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Презентация по английскому языку Welcome to London

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«Презентация по английскому языку Welcome to London»

Welcome to London    Выполнил учитель английского языка  МОУ сош с. Калуга  Оломская Елена Петровна

Welcome to London

Выполнил учитель английского языка

МОУ сош с. Калуга

Оломская Елена Петровна

London is the capital of great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It's one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than million people. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the city, the west end, the east end and Westminster.

London is the capital of great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It's one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than million people. London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the city, the west end, the east end and Westminster.

Sights of London                    The London Eye The London Eye is the major feature of London’s skyline. It consists of thirty-two capsules each holding up twenty-five people. For breathtaking experience and unforgettable view of more than fifty London’s famous landmarks you have just to climb aboard and take a thirty minute «excursion».

Sights of London

The London Eye

The London Eye is the major feature of London’s skyline. It consists of thirty-two capsules each holding up twenty-five people. For breathtaking experience and unforgettable view of more than fifty London’s famous landmarks you have just to climb aboard and take a thirty minute «excursion».

Big Ben (abbr. From big Benjamin

Big Ben (abbr. From big Benjamin "big Benjamin") name of slugger time bells in the tower. In April, bell was named so in honour of sir Benjamin hall, who oversaw the construction of the clock, on the other — in honor of boxing champion Benjamin count (Benjamin Caunt). The tower itself is known as St. Stephen's cathedral. Construction height of almost 100 meters was erected in 1858, the year after the year 1834 in a large part of the palace of Westminster was destroyed by fire.

Tower of London  the greatest tower of London is one of the world’s most famous buildings. This building with 900-years history was previously a royal palace, execution place, prison, jewel house, arsenal and even zoo. While visiting this sight don’t forget to gaze up at the white tower, marvel at the crown jewels and skulk through a medieval king’s bedchamber.

Tower of London the greatest tower of London is one of the world’s most famous buildings. This building with 900-years history was previously a royal palace, execution place, prison, jewel house, arsenal and even zoo. While visiting this sight don’t forget to gaze up at the white tower, marvel at the crown jewels and skulk through a medieval king’s bedchamber.

The British museum  the British museum is one of the most famous museums in the world with the richest collections. It exhibits man works from all over the world from prehistoric period to modern times. The most famous exhibits of the British museum are the Parthenon sculptures, the Rosetta stone, the mummies of ancient Egypt. The entry to the museum is free but for several special exhibitions you need tickets.

The British museum the British museum is one of the most famous museums in the world with the richest collections. It exhibits man works from all over the world from prehistoric period to modern times. The most famous exhibits of the British museum are the Parthenon sculptures, the Rosetta stone, the mummies of ancient Egypt. The entry to the museum is free but for several special exhibitions you need tickets.

Westminster abbey  Westminster abbey also known as collegiate church of St. Peter is a gothic church on the scale of a cathedral. Westminster abbey has been the traditional place of coronation and burial for English monarchs for a long time. Today it is still used for the celebration of great events in the country’s history and for regular worship.

Westminster abbey Westminster abbey also known as collegiate church of St. Peter is a gothic church on the scale of a cathedral. Westminster abbey has been the traditional place of coronation and burial for English monarchs for a long time. Today it is still used for the celebration of great events in the country’s history and for regular worship.

Buckingham palace  with its architecturally defined profile, this is one of London's most popular historical buildings. Buckingham palace was built in 1703 for the duke of Buckingham. Later restored by Nash, the present facade was planned by sir Aston Webb in 1913. Buckingham palace is the London residence of the sovereign.

Buckingham palace with its architecturally defined profile, this is one of London's most popular historical buildings. Buckingham palace was built in 1703 for the duke of Buckingham. Later restored by Nash, the present facade was planned by sir Aston Webb in 1913. Buckingham palace is the London residence of the sovereign.

Trafalgar square  Trafalgar square the main square in central London, built in the beginning of 19 century. Traditional rallies, demonstrations as well as holding mass celebrations — for example, the Chinese new year and the Russian new year, as well as organizing concerts and screenings.

Trafalgar square Trafalgar square the main square in central London, built in the beginning of 19 century. Traditional rallies, demonstrations as well as holding mass celebrations — for example, the Chinese new year and the Russian new year, as well as organizing concerts and screenings.

London parks and gardens where you can relax from the hustle and bustle! In London, many gardens and parks, and all of them, of course, know. The most famous parks and gardens in London is Hyde Park, Green Park, Kensington Gardens, Regent's Park, St James's. Crowds of people are sitting on the grass, ride bikes, and just walk. However, there are parks and gardens in London, where peace and calm, where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of city life, listen to the birds singing, and admire the floating pond fish. These parks protect yet Londoners for yourself and you can find them only by chance, and even then they did not immediately open you will experience your patience, then suddenly immediately your and contrasts and rarities have never gone.

London parks and gardens where you can relax from the hustle and bustle!

In London, many gardens and parks, and all of them, of course, know. The most famous parks and gardens in London is Hyde Park, Green Park, Kensington Gardens, Regent's Park, St James's. Crowds of people are sitting on the grass, ride bikes, and just walk. However, there are parks and gardens in London, where peace and calm, where you can relax from the hustle and bustle of city life, listen to the birds singing, and admire the floating pond fish. These parks protect yet Londoners for yourself and you can find them only by chance, and even then they did not immediately open you will experience your patience, then suddenly immediately your and contrasts and rarities have never gone.

Hyde park  Hyde park London is not only the majestic monuments, squares, bridges and palaces, but also a large number of luxurious gardens and parks. The most beautiful of them is the royal Hyde park, nestled in the heart of London at 1.4 square kilometres. This park has it all-and the unique natural beauty, lake in summer bathe all comers, as well as many different galleries and monuments.

Hyde park Hyde park London is not only the majestic monuments, squares, bridges and palaces, but also a large number of luxurious gardens and parks. The most beautiful of them is the royal Hyde park, nestled in the heart of London at 1.4 square kilometres. This park has it all-and the unique natural beauty, lake in summer bathe all comers, as well as many different galleries and monuments.

Regents park  currently, regents park is considered one of the best places for a holiday in London. Here you can rent tennis courts and fields for rugby and football. In the summer you can rent a boat and go for a ride along the scenic lakes, where a large number of waterfowl. In the heart of regent's park defeated the beautiful rose garden.

Regents park currently, regents park is considered one of the best places for a holiday in London. Here you can rent tennis courts and fields for rugby and football. In the summer you can rent a boat and go for a ride along the scenic lakes, where a large number of waterfowl. In the heart of regent's park defeated the beautiful rose garden.

London zoo  London zoo is one of the largest zoos in the world. It is located in the west end, at the northern end of regent's park. Administratively assigned to the year 1826 zoological society of London. The zoo was founded in April 1828, and became the first zoo, created solely for research. The institution's doors to the general public are opened only in the year 1847.

London zoo London zoo is one of the largest zoos in the world. It is located in the west end, at the northern end of regent's park. Administratively assigned to the year 1826 zoological society of London. The zoo was founded in April 1828, and became the first zoo, created solely for research. The institution's doors to the general public are opened only in the year 1847.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация по английскому языку Welcome to London

Автор: Оломская Елена Петровна

Дата: 19.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 307598

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