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Презентация к уроку "Образование в англоязычных странах".

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Данная презентация представлена к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой "Enjoy English" 7 класс. В разработке наглядно представлены школы Великобритании, США и Австралии. Урок начинается с повторения лексики по теме, далее идёт представление школ в каждой стране. Цель данного урока расширить кругозор учащихся с помощью иностранного языка.

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«Презентация к уроку "Образование в англоязычных странах". »

Education in English-speaking countries .

Education in English-speaking countries .

МБОУ Сосновская СОШ №1

МБОУ Сосновская СОШ №1

  • Презентация
  • 7класс
  • «Образование в англоязычных странах»
  • Автор: учитель английского языка
  • Кайдаш Лариса Михайловна
Make up the words from the letters cuims You sing at this lesson shtam You count at this lesson ihrsyto You speak about the past jebcust lesson nrfimou Things you wear at school

Make up the words from the letters


You sing at this lesson


You count at this lesson


You speak about the past




Things you wear at school

Divide the words into 2 groups

Divide the words into 2 groups

Education in Australia

Education in Australia

  • Education in Australia is compulsory. Most children study in state schools where education is free.
In several states of Australia there are “School of the Air”. These schools are situated far from the big cities and towns.
  • In several states of Australia there are “School of the Air”. These schools are situated far from the big cities and towns.
How do the students study? They use a radio or other means of communication. By listening to the radio, watching TV and video the students learn about the world around them.
  • How do the students study?
  • They use a radio or other means of communication. By listening to the radio, watching TV and video the students learn about the world around them.
There is “School Through the Mail-box” for children who live far from the school. Subjects are divided into units which including new material, illustrations, exercise and tests can be sent to pupils any time.
  • There is “School Through the Mail-box” for children who live far from the school.
  • Subjects are divided into units which including new material, illustrations, exercise and tests can be sent to pupils any time.
Education in Great Britain.

Education in Great Britain.

  • In Great Britain there are different types of secondary school. Most of them are state school where education is free.
Private (or public) schools in England are very expensive and they are attended by about 5 per cent of the students. The education in private school is of high quality, the discipline is very strict.
  • Private (or public) schools in England are very expensive and they are attended by about 5 per cent of the students.
  • The education in private school is of high quality, the discipline is very strict.
In some British schools uniforms are worn by all the pupils.
  • In some British schools uniforms are worn by all the pupils.
Some private schools are very famous, such as Etons, Harrow, Rugby and Winchester.
  • Some private schools are very famous, such as Etons, Harrow, Rugby and Winchester.
Education in the USA

Education in the USA

  • About 90 per cent of all children in the USA attend state or public schools where education is free.
In private schools parents have to pay for the education. Most of the private schools have religious education.
  • In private schools parents have to pay for the education. Most of the private schools have religious education.
The relations between students and teachers in state schools are democratic and friendly.
  • The relations between students and teachers in state schools are democratic and friendly.
In American public schools students wear whatever they want.
  • In American public schools students wear whatever they want.
Students can choose the subjects they want to study. They often take part in non academic activities such as sports, drama clubs, school newspaper or radio.
  • Students can choose the subjects they want to study. They often take part in non academic activities such as sports, drama clubs, school newspaper or radio.
УМК Биболетовой М.З. для 7 класса Е.В. Дзюина Поурочные разработки по английскому языку для УМК Биболетовой М.З. 7 класс.
  • УМК Биболетовой М.З. для 7 класса
  • Е.В. Дзюина Поурочные разработки по английскому языку для УМК Биболетовой М.З. 7 класс.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Презентация к уроку "Образование в англоязычных странах".

Автор: Кайдаш Лариса Михайловна

Дата: 22.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 177240

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