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Презентация на тему "День Благодарения"

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«Презентация на тему "День Благодарения"»

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

True or false? 1. The word America means the name of the country and the name of the two continents. 2. Christopher Columbus discovered the new continent America. 3. Christopher Columbus discovered the new continent in 1429.

True or false?

1. The word America means the name of the country and the name of the two continents.

2. Christopher Columbus discovered the new continent America.

3. Christopher Columbus discovered the new continent in 1429.

Remember the new words: since   -  с, с тех пор как 1621   danger -  опасность harvest - урожай to prepare for smth. –  готовиться к чему-то

Remember the new words:

since - с, с тех пор как 1621

danger - опасность

harvest - урожай

to prepare for smth. –

готовиться к чему-то

Read the words and try to guess  their meaning: tradition colonists traditional festival

Read the words and try to guess their meaning:





In the hope of a better life,  they decided to move out to America. They sailed to a new continent on board the ship “Mayflower”.

In the hope of a better life, they decided to move out to America. They sailed to a new continent on board the ship “Mayflower”.

The Pilgrims reached Plymouth in 1620. There, they had a terrible winter. Many of them died. But the harvest of the next year was very good. And the remaining colonists decided to make a party.

The Pilgrims reached Plymouth in 1620. There, they had a terrible winter. Many of them died. But the harvest of the next year was very good. And the remaining colonists decided to make a party.

Now Thanksgiving is a national holiday. People are with their families and friends to give thanks for the good things in their lives. The families come together for a special dinner.

Now Thanksgiving is a national holiday. People are with their families and friends to give thanks for the good things in their lives. The families come together for a special dinner.

Sing the song: Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Sing the song:

Happy Thanksgiving,

Happy Thanksgiving,

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

It ′ s time to show what we ′ re thankful for, Our mothers, our fathers, our friends and much more. The toys that we have The things we hold dear to our hearts, They ′ re part of this wonderful world, The wonderful world that we share. Let ′ s show that we care.

It ′ s time to show what we ′ re thankful for,

Our mothers, our fathers, our friends and much more.

The toys that we have

The things we hold dear to our hearts,

They ′ re part of this wonderful world,

The wonderful world that we share.

Let ′ s show that we care.

Thanksgiving symbols

Thanksgiving symbols

Cranberry, is a symbol of thanksgiving. Pilgrims found out a way to sweeten the bitten cranberries with maple sugar. Since that time cranberry sauce is a permanent companion of turkey during thanksgiving feast.

Cranberry, is a symbol of thanksgiving. Pilgrims found out a way to sweeten the bitten cranberries with maple sugar. Since that time cranberry sauce is a permanent companion of turkey during thanksgiving feast.

Native Americans taught the pilgrims to grow corns , potatoes, beans. That’s why they became symbols of Thanksgiving, too.

Native Americans taught the pilgrims to grow corns , potatoes, beans. That’s why they became symbols of Thanksgiving, too.

On Thanksgiving Day people decorate their homes with wreaths, fresh and dried flowers.

On Thanksgiving Day people decorate their homes with wreaths, fresh and dried flowers.

They also send pretty Thank You cards or beautiful Thanksgiving Day Gifts to people who had done something good for them .

They also send pretty Thank You cards or beautiful Thanksgiving Day Gifts to people who had done something good for them .

Choose the right Thanksgiving Menu -  roast turkey

Choose the right Thanksgiving Menu

- roast turkey

  • pumpkin pie
  • eggs
  • cranberry sauce
  • hamburgers
  • sweet potatoes
  • meatballs
Quiz 1 . Thanksgiving Day is ….. a) a British holiday b) a Russian holiday c) an American holiday


1 . Thanksgiving Day is …..

a) a British holiday

b) a Russian holiday

c) an American holiday

2. People celebrate Thanksgiving Day …. a) in offices  b) at home  c) outdoors

2. People celebrate Thanksgiving Day ….

  • a) in offices

b) at home

c) outdoors

3. When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

3. When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

  • on the fourth Thursday in November
  • on the fourth Tuesday in November
  • on the fourteenth of November
4.What is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day? a) eggs b) turkey c) hamburgers

4.What is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day?

a) eggs

b) turkey

c) hamburgers

5. People decorate their houses with …. a) lights and balls b) toys and sweets c) fruit and flowers

5. People decorate their houses with ….

a) lights and balls

b) toys and sweets

c) fruit and flowers

6.What vegetables did Indians teach the Pilgrims to grow? a)tomatoes and cucumbers b) beans and potatoes c) peas and carrots

6.What vegetables did Indians teach the Pilgrims to grow?

a)tomatoes and cucumbers

b) beans and potatoes

c) peas and carrots

7. What berry is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day? a) strawberry b) cherry c) cranberry

7. What berry is the symbol of Thanksgiving Day?

a) strawberry

b) cherry

c) cranberry

8. When did the Pilgrims come to the new land? a)in 1621 b)in 1620 c) in 1720

8. When did the Pilgrims come to the new land?

a)in 1621

b)in 1620

c) in 1720

9.What was the name of the Pilgrims’ ship?

9.What was the name of the Pilgrims’ ship?

  • Santa Maria
  • Mayflower
  • Victoria
10. Will people go on Thanksgiving parade, if it is raining?

10. Will people go on Thanksgiving parade, if it is raining?

  • Of course, they will.
  • No, they won’t.
  • They will go on the parade on another day.
Check yourselves: The right answers are: 6. b 7. c 8. b 9. b 10. a

Check yourselves:

The right answers are:

6. b

7. c

8. b

9. b

10. a

  • c
  • b
  • a
  • b
  • c
Your mark is: 10-9 right answers - « 5 » 8-7 right answers - « 4 » 6-5 right answers - « 3 »

Your mark is:

10-9 right answers - « 5 »

8-7 right answers - « 4 »

6-5 right answers - « 3 »

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация на тему "День Благодарения"

Автор: Аязбаева Замзагуль Темиржановна

Дата: 11.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 209857

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