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Презентация "Спорт - Sport"

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«Презентация "Спорт - Sport" »

Sport in our life   Done by Damir Garaev   and Ildar Khabibrahmanov, 10 th form   English teacher Danil Mukhamadiev

Sport in our life Done by Damir Garaev and Ildar Khabibrahmanov, 10 th form English teacher Danil Mukhamadiev

Olympic games Olympic games are held every four years in different countries. They involve athletes and fans from around the world. The Olympic flame is lit until the last game. These days, athletes - men and women - are competing in more than twenty sports. Millions of people watch the games on TV. Each winner will receive their reward.

Olympic games

Olympic games are held every four years in different countries. They involve athletes and fans from around the world. The Olympic flame is lit until the last game. These days, athletes - men and women - are competing in more than twenty sports. Millions of people watch the games on TV. Each winner will receive their reward.

The Greeks staged sports every four years. Women are not allowed to not only participate, but even watching the competition

The Greeks staged sports every four years. Women are not allowed to not only participate, but even watching the competition

"Boxing - it's not much muscle, boxing - is the power of thought. If you are not strong in spirit, you will not become a great fighter"

Swimming, strengthens all the muscles of the human body

Swimming, strengthens all the muscles of the human body

  • Swimming
  • Wrestling

Over 5,000 years ago the men were preparing for battle, engaging in such sport as wrestling

In tennis play a pair or four

In tennis play a pair or four

  • Tennis
Football, teaches people to work together Football

Football, teaches people to work together


Useful game for the development of tactics and attacks

Useful game for the development of tactics and attacks

  • Hockey








In a healthy body, healthy mind! Engage SPORTS!

In a healthy body, healthy mind!

Engage SPORTS!

Work performed Pupils in Grade 10

Work performed

Pupils in Grade 10

"Kuzembeteskaya SS

Name H.G.Husainova "

Damir Faritovich Garaev

Ildar Khaidarovich Habibrahmanov

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Презентация "Спорт - Sport"

Автор: Мухамадиев Даниль

Дата: 20.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 120753

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