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Презентация на тему "Present Continuous"

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презентация на тему "Present Continuous"

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«Презентация на тему "Present Continuous"»

Present continuous( созылыңқы осы шақ)

Present continuous( созылыңқы осы шақ)

  • Use the Present Continuous with  Normal Verbs  to express the idea that something is happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.
Are butterflies fly ing now?

Are butterflies fly ing now?

Yes they are

Yes they are

What are they do ing now?

What are they do ing now?

Rabbit is jump ing

Rabbit is jump ing

He is play ing computer game

He is play ing computer game

Mouse is danc ing now

Mouse is danc ing now

He is read ing a book

He is read ing a book

She is walk ing now

She is walk ing now

He is ski ing

He is ski ing

Non-continuous Verbs Non-continuous verbs are verbs that we do not normally use with continuous tenses. These

Non-continuous Verbs

Non-continuous verbs are verbs that we do not normally use with continuous tenses. These "stative" verbs are about state, not action, and they cannot express the continuous or progressive aspect. Here are some of the most common non-continuous verbs:

  • feeling:   hate, like, love, prefer, want, wish
  • senses:   appear, feel, hear, see, seem, smell, sound, taste
  • communication:   agree, deny, disagree, mean, promise, satisfy, surprise
  • thinking:   believe, imagine, know, mean, realize, recognize, remember, understand
  • other states:   be, belong, concern, depend, involve, matter, need, owe, own, possess

Look at these example sentences, right and wrong:

Notice that we often use can + see/hear:

  • I can see someone in the distance.  not  I am seeing someone in the distance.
  • I can't hear you very well. not I am not hearing you very well.

want  a coffee.

don't believe  you are right.

not   I am wanting a coffee.

Does  this pen  belong  to you?

not   I am not believing you are right.

not   Is this pen belonging to you?

It  seemed  wrong.

don't hear  anything.

not   It was seeming wrong.

not   I am not hearing anything.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация на тему "Present Continuous"

Автор: Ерлан Қарлығаш

Дата: 28.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 404160

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