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Презентация на тему "What is there in your room?" 4 класс

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "What is there in your room?" для 4 класса к УМК "Enjoy English", М.З.Биболетовой.

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«Презентация на тему "What is there in your room?" 4 класс»

What is there in your room? Презентация к уроку для 4 класса.  Учитель Яковлева О.В.

What is there in your room?

Презентация к уроку для 4 класса.

Учитель Яковлева О.В.

What is there in your  room?

What is there in your room?

Listen and read: [a:] - b a th, b a throom, c ar pet, ar m, ar mchair [ǽ] - l a mp, p a ntry, bl a ck, fl a t [a ι ə] - f ire , f ire place [ð] - th e, th ey, th is, th at, th ere, th ere is, th ere are

Listen and read:

[a:] - b a th, b a throom, c ar pet, ar m, ar mchair

[ǽ] - l a mp, p a ntry, bl a ck, fl a t

[a ι ə] - f ire , f ire place

[ð] - th e, th ey, th is, th at, th ere, th ere is, th ere are

What is this?   sofa chair armchair picture table fireplace carpet shelf

What is this?









Describe the room There is … There are …

Describe the room

There is …

There are …

Вопросительные предложения с конструкцией there is / there are +  There is a piano in my room. ?  Is there a piano in my room? Yes, there is.  No, there isn’t. +  There are pictures in my room. ?  Are there pictures in my room?

Вопросительные предложения с конструкцией there is / there are

+ There is a piano in my room.

? Is there a piano in my room?

  • Yes, there is.
  • No, there isn’t.

+ There are pictures in my room.

? Are there pictures in my room?

  • Yes, there are.
  • No, there aren’t.
Answer the teacher’s questions about the room   Use: Yes, there is/are. No, there isn’t/aren’t.

Answer the teacher’s questions about the room

Use: Yes, there is/are. No, there isn’t/aren’t.

Answer the teacher’s questions about the room

Answer the teacher’s questions about the room

Put the questions to the sentences   1. - Yes, there are ten books in the shelf. Are there ten books in the shelf?  2. - No, there are no armchairs in the bedroom. Are there armchairs in the bedroom? 3. - Yes, there is a clock on the wall. Is there a clock on the wall?

Put the questions to the sentences

1. - Yes, there are ten books in the shelf.

Are there ten books in the shelf?

2. - No, there are no armchairs in the bedroom.

Are there armchairs in the bedroom?

3. - Yes, there is a clock on the wall.

Is there a clock on the wall?

Put the questions to the sentences   4. - No, there is no TV in our room. Is there a TV in your room? 5. - Yes, there is a carpet next to the fireplace. Is there a carpet next to the fireplace? 6. -  Yes, there are two beds in the bedroom. Are there two beds in the bedroom?

Put the questions to the sentences

4. - No, there is no TV in our room.

Is there a TV in your room?

5. - Yes, there is a carpet next to the fireplace.

Is there a carpet next to the fireplace?

6. - Yes, there are two beds in the bedroom.

Are there two beds in the bedroom?

Ask you partner about the room Use: Is there a..? Are there ..?

Ask you partner about the room

Use: Is there a..? Are there ..?

Thank you for the lesson!

Thank you for the lesson!

В презентации использованы фотографии со следующих сайтов: http://www.decor-line.ru/interior/28018/ http://nata53.ucoz.ru/photo/interer_gostinoj/5-14-0-0-2 http://buildperson.ru/photos/photo346.html http://sharapova-design.ru/articles/dizajn-interiera-gostinoj-s-kaminom/ http://green-dom.info/horoshop/product60104.html http://bestmebli.ru/knijnaya-polka-so-steklom.html http://interyer.net/ru/-kiev-mebel-nedorogo-stolovaya/8670--.html http://www.belomeb.ru/product/kreslo-amadej-mod1/ http://www.hvosty.ru/forum/viewtopic.php/images/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=100924&sid=07d1656f332ee53e2ef76c9f4fc39583&start=120 http://www.decorativo.ru/shop/CID_5_ALL.html?v=&f=2&s=1 http://www.kam-min.ru/categ/kamini/kamin_fugar/page2.html http://best-pix.ru/product/divan-pervyj-sneg-belaja-kozha/

В презентации использованы фотографии со следующих сайтов:













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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Презентация на тему "What is there in your room?" 4 класс

Автор: Яковлева Ольга Владимировна

Дата: 04.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 387688

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