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Презентация "London"

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Отличная презентация в программе PowerPpoint содержит не только замечательные виды Лондона, но и много интересной информации. Вы узнаете о некоторых традициях, фактах и цифрах, связанных с реалиями Лондона. С большой любовью я подбирала информацию о тех местах в Лондоне, которые были бы интересны детям - Аквариум, музей Мадам Тюссо, самый большой магазин игрушек Хэмлиз. Рекомендую использовать эту презентацию на уроках английского языка в средней школе или на уроках Страноведения Великобритании. Желаю успехов, коллеги!

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«Презентация "London" »



There are more than 600 rooms and about 300 clocks in the Palace ! Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace , in London, is the principal residence and office of the  British monarch . [1]  Located in the  City of Westminster , the  palace  is a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality. It has been a focus for the British people at times of national rejoicing and crisis. Queen Victoria , the first monarch to reside at Buckingham Palace, moved into the newly completed palace upon her accession in 1837. Over 700 people work for the Queen in Buckingham Palace.

There are more than 600 rooms and about 300 clocks in the Palace !

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace , in London, is the principal residence and office of the  British monarch . [1]  Located in the  City of Westminster , the  palace  is a setting for state occasions and royal hospitality. It has been a focus for the British people at times of national rejoicing and crisis. Queen Victoria , the first monarch to reside at Buckingham Palace, moved into the newly completed palace upon her accession in 1837.

Over 700 people work for the Queen in Buckingham Palace.

The Houses of Parliament Lord Mayor traditionally sits on the bag of wool in the Parliament. The  Palace of Westminster , also known as the  Houses of Parliament  or  Westminster Palace , is the meeting place of the two houses of the  Parliament of the United Kingdom —the  House of Lords  and the  House of Commons . It lies on the north bank of the River Thames [note 1]  in the heart of the  London borough  of the  City of Westminster , close to the historic  Westminster Abbey  and the government buildings of  Whitehall  and  Downing Street . The first royal palace was built on the site in the eleventh century, and Westminster was the primary London residence of the Kings of England until a fire destroyed much of the complex in 1512. After that, it served as the home of Parliament, which had been meeting there since the thirteenth century, and the seat of the Royal Courts of Justice, based in and around  Westminster Hall . In 1834, an even greater fire ravaged the heavily rebuilt Houses of Parliament, and the only structures of significance to survive were Westminster Hall, the Cloisters of St Stephen's, the  Chapel of St Mary Undercroft  and the  Jewel Tower .

The Houses of Parliament

Lord Mayor traditionally sits on the bag of wool in the Parliament.

The  Palace of Westminster , also known as the  Houses of Parliament  or  Westminster Palace , is the meeting place of the two houses of the  Parliament of the United Kingdom —the  House of Lords  and the  House of Commons . It lies on the north bank of the River Thames [note 1]  in the heart of the  London borough  of the  City of Westminster , close to the historic  Westminster Abbey  and the government buildings of  Whitehall  and  Downing Street . The first royal palace was built on the site in the eleventh century, and Westminster was the primary London residence of the Kings of England until a fire destroyed much of the complex in 1512. After that, it served as the home of Parliament, which had been meeting there since the thirteenth century, and the seat of the Royal Courts of Justice, based in and around  Westminster Hall . In 1834, an even greater fire ravaged the heavily rebuilt Houses of Parliament, and the only structures of significance to survive were Westminster Hall, the Cloisters of St Stephen's, the  Chapel of St Mary Undercroft  and the  Jewel Tower .

The other name of the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Palace. Westminster means monastery .

The other name of the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Palace. Westminster means monastery .

Westminster Abbey The  Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster , popularly known as  Westminster Abbey , is a large, mainly  Gothic  church, in the City of Westminster ,  London ,  United Kingdom , located just to the west of the  Palace of Westminster . It is the traditional place of coronation  and burial site for  English , later  British  and later still (and currently) monarchs of the  Commonwealth realms . The abbey is a Royal Peculiar  and briefly held the status of a  cathedral  from 1540 to 1550. Flag of Westminster Abbey, featuring the Tudor  arms between  Tudor Roses  above the  supposed arms  of  Edward the Confessor

Westminster Abbey

The  Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster , popularly known as  Westminster Abbey , is a large, mainly  Gothic  church, in the City of Westminster ,  London ,  United Kingdom , located just to the west of the  Palace of Westminster . It is the traditional place of coronation  and burial site for  English , later  British  and later still (and currently) monarchs of the  Commonwealth realms . The abbey is a Royal Peculiar  and briefly held the status of a  cathedral  from 1540 to 1550. Flag of Westminster Abbey, featuring the Tudor  arms between  Tudor Roses  above the  supposed arms  of  Edward the Confessor

About 2,500 people that were not kings have graves in a “Temple of Fame” in Westminster Abbey. Geoffrey Chaucer, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens were buried there. But the most regarded is the Grave of the Unknown Warrior.

About 2,500 people that were not kings have graves in a “Temple of Fame” in Westminster Abbey. Geoffrey Chaucer, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens were buried there.

But the most regarded is the Grave of the Unknown Warrior.

The first church at the place of St. Paul’s was built in 604 A.D. St. Paul’s Cathedral St Paul's Cathedral , London, is a  Church of England   cathedral  and seat of the  Bishop of London . Its dedication to  Paul the Apostle dates back to the original church on this site, founded in AD 604. The cathedral is one of the most famous and most recognisable sights of London, with its dome, framed by the spires of Wren's City churches, dominating the skyline for 300 years. St Paul's Cathedral occupies a significant place in the national identity of the English population. [5]  It is the central subject of much promotional material, as well as postcard images of the dome standing tall, surrounded by the smoke and fire of the  Blitz . [5]  Important services held at St Paul's include the funerals of  Lord Nelson , the  Duke of Wellington  and Sir  Winston Churchill ; Jubilee celebrations for Queen Victoria ; peace services marking the end of the First and Second World Wars; the marriage of  Charles, Prince of Wales , and Lady Diana Spencer , the launch of the Festival of Britain and the thanksgiving services for both the Golden Jubilee and 80th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II . St Paul's Cathedral is a busy working church, with hourly prayer and daily services.

The first church at the place of St. Paul’s was built in 604 A.D.

St. Paul’s Cathedral

St Paul's Cathedral , London, is a  Church of England   cathedral  and seat of the  Bishop of London . Its dedication to  Paul the Apostle dates back to the original church on this site, founded in AD 604. The cathedral is one of the most famous and most recognisable sights of London, with its dome, framed by the spires of Wren's City churches, dominating the skyline for 300 years. St Paul's Cathedral occupies a significant place in the national identity of the English population. [5]  It is the central subject of much promotional material, as well as postcard images of the dome standing tall, surrounded by the smoke and fire of the  Blitz . [5]  Important services held at St Paul's include the funerals of  Lord Nelson , the  Duke of Wellington  and Sir  Winston Churchill ; Jubilee celebrations for Queen Victoria ; peace services marking the end of the First and Second World Wars; the marriage of  Charles, Prince of Wales , and Lady Diana Spencer , the launch of the Festival of Britain and the thanksgiving services for both the Golden Jubilee and 80th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II . St Paul's Cathedral is a busy working church, with hourly prayer and daily services.

The British Museum

The British Museum

The oldest exhibit in British Museum dates back to 10,500 B.C.

The oldest exhibit in British Museum dates back to 10,500 B.C.

The Tower of London

The Tower of London

The biggest diamond in the world the Star of Africa  is kept in the Tower of London. It weighs 530 carats.

The biggest diamond in the world the Star of Africa is kept in the Tower of London. It weighs 530 carats.

About 25 people can sit and walk inside a capsule of the London Eye.

About 25 people can sit and walk inside a capsule of the London Eye.

Madame Tussaud’s Museum

Madame Tussaud’s Museum

More than 2 million tourists visit the exhibition each year.

More than 2 million tourists visit the exhibition each year.

British National Gallery

British National Gallery

Tate Gallery

Tate Gallery

The heart of London – Trafalgar Square

The heart of London – Trafalgar Square

London Natural Science Museum

London Natural Science Museum

Hyde Park St. James’s Park Green Park Regent’s Park

Hyde Park

St. James’s Park

Green Park

Regent’s Park

Kew Gardens There are 30,000 plants there from all existing climate zones.

Kew Gardens

There are 30,000 plants there from all existing climate zones.

London Aquarium

London Aquarium

Hamley’s Toy shop is a real 7-storeyed paradise for kids with more than 40,000 different kinds of toys !!!

Hamley’s Toy shop is a real 7-storeyed paradise for kids with more than 40,000 different kinds of toys !!!

the Tube Mr. Sherlock Holmes, a legendary detective the red telephone booth the black cab London’s specialties

the Tube

Mr. Sherlock Holmes, a legendary detective

the red telephone booth

the black cab

London’s specialties

the pub The Tower Bridge London’s specialties Big Ben the double-decker the Thames

the pub

The Tower Bridge

London’s specialties

Big Ben

the double-decker

the Thames

U R Awesome!

U R Awesome!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация "London"

Автор: Форостяная Светлана Всеволодовна

Дата: 12.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 143064

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