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Презентация на тему " Countable and uncountable nouns"

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Form: 6 v

The subject: English language

Teacher: Abduraimova M.

The aims of the lesson:       



    to master new lexics and grammar material, and their use in speech.


to enlarge pupils’ vocabulary,

To develop their speaking and pronunciation.

Bringing up:

to teach pupils not to forget Kazakh cuisine.

Visual aids:interactive board, a text book.

Тype of the lesson: practical

Phonetic drill.

   tomato           coffee

banana          apple

         potato              tea           

 juice                carrot


Speech drill.

      Orange-     апельсин

Apple-     алма

Banana-      банан

Grape-      ж?зім

            Egg-       ж?мырт?а

    Tomato-        ?ызана?

     Biscuit-        печенье

     Potato-         картоп

  Carrot-        с?біз

Coffee-       кофе

Bread-        нан

    Tea-       шай

      Juice-       шырын

Cheese-      ірімшік

   Rice-       к?ріш

Milk-        с?т

Sugar-        ?ант

Butter-         май

In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guests they also cook pilaf, kazy, kuirdak. They have some traditional milk products. They are kurt, irimshik. Their traditional drinks are kymyz, shubat. These drinks are very useful for our health.

Food   -   тама?

Drink   -   сусын

Traditional   -   ?лтты?      

    Hospitable   -   ?она?жайлы

  Invite       -    ша?ыру

Guest   -   ?она?

        Health   -   денсаулы?

Answer the questions.

1.What is the popular food inyour family?

2.What is your favourite food?Why do you like it?

3.How often does your family have the Kazakh meat?

4.What is your favourite drink?

5.What other meals do people have in your country?

1.Appetite comes with eating.

Ашты? ас та?датпайды

2. An apple a day keeps the doctors away.

Ауырып ем іздегенше

Ауырмайтын жол ізде

Exercise 2. Put these words into two groups:

countable and uncountable

Orange                                 bread

Apple                                    grape

Money                                   milk

Carrot                                    tomato

Sugar                                     butter

Banana                                  salt


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«презентация на тему " Countable and uncountable nouns"»

Date:18.10.11 Form: 6 v The subject: English language Teacher: Abduraimova M.  Күні: 14.04.2011ж. Сыныбы: 3 “Ә” Пәні: Өзін өзі тану Мұғалімі:Айнабекова Б


Form: 6 v

The subject: English language

Teacher: Abduraimova M.

Күні: 14.04.2011ж.

Сыныбы: 3 “Ә”

Пәні: Өзін өзі тану

Мұғалімі:Айнабекова Б

The aims of the lesson:    Bringing up : to teach pupils not to forget Kazakh cuisine.   Educational :  to master new lexics and grammar material, and their use in speech.  Developing : to enlarge pupils’ vocabulary, To develop their speaking and pronunciation.

The aims of the lesson:

Bringing up :

to teach pupils not to forget Kazakh cuisine.

Educational :

to master new lexics and grammar material, and their use in speech.

Developing :

to enlarge pupils’ vocabulary,

To develop their speaking and pronunciation.

Visual aids : interactive board, a text book. Т ype of the lesson : practical

Visual aids : interactive board, a text book.

Т ype of the lesson : practical

Phonetic drill.  tomato coffee banana apple  potato tea  juice carrot grape

Phonetic drill.

tomato coffee

banana apple

potato tea

juice carrot


Speech drill.  Orange- апельсин Apple-   алма Banana-   банан Grape- жүзім  Egg- жұмыртқа  Tomato-   қызанақ  Biscuit-   печенье  Potato-   картоп  Carrot- сәбіз Coffee- кофе Bread- нан  Tea- шай  Juice-   шырын Cheese- ірімшік  Rice- күріш Milk- сүт Sugar- қант Butter- май

Speech drill.

Orange- апельсин

Apple- алма

Banana- банан

Grape- жүзім

Egg- жұмыртқа

Tomato- қызанақ

Biscuit- печенье

Potato- картоп

Carrot- сәбіз

Coffee- кофе

Bread- нан

Tea- шай

Juice- шырын

Cheese- ірімшік

Rice- күріш

Milk- сүт

Sugar- қант

Butter- май

In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guests they also cook pilaf, kazy, kuirdak. They have some traditional milk products. They are kurt, irimshik. Their traditional drinks are kymyz, shubat. These drinks are very useful for our health.

In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guests they also cook pilaf, kazy, kuirdak. They have some traditional milk products. They are kurt, irimshik. Their traditional drinks are kymyz, shubat. These drinks are very useful for our health.

Kuirdak Baursak Kymyz Shubat Kazakh meat





Kazakh meat

Food - тамақ Drink - сусын Traditional - ұлттық   Hospitable - қонақжайлы   Invite - шақыру  Guest - қонақ  Health - денсаулық

Food - тамақ

Drink - сусын

Traditional - ұлттық

Hospitable - қонақжайлы

Invite - шақыру

Guest - қонақ

Health - денсаулық

Answer the questions.  1.What is the popular food inyour family? 2.What is your favourite food?Why do you like it? 3.How often does your family have the Kazakh meat? 4.What is your favourite drink? 5.What other meals do people have in your country?

Answer the questions.

1.What is the popular food inyour family?

2.What is your favourite food?Why do you like it?

3.How often does your family have the Kazakh meat?

4.What is your favourite drink?

5.What other meals do people have in your country?

Appetite comes with eating.
  • Appetite comes with eating.

Аштық ас таңдатпайды

2. An apple a day keeps the doctors away.

Ауырып ем іздегенше

Ауырмайтын жол ізде.

Grammar of the lesson. Countable and uncountable nouns.

Grammar of the lesson.

Countable and uncountable nouns.

Exercise 2 . Put these words into two groups: countable and uncountable. 3 2 1 4 5 ’’’ ’’’ Orange bread Apple grape Money milk Carrot tomato Sugar butter Banana salt ың

Exercise 2 . Put these words into two groups:

countable and uncountable.








Orange bread

Apple grape

Money milk

Carrot tomato

Sugar butter

Banana salt


Hometask. Exercise 15 on page 52. Write a few sentences about your  favourite food and drink.


Exercise 15 on page 52.

Write a few sentences about your

favourite food and drink.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

презентация на тему " Countable and uncountable nouns"

Автор: Абдураимова Махсура

Дата: 06.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 262566

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