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Презентация "Политическая система США"

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«Презентация "Политическая система США"»

The political system of the USA.

The political system of the USA.

The United States of America is a presidential republic. The head of state is the President. Now he is Barak Abama.

The United States of America is a presidential republic. The head of state is the President. Now he is Barak Abama.

This country is made up of 50 states and the independent District of Columbia.  Each state has its own state government and state law.

This country is made up of 50 states and the independent District of Columbia. Each state has its own state government and state law.

There are three main branches of power in the USA: the legislative, the executive and the judicial.

There are three main branches of power in the USA: the legislative, the executive and the judicial.

The legislative branch of power in the USA is the Congress. The main function of it is making  law.  It consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The people over 18 elect the Congress.   The House of Representatives Every state is represented There are 435 members in the House of Representatives. They are elected for 2 years. Members of the House of Representatives should be not younger than 25 years old and should be citizens of the USA not less than 7 years.  The Senate There are 100 members in the Senate. They should be not younger than 30 years old and should be citizens of the USA not less than 9 years. Members of the Senate are elected for 6 years.

The legislative branch of power in the USA is the Congress. The main function of it is making law. It consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The people over 18 elect the Congress.

The House of Representatives

Every state is represented

There are 435 members in the House of Representatives. They are elected for 2 years. Members of the House of Representatives should be not younger than 25 years old and should be citizens of the USA not less than 7 years.

The Senate

There are 100 members in the Senate. They should be not younger than 30 years old and should be citizens of the USA not less than 9 years. Members of the Senate are elected for 6 years.

The executive branch of the Government power is the Administration. The Cabinet of the President The Vice-President The President This branch is responsible for initiating and administrating laws. The President is the Head of the Cabinet and he can veto a law that the Congress has passed. The President is elected every  4 years and cannot serve more than two terms.  The Vice-president of the USA is the head of the Senate.  Secretaries in the Cabinet are responsible for most important departments. The President appoints secretaries.

The executive branch of the Government power is the Administration.

The Cabinet of the President

The Vice-President

The President

This branch is responsible for initiating

and administrating laws. The President

is the Head of the Cabinet and he can

veto a law that the Congress has passed.

The President is elected every 4 years and cannot serve more than two terms. The Vice-president of the USA is the head of the Senate.

Secretaries in the Cabinet are responsible for most important departments. The President appoints secretaries.

The head of the executive branch of power is the President. The President should be not younger than 35 years old. He also should be a citizen of the USA not less than 14 years. The President is elected for 4 years by the people over 18.

The head of the executive branch of power is the President. The President should be not younger than 35 years old.

He also should be a citizen of the USA not less than 14 years.

The President is elected for 4 years by the people over 18.

The judicial branch of the Government  The main function of it is  applying law. The highest court of the country is the Supreme Court . When the Congress passes a law and when this law is against the Constitution, the Supreme Court may veto this law. The President appoints federal judges. The judicial branch of power is much more powerful than in some other countries. It is involved in the system of checks and balances.

The judicial branch of the Government

The main function of it is

applying law. The highest court of the country is the Supreme Court . When the Congress passes a law and when this law is against the Constitution, the Supreme Court may veto this law. The President appoints federal judges. The judicial branch of power is much more powerful than in some other countries. It is involved in the system of checks and balances.

The system of checks and balances The President The Court  can declare Presidential acts unconstitutional Congress can pass laws over the President’s veto by a two-thirds majority  The President appoints federal judges The President can veto laws passed by the Congress The Senate must approve  the President’s judicial appointments The Supreme Court The Congress  The Court can declare laws unconstitutianal

The system of checks and balances

The President

The Court

can declare




Congress can pass

laws over the

President’s veto

by a two-thirds majority

The President

appoints federal


The President

can veto laws

passed by the


The Senate must approve

the President’s

judicial appointments

The Supreme Court

The Congress

The Court can declare laws unconstitutianal

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Презентация "Политическая система США"

Автор: Катырова Юлия Алексеевна

Дата: 14.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 266281

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