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Презентация открытого урока на тему " At the moment".

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Презентация на тему " At the moment".

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«Презентация открытого урока на тему " At the moment".»

The golden rules of our lesson :

The golden rules of our lesson :

  • Be active.
  • Be attentive.
  • Be emotional.
  • Don’t interrupt each other.
  • Don’t say: I don’t know.
  • First think then speak.
Unit 9. Step 3 “ At the moment ”

Unit 9. Step 3

At the moment

По чему человека всегда встречают, но никогда не провожают?

По чему человека всегда встречают,

но никогда не провожают?





In step 3 you study: ● names of the clothes ● present continuous (negative, question forms) ● describe what you are wearing at the moment. Отработка простого прошедшего времени.

In step 3 you study:

names of the clothes

present continuous (negative,

question forms)

describe what you are wearing at the moment.

Отработка простого прошедшего времени.

Phonetic drill Clothes jacket T-shirt shirt sweater trainers socks skirt dress blouse shoes

Phonetic drill












Present Continuous country. One queen lives in this country. Her name’s ……

Present Continuous country.

One queen lives in this country.

Her name’s ……



She has got three daughters: Am Are  Is

She has got three daughters:




Sisters have got different friends:   He is, He is, He is She is, She is, She is It is, It is, It is I am, I am, I am You are, You are, You are We are, We are, We are They are, They are, They are

Sisters have got different friends:

He is, He is, He is

She is, She is, She is

It is, It is, It is

I am, I am, I am

You are, You are, You are

We are, We are, We are

They are, They are, They are

Affirmative form I am writ ing . He is  writ ing . She is writ ing . They are  writ ing .

Affirmative form

I am writ ing .

He is writ ing .

She is writ ing .

They are writ ing .

Negative form    I  am read ing .  I am not read ing . She is sing ing .  She is not  sing ing .

Negative form

I am read ing .

I am not read ing .

She is sing ing .

She is not sing ing .

Question form  They are travell ing . Are they travell ing ?  I am sleep ing . Am I sleep ing ?  He is jump ing .  Is he jump ing ?

Question form

They are travell ing . Are they travell ing ?

I am sleep ing . Am I sleep ing ?

He is jump ing . Is he jump ing ?

The 17 th of February .    Class work.

The 17 th of February .

Class work.

Exercises  Make up affirmative, question and negative sentences.


Make up affirmative, question and negative sentences.

Exercises The cat is sleeping. The cat is not sleeping. Is the cat sleeping ? They are dancing. They are not dancing. Are they dancing?


The cat is sleeping.

The cat is not sleeping.

Is the cat sleeping ?

They are dancing.

They are not dancing.

Are they dancing?

Warm up. Jacket, jacket Sweater, sweater Trainers, trainers Trousers, trousers Glasses, glasses  Shoes.

Warm up.

Jacket, jacket

Sweater, sweater

Trainers, trainers

Trousers, trousers

Glasses, glasses




The audition

The audition

Put the words in right order and make up a dialogue «At the shop» than act it . Here ‘s 50 pounds, please. Yes, I’m looking for a sweater. I’m looking for this color. It’s nice. How much is that? Can I help you? What color are you looking for? Thank you very much. Good bye! That’s 50 pounds. Good bye!

Put the words in right order and make up a dialogue «At the shop» than act it .

  • Here ‘s 50 pounds, please.
  • Yes, I’m looking for a sweater.
  • I’m looking for this color. It’s nice. How much is that?
  • Can I help you?
  • What color are you looking for?
  • Thank you very much. Good bye!
  • That’s 50 pounds.
  • Good bye!

Dialogue «At the shop» Can I help you? Yes, I’m looking for a T-shirt. What color are you looking for? I’m looking for white color. It’s nice. How much is that? That ‘s 50 pounds. Here is 50 pounds, please. Thank you very much. Good bye! Good bye!

Dialogue «At the shop»

  • Can I help you?
  • Yes, I’m looking for a T-shirt.
  • What color are you looking for?
  • I’m looking for white color. It’s nice. How much is that?
  • That ‘s 50 pounds.
  • Here is 50 pounds, please.
  • Thank you very much. Good bye!
  • Good bye!

Home task p. 54 ex.1,2,3 work book Овал – учить слова наизусть, две черты – письменное домашнее задание.

Home task

p. 54 ex.1,2,3 work book

Овал – учить слова наизусть, две черты – письменное домашнее задание.



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Презентация открытого урока на тему " At the moment".

Автор: Ахмадиева Айнұр Жуматайқызы

Дата: 18.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 393287

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