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Презентация My Home, My Castle

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Презентация содержит информацию о всех типах домов в Великобритании. Картинки изображают реально существующие дома.Её можно использовать с 5 класса и далее как при изучении темы 'My Home, My Castle', так и как дополнительную информацию для расширения страноведческих знаний учащихся.

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«Презентация My Home, My Castle »

My Home, My Castle

My Home, My Castle

Дом house home (= здание) (= родной очаг) This is a house. The house is grey. I come home at 5 p.m. every day.


house home

(= здание) (= родной очаг)

This is a house. The house is grey.

I come home at 5 p.m. every day.

Types of Houses

Types of Houses

  • There is no place like home
  • It may be big, it may be small
  • But wherever you go
  • Home’s best place of all
  • It may be quiet or noisy
  • It may be dark or bright
  • But home is the place
  • Where everything is all right.
There are many types of houses in Britain. They range from the traditional thatched cottages to modern blocks of flats in the cities. Houses are often described by the type of building they are. People in Britain prefer houses to flats. The British respect privacy and independence. An average Englishman likes to live in his own house. A house, a garden and a place to wash the car is a British ideal. About 64 per cent of houses in Britain are owned by people who live in them, the rest is owned by public authorities and is rented.
  • There are many types of houses in Britain. They range from the traditional thatched cottages to modern blocks of flats in the cities. Houses are often described by the type of building they are.
  • People in Britain prefer houses to flats. The British respect privacy and independence. An average Englishman likes to live in his own house. A house, a garden and a place to wash the car is a British ideal.
  • About 64 per cent of houses in Britain are owned by people who live in them, the rest is owned by public authorities and is rented.
Blocks of Flats A block of flats is  a large building  divided into  separate parts

Blocks of Flats

A block of flats is a large building divided into separate parts

Detached Houses A detached house  is  a  house which  is not connected  on any side with  any other  building.

Detached Houses

A detached house is a house which is not connected on any side with any other building.

Semi-detached Houses A semi-detached house is a house that is one of a pair of joined by one shared wall houses.

Semi-detached Houses

A semi-detached house is a house that is one of a pair of joined by one shared wall houses.

Terraced Houses A terraced-house  is a house which is a part of a row of similar houses joined to each other.

Terraced Houses

A terraced-house is a house which is a part of a row of similar houses joined to each other.

Townhouses A townhouse,  or town house, is a type of medium-density housing in cities, usually but not necessarily terraced (row housing) or semi-detached.


A townhouse, or town house, is a type of medium-density housing in cities, usually but not necessarily terraced (row housing) or semi-detached.

Bungalows A  bungalow is a house which has got only one floor.


A bungalow is a house which has got only one floor.

Cottages A cottage  is a house, usually in a rural or semi-rural location. It is usually one and a half storey property.


A cottage is a house, usually in a rural or semi-rural location. It is usually one and a half storey property.

Huts Huts  are used as temporary shelter by people. Huts are quickly built of readily available materials such as ice, stone, grass, palm leaves, branches and/or mud.


Huts are used as temporary shelter by people. Huts are quickly built of readily available materials such as ice, stone, grass, palm leaves, branches and/or mud.

Castles A castle is a type of fortified structure, a residence for nobility .


A castle is a type of fortified structure, a residence for nobility .

Mansions A mansion  is a very large and well-appointed house.


A mansion is a very large and well-appointed house.

Villas A villa  is a big house in the country with a large garden and land surrounding it.


A villa is a big house in the country with a large garden and land surrounding it.

Oast Houses An oast house  or hop kiln is a building designed for kilning (drying) hops as part of the brewing process. Many redundant oasts have been converted into houses.

Oast Houses

An oast house or hop kiln is a building designed for kilning (drying) hops as part of the brewing process. Many redundant oasts have been converted into houses.

Penthouses A penthouse  is an apartment that is on one of the highest floors. Penthouses are typically differentiated from other apartments by luxury features.


A penthouse is an apartment that is on one of the highest floors. Penthouses are typically differentiated from other apartments by luxury features.

Weather-board Houses A weather-board house is a house with over lapping wooden boards on the outside.

Weather-board Houses

A weather-board house is a house with over lapping wooden boards on the outside.

Country Houses A country house  is a large traditional house in the countryside.

Country Houses

A country house is a large traditional house in the countryside.

Farmhouses A f armhouse is a type of building or house which serves a residential purpose in a rural or agricultural setting. Many farm houses are shaped like a T.


A f armhouse is a type of building or house which serves a residential purpose in a rural or agricultural setting. Many farm houses are shaped like a T.

The structure of a house  upstairs  downstairs  upstairs  downstairs  upstairs  downstairs  upstairs  downstairs

The structure of a house









Britain’s smallest house

Britain’s smallest house

  • The Smallest House in Great Britain, also known as the Quay House, is a tourist attraction on the quay in Conwy, Wales.
  • The house, which has a floor area of 3.05 meters by 1.8 meters (10 feet by 6 feet) and a height of 10 feet 2 inches, was used as a residence from the 16th century until 1900.
  • The house was lived in until 1900, when the owner was a 6ft 3 inch (1.9 meters) fisherman named Robert Jones.
  • This house is currently red. It stands near the Conwy Castle walls and people can enter for £1.00 (or 50p for children). There is information about the house inside. A Welsh lady stands outside most days. The upstairs is so minute that there is room only for one bed and a bedside cabinet. Visitors can't walk about on the 2nd floor, but can view it from the step ladder.
  • There's just about enough room for one stove, a water tap, a bedside cabinet and a bed.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация My Home, My Castle

Автор: Шмурина Татьяна Михайловна

Дата: 08.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 140708

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