You can go to the place by sea, by air, by train and by bus. If you want to get somewhere as quickly as possible the best way is to travel by plane. We know that traveling by plane is very expensive but most of our people are not rich. They spend their holidays in the places which are not too expensive and where they can rest and improve their health. There are such places in many parts of our country.

Many people prefer traveling by car. This way you can visit the nearby towns and cities. The greatest advantage of this way of traveling is that you can stop wherever you like and stay there as long as you want. You start from your own front door and take any road you like. Before starting your travel you have to study the map of roads, hotels and other things.

Traveling is of a great use for the development of a person. When traveling we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see at home.

1. The whole world is open for _______________.  2. We know that traveling by plane is very _______________.  3. ________ ____________ are not very expensive.  4. If you choose a coach tour you will have a ___________ to do a lot of __________.  5. Many people ____________ travelling by car.  6. One of the cheapest and most popular ways of travelling is ___________.  7. Hiking is a great ___________ for a lover of nature.  8. Traveling is of a great use for the _____________ of a person.  9. When traveling we see and learn _________________ that we can never see at home.

1. The whole world is open for _______________. 2. We know that traveling by plane is very _______________. 3. ________ ____________ are not very expensive. 4. If you choose a coach tour you will have a ___________ to do a lot of __________. 5. Many people ____________ travelling by car. 6. One of the cheapest and most popular ways of travelling is ___________. 7. Hiking is a great ___________ for a lover of nature. 8. Traveling is of a great use for the _____________ of a person. 9. When traveling we see and learn _________________ that we can never see at home.

Iron [‘a i ә n] Tent [tent] Rucksack [‘rucksk] Pyjamas [p ә ’ d Ʒ a:m ә z] Tin  - opener[‘tin oupn ә ] Hair dryer[‘h ε ә drai ә ] Warm clothes Alarm clock[ ә ’ la: mklk] Torch[t:t∫]

Iron [‘a i ә n]

Tent [tent]

Rucksack [‘rucksk]

Pyjamas [p ә ’ d Ʒ a:m ә z]

Tin - opener[‘tin oupn ә ]

Hair dryer[‘h ε ә drai ә ]

Warm clothes

Alarm clock[ ә ’ la: mklk]


Е xercise: 9.p:85  read and translate

Е xercise: 9.p:85

read and translate



N o r u s I k t e c a v p

N o r u s I k t e c a v p

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС


Автор: ??рмашова Камшат Ме?ді?али?ызы

Дата: 16.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 174360

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