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Презентация на тему урока "The Green world" 7-класс

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Presentation for the theme of the lesson "The Green World" Grade 7

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«Презентация на тему урока "The Green world" 7-класс»

The theme:  The green world

The theme:

The green world

Brainstorming  Special place  for everyone The Earth Special place for animals and birds Special place for plants The quotation: “If we don’t think about the Future we won’t have it.”  (J. Galsworthy)


Special place

for everyone

The Earth

Special place for animals and birds

Special place for plants

The quotation: “If we don’t think about the Future we won’t have it.”

(J. Galsworthy)

“ Bridge” tasks:  1. Animals divide into two categories. What are they? 2. Name the domestic animals. 3. Name the wild animals Wild animals

Bridge” tasks:

1. Animals divide into two categories. What are they?

2. Name the domestic animals.

3. Name the wild animals

Wild animals

4. Do you know anything about life in the desert? 5. What kind of animals live there? 6. What kind of animals live in the tropical forest? 7. Do you know anything about whales? 8. Are there whales in the Caspian Sea? 9. Where do tigers and elephants live?

4. Do you know anything about life in the desert?

5. What kind of animals live there?

6. What kind of animals live in the tropical forest?

7. Do you know anything about whales?

8. Are there whales in the Caspian Sea?

9. Where do tigers and elephants live?

To check up the understanding of the new lesson. (Жаңа сабақты бекіту) 1 . Complete the chart: Name of the tree size Saguaro Redwood height How does it grow? Saxaul How old is the tree? How much does it weigh? 2. Is the saguaro useful or saxaul? 3. What do you think about the redwood tree?

To check up the understanding of the new lesson.

(Жаңа сабақты бекіту)

1 . Complete the chart:

Name of the tree





How does it grow?


How old is the tree?

How much does it weigh?

2. Is the saguaro useful or saxaul?

3. What do you think about the redwood tree?



Saguaro cactus The first branch Its height is 16 m. The first flowers appear when the plant is 50-70 years old.

Saguaro cactus

The first branch

Its height is 16 m.

The first flowers

appear when the

plant is 50-70

years old.

Redwood tree

Redwood tree

III time Back contact – marking time Кері байланыс – бағалау кезеңі level Match the Kazakh words with the English.   Жер flower aрнайы appear шөл дала tree ағаш animals  гүл Earth пайда болу birds  құстар special жануарлар desert   Theory: to know The ….. Is a special place for plants. Redwood is the oldest … tree on the Earth. All …. lay eggs. Practice: to use

III time

Back contact – marking time

Кері байланыс – бағалау кезеңі


Match the Kazakh words with the English.


Жер flower

aрнайы appear

шөл дала tree

ағаш animals

гүл Earth

пайда болу birds

құстар special

жануарлар desert



to know

The ….. Is a special place for plants.

Redwood is the oldest … tree on the Earth.

All …. lay eggs.


to use

le v el  Theory: A noun: TREE Two adjectives describing the TREE: 3 verbs denoting actions due to the TREE: A phrase in 4 words related to the theme: A synonym of the TREE: To understand To analyse

le v el


  • A noun: TREE
  • Two adjectives describing the TREE:
  • 3 verbs denoting actions due to the TREE:
  • A phrase in 4 words related to the theme:
  • A synonym of the TREE:

To understand

To analyse

le v el Answering these questions write small composition “I’m a part of the nature.”  Do you plant trees? How do you plant trees? What trees have you got in your yard? Are you a green person? Do you like the green world? The Earth, the nature is in danger. Do you think so? Theory: To gather    Practice: To mark

le v el

Answering these questions write small composition “I’m a part of the nature.”

  • Do you plant trees?
  • How do you plant trees?
  • What trees have you got in your yard?
  • Are you a green person?
  • Do you like the green world?
  • The Earth, the nature is in danger. Do you think so?


To gather


To mark

At home: ex. 12 Conclusion

At home:

ex. 12


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Презентация на тему урока "The Green world" 7-класс

Автор: Куанова Перизат Айтжановна

Дата: 11.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 414555

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