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Презентация на тему "Являешься ли ты городским или сельским жителем?"

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«Презентация на тему "Являешься ли ты городским или сельским жителем?"»

A city mouse or a country mouse? Module 1 a МАОУ СОШ№1 Module 1 a Томская область, Александровский район, с. Александровское учитель английского языка Белялова Альбина Рафаэлевна

A city mouse or a country mouse?

Module 1 a


Module 1 a

Томская область, Александровский район,

с. Александровское

учитель английского языка

Белялова Альбина Рафаэлевна

What do you understand by a town mouse and a city mouse? How can we paraphrase the phrases a town mouse and a city mouse?

What do you understand by a town mouse and a city mouse?

How can we paraphrase the phrases a town mouse and a city mouse?

GUESS THE MEANING OF NEW WORDS lead unhealthy lifestyle lead healthy lifestyle heavy  traffic convenient public transport Constant noise and pollution


lead unhealthy lifestyle

lead healthy lifestyle

heavy traffic

convenient public


Constant noise and pollution

GUESS THE MEANING OF NEW WORDS low rate of unemployment high rate of unemployment  high quality lifestyle high cost of living


low rate of unemployment

high rate of unemployment

high quality lifestyle

high cost of living

GUESS THE MEANING OF NEW WORDS  feel isolated feel homesick fresh air crowded streets peace and quiet friendly, helpful people beautiful landscapes


feel isolated

feel homesick

fresh air

crowded streets

peace and quiet

friendly, helpful people

beautiful landscapes

Which of the new words can be associated with  the life of a city mouse? low rate of unemployment lead  unhealthy  lifestyle high cost of living heavy traffic crowded streets feel homesick friendly, helpful people convenient public transport constant noise and pollution

Which of the new words can be associated with the life of a city mouse?

low rate of unemployment

lead unhealthy lifestyle

high cost

of living

heavy traffic

crowded streets

feel homesick

friendly, helpful people


public transport

constant noise and pollution

Which of the new words can be associated with  the life of a country mouse? high rate of unemployment lead healthy lifestyle  feel isolated fresh air peace and quiet  high quality lifestyle beautiful landscapes friendly, helpful people

Which of the new words can be associated with the life of a country mouse?

high rate of unemployment

lead healthy lifestyle

feel isolated

fresh air

peace and quiet

high quality lifestyle

beautiful landscapes

friendly, helpful people

Use the phrases below and your own ideas , then tell the class about your preferences. I don’t mind ….. I can’t stand….. … very important to me….  As for me, fresh air and beautiful landscapes are very important to me. I can’t stand heavy traffic. So, I think, I am a country mouse!

Use the phrases below and your own ideas , then tell the class about your preferences.

I don’t mind …..

I can’t stand…..

very important to me….

As for me, fresh air and beautiful landscapes are very important to me. I can’t stand heavy traffic. So, I think, I am a country mouse!

I think all new words were helpful today and I hope you will learn them all for the next lesson. The lesson is over. See you!

I think all new words were helpful today and I hope you will learn them all for the next lesson.

The lesson is over. See you!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация на тему "Являешься ли ты городским или сельским жителем?"

Автор: Белялова Альбина Рафаэлевна

Дата: 27.09.2016

Номер свидетельства: 346191

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