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Презентация по теме "Функции глагола to be"

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Знание и умение употреблять правильно глагол-связку to be является одним из краеугольных камней в деле успешного усвоения английской грамматики. Но простое, "сухое" изложение теоретического материала очень часто не приносит желанного результата. Данная разработка выполнена в форме презентации, призванной привлечь внимание учеников, а также ставит своей целью провести первичное закрепление пройденного теоретического материала. В презентации показаны формы глагола to be в настоящем времени, образование отрицательных и вопросительных предложений. Представлены упражнения для тренировки и закрепления материала.

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«Презентация по теме "Функции глагола to be" »

I am a student. We are from Russia. He is at home.
  • I am a student.
  • We are from Russia.
  • He is at home.
Наст. время – am, is, are Прошедшее время – was/were Будущее время – will be/shall be
  • Наст. время – am, is, are
  • Прошедшее время – was/were
  • Будущее время – will be/shall be

I am at home.

I was at home yesterday.

I `ll be at home tomorrow.

I am not a student. He is not (isn`t)Russian. They are not  (aren`t)  from Moscow. He was not(wasn`t) ill yesterday. We were not  (weren`t) busy last Monday. They will not  (won`t)  be busy tomorrow.
  • I am not a student.
  • He is not (isn`t)Russian.
  • They are not (aren`t) from Moscow.
  • He was not(wasn`t) ill yesterday.
  • We were not (weren`t) busy last Monday.
  • They will not (won`t) be busy tomorrow.
They are Russians. Are they Russians? What nationality are they?
  • They are Russians.
  • Are they Russians?
  • What nationality are they?
I am a teacher. He is a boy.
  • I am a teacher.
  • He is a boy.
There is a picture on the wall. There are pictures on the wall. There were many guests at the party. I think,  there will be many questions after the lecture.
  • There is a picture on the wall.
  • There are pictures on the wall.
  • There were many guests at the party.
  • I think, there will be many questions after the lecture.
We are listening to the teacher now. I was having a rest at that time. Tomorrow  at  5 o `clock I `ll be watching TV.
  • We are listening to the teacher now.
  • I was having a rest at that time.
  • Tomorrow at 5 o `clock I `ll be watching TV.
The text is translated by the students. They were asked not to be lazy.
  • The text is translated by the students.
  • They were asked not to be lazy.
We are to meet at 5. The train was to arrive in time.
  • We are to meet at 5.
  • The train was to arrive in time.
To be fond of  - любить To be tired of - уставать To be interested in - интересоваться To be keen on - увлекаться To be surprised at - удивляться To be late  - опаздывать To be absent  - отсутствовать  to be present  - присутствовать
  • To be fond of - любить
  • To be tired of - уставать
  • To be interested in - интересоваться
  • To be keen on - увлекаться
  • To be surprised at - удивляться
  • To be late - опаздывать
  • To be absent - отсутствовать
  • to be present - присутствовать
It is a bit cold today, isn`t it? There is a strong wind blowing from the North. I was standing near him when you called. The museum is opposite the theatre. They were taken to the hospital. Business is business. Is anyone to replace me? We were taken to the museum last week. There is nothing to do here.
  • It is a bit cold today, isn`t it?
  • There is a strong wind blowing from the North.
  • I was standing near him when you called.
  • The museum is opposite the theatre.
  • They were taken to the hospital.
  • Business is business.
  • Is anyone to replace me?
  • We were taken to the museum last week.
  • There is nothing to do here.
Tom …a good boy. Mr and Mrs Brown …on holidays. We …doing the test in the last lesson. Where …the boys? Who…absent? … .you English? Three sheep.. On the field. There …three chairs at the table. There …a table and three chairs in the room. Children …fond of ice-cream. … these your jeans? No news …good news. Your advice … very useful.
  • Tom …a good boy.
  • Mr and Mrs Brown …on holidays.
  • We …doing the test in the last lesson.
  • Where …the boys?
  • Who…absent?
  • … .you English?
  • Three sheep.. On the field.
  • There …three chairs at the table.
  • There …a table and three chairs in the room.
  • Children …fond of ice-cream.
  • … these your jeans?
  • No news …good news.
  • Your advice … very useful.
He is busy. There are many students in the class. We are keen on learning English. The teacher is reading a text. The text is translated.
  • He is busy.
  • There are many students in the class.
  • We are keen on learning English.
  • The teacher is reading a text.
  • The text is translated.
They are from China. There were many apples last year. He is fond of sport. She will be at home tomorrow.
  • They are from China.
  • There were many apples last year.
  • He is fond of sport.
  • She will be at home tomorrow.
There are some money in the pocket .(Where?) The story is very long.(Yes/no) They are looking for keys. (What…for?) The test is not very difficult. (Tail-quest.) My mother is very industrious person. (Who?)
  • There are some money in the pocket .(Where?)
  • The story is very long.(Yes/no)
  • They are looking for keys. (What…for?)
  • The test is not very difficult. (Tail-quest.)
  • My mother is very industrious person. (Who?)
Simon is absent today. I am fond of pop music. Your information is very interesting. The birds are singing in the trees. There is some water in the glass. The book is left at home. I am to go to see the doctor.
  • Simon is absent today.
  • I am fond of pop music.
  • Your information is very interesting.
  • The birds are singing in the trees.
  • There is some water in the glass.
  • The book is left at home.
  • I am to go to see the doctor.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Презентация по теме "Функции глагола to be"

Автор: Иванилова Лидия Анатольевна

Дата: 13.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 230443

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