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Some will be able to develop Safety Rules in case of flood by combining ideas into a product
Most learners will be able to interpret the topical content in details with peers
Learning Objectives
Unit: Natural Disasters
Theme: Refugee and Natural Disasters Grade: 7
Sultanova Elmira Alimkhanovna36 secondary school
7L3 Understand with some support some of an argument in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics
Lesson Objectives:
All learners will be able to identify most of the detail in a talk about refugees and in reading the text ‘True stories’
7R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
7S5 keep interaction with peers to negotiate, agree and organize priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks
Methods of Active Learning
Preview activities:
Task Based Learning:
Mystery object
Jigsaw Reading
Chorus Drill. Give ten words .
Effective Questioning
Problem Solving Learning:
Odd one out
Chain Story
Time Line
Healthy and Safety: TPR
Energizer. Forming shapes
Reading.Skimming for details .
More-ableLearners of each group should deduce each part in two or three sentences. Checking comprehension by usingChain Story. While responding the story less-able learners from each group use Time Line to show events by putting pictures in chronological order. Teacher gives uncompleted sentences in the right order to support less-able learners.
Assessment Criteria: recognize the text in details by deducing in order
Descriptors: A Learner …
..works in a group by supporting a talk
..interprets parts of the text in a right way
By outcome
By task
By support
Criteria Based Assessment: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT
Totally 10 points Assessment Criteria: Support a talk by discussing own ideas for the given topic. Recognize the meaning and details in a talk and in a reading passage. Create Safety plan of a refugee in case of flood.
Totally 10 points Assessment Criteria: Support a talk by discussing own ideas for the given topic. Recognize the meaning and details in a talk and in a reading passage. Create Safety plan of a refugee in case of flood.
Jigsaw Reading: Actionable Feedback: Three-Minute Conference. Teacher uses student feedback to monitor and adjust instruction. Feedback helps student what they should do next to reach a learning target. Learners are given the opportunity to respond and act on the Feedback. Descriptors: A learner .. ..uses three and more keys and pictures to express own ideas in pre-reading ..works in a group by supporting a talk ..interpret parts of the text in a right way ..creates another title or item to the text
Jigsaw Reading: Actionable Feedback: Three-Minute Conference. Teacher uses student feedback to monitor and adjust instruction. Feedback helps student what they should do next to reach a learning target. Learners are given the opportunity to respond and act on the Feedback.
Descriptors: A learner .. ..uses three and more keys and pictures to express own ideas in pre-reading ..works in a group by supporting a talk ..interpret parts of the text in a right way ..creates another title or item to the text
5-5-1. Learners write 5 phrases in pairs about what they have taken. Next they reduce their 5 phrases to 5 words. Finally they reduce their five words to one word. Learners share their key word with their whole class by sticking it on the Refugee’s bag.
Self assessment
Peer’s assessment
Teacher’s assessment
Assessment Criteria
I want to practice Effective Questioning techniques in my future lessons.
I would like to widen my knowledge about SWOT analyzing.