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Презентация к уроку "Famous people"

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«Презентация к уроку "Famous people"»

The 5 th  of April, Tuesday.

The 5 th of April, Tuesday.

See a pin and pick it up  All that day you will have luck  See a pin and let it lay  You'll have bad luck all that day

See a pin and pick it up All that day you will have luck See a pin and let it lay You'll have bad luck all that day

They are … people.

They are … people.

Arthur Conan Doyle  was a writer and a doctor. He was born in Scotland in 1859. Conan Doyle created his well-known character , Sherlock Holmes, in 1885. he wrote the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Conan Doyle died in 1930. William Shakespeare was an English  poet , playwright, and actor. He was born in England in 1564. At school, he received an excellent classical education. He wrote plays, poems, sonnets and lyric poetry. Some of his works are Hamlet ,  Romeo and Juliet . He died in 1616. Charlie Chaplin was born in 1889. He was an English film actor and producer. Chaplin wrote and produced the music for most of his films. The first Chaplin`s sound film was “The great dictator”. Silent films  brought fame ( принесли известность ) to him. Charlie Chaplin died in 1977. Samuel Clemens, Marc Twain by the pen name was born in 1835. He was an American writer. When Samuel was eleven his father died. The boy had to work as a printer, a pilot (лоцман) and a journalist. Marc Twain wrote “The adventure of Tom Sawyer”. He died in 1910.

Arthur Conan Doyle was a writer and a doctor. He was born in Scotland in 1859. Conan Doyle created his well-known character , Sherlock Holmes, in 1885. he wrote the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Conan Doyle died in 1930.

William Shakespeare was an English  poet , playwright, and actor. He was born in England in 1564. At school, he received an excellent classical education. He wrote plays, poems, sonnets and lyric poetry. Some of his works are HamletRomeo and Juliet . He died in 1616.

Charlie Chaplin was born in 1889. He was an English film actor and producer. Chaplin wrote and produced the music for most of his films. The first Chaplin`s sound film was “The great dictator”. Silent films brought fame ( принесли известность ) to him. Charlie Chaplin died in 1977.

Samuel Clemens, Marc Twain by the pen name was born in 1835. He was an American writer. When Samuel was eleven his father died. The boy had to work as a printer, a pilot (лоцман) and a journalist. Marc Twain wrote “The adventure of Tom Sawyer”. He died in 1910.

I couldn`t do it. I understood the text and didn`t make any mistakes I made some mistakes

I couldn`t do it.

I understood the text and didn`t make any mistakes

I made some mistakes

I`d like to tell you about …   The text was about …

I`d like to tell you about …

The text was about …

It`s time to have a rest

It`s time to have a rest

C. Doyle      a actor   a writer  Marc  Twain a Doctor, writer is C. Chaplin  a Playwright, actor  W. Shakespeare

C. Doyle

a actor

a writer



a Doctor, writer


C. Chaplin

a Playwright, actor

W. Shakespeare

They are … people.

They are … people.

C. Doyle     The adventure of Tom Sawyer   Marc   his silent films Twain   is famous for C. Chaplin Book about Sherlock Holmes  his poems and plays  W. Shakespeare

C. Doyle

The adventure of Tom Sawyer


his silent films


is famous for

C. Chaplin

Book about Sherlock Holmes

his poems and plays

W. Shakespeare

Watch a video

Watch a video

Home task:   P. 128 Ex . 143

Home task: P. 128 Ex . 143

He/she is a famous person. He/she is a fairy tale character. ( сказочный персонаж )

He/she is a famous person.

  • He/she is a fairy tale character. ( сказочный персонаж )
  – It was interesting and easy ;  now I can speak about famous people;     – It was difficult at the lesson;            – I didn`t understand anything.

It was interesting and easy ;

now I can speak about famous people;

It was difficult at the lesson;

I didn`t understand anything.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к уроку "Famous people"

Автор: Левченко Светлана Олеговна

Дата: 30.09.2016

Номер свидетельства: 346834

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