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Вашему вниманию предлагается презентация к уроку иностранного языка для студентов 1 курса по теме: "Business journey". Целями урока являются следующие: 

1. образовательная - формирование навыков использования изученной лексики в речи.

2. развивающая - развитие речевых способностей к деловому общению, развитие мотивации к дальнейшему овладению иноязычной культурой.

3. воспитательная - формирование деловой профессионально-напрвленной личности.


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«Презентация к уроку иностранного языка »

Урок английского языка для студентов 1 курса колледжа « B usiness journey» Лысак Т.В. – преподаватель иностранного языка ГАОУ СПО «Лениногорский политехнический колледж»

Урок английского языка для студентов 1 курса колледжа

« B usiness journey»

Лысак Т.В. – преподаватель

иностранного языка

ГАОУ СПО «Лениногорский политехнический колледж»

ЦЕЛИ УРОКА: 1. образовательная  – формирование навыков использования изученной лексики в речи; 2. воспитательная   – формирование деловой профессионально-подготовленной личности; 3. развивающая  – развитие речевых способностей, способностей к деловому общению, развитие мотивации к дальнейшему овладению иноязычной культурой. ЗАДАЧИ: 1. активизировать изученную лексику; 2. учить составлять монологи, используя опорные фразы; 3. учить составлять диалоги, используя опорные фразы; 4. развить навыки ведения деловых переговоров.


1. образовательная  – формирование навыков использования изученной лексики в речи;

2. воспитательная   – формирование деловой профессионально-подготовленной личности;

3. развивающая  – развитие речевых способностей, способностей к деловому общению, развитие мотивации к дальнейшему овладению иноязычной культурой.


1. активизировать изученную лексику;

2. учить составлять монологи, используя опорные фразы;

3. учить составлять диалоги, используя опорные фразы;

4. развить навыки ведения деловых переговоров.

1. ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННЫЙ МОМЕНТ:   Business trips are just part of doing business. A company tries to choose only its best people to represent it. How do you think why?   To be the best you should be ready to discuss different points of a contract to your business partners. So today we are going to make acquaintance to Mr. Calder, a successful American businessman. We should help him, but to do it, we should learn new words first of all.


Business trips are just part of doing business. A company tries to choose only its best people to represent it. How do you think why?

To be the best you should be ready to discuss different points of a contract to your business partners. So today we are going to make acquaintance to Mr. Calder, a successful American businessman. We should help him, but to do it, we should learn new words first of all.

2. ФОНЕТИЧЕСКАЯ ЗАРЯДКА:  Read the words after the teacher and give your examples of using the words and expressions:


Read the words after the teacher and give your examples of using the words and expressions:

  • to do business with – заниматься бизнесом
  • to be busy – быть занятым
  • to look through – просматривать
  • price – цена
  • goods – товар
  • term – условие
  • payment – оплата
  • shipment – отгрузка, погрузка, отправка
  • delivery – поставка
  • business matters – деловые вопросы
  • enquiry – запрос
  • equipment – оборудование
  • to sell – продавать
  • to make an appointment – назначать встречу
  • to be interested in – быть заинтересованным в
  • quotation – расценка, цена


  • Чтение текста.
  • Упражнение к тексту № 1
  • Упражнение к тексту № 2
  • Упражнение-подготовка к диалогу
  • Составление диалога с использованием опорных фраз.
1) ЧТЕНИЕ ТЕКСТА   Mr. Calder is a successful American businessman. He has been inbusiness for about 13 years. His company produces good equipment. The equipment is sold well in his own country. But he needs more customers. He has an idea. Why not sell his equipment abroad? He began to look for new customers in foreign markets. He knows that it may take him months or years to become a successful exporter. He decided to go to Russia to get export orders.   Mr. Calder believes that one of the best preparations for a trip is reading magazines about the country to which he intends to go. He learned a lot about the Russian economy, the country’s trade, the main suppliers, customers, customs and traditions of the people.  Before he left for Russia he had contacted the commercial representatives of his country in Russia to get some information about the market and import duties.   His secretary booked tickets, a room at a hotel and made some business appointments for her boss.  Mr. Calder is an experienced businessman and he hasn’t forgotten to get letters of introduction, lots of business cards and pictures of the equipment and his plant.


Mr. Calder is a successful American businessman. He has been inbusiness for about 13 years. His company produces good equipment. The equipment is sold well in his own country. But he needs more customers. He has an idea. Why not sell his equipment abroad? He began to look for new customers in foreign markets. He knows that it may take him months or years to become a successful exporter. He decided to go to Russia to get export orders.

Mr. Calder believes that one of the best preparations for a trip is reading magazines about the country to which he intends to go. He learned a lot about the Russian economy, the country’s trade, the main suppliers, customers, customs and traditions of the people.

Before he left for Russia he had contacted the commercial representatives of his country in Russia to get some information about the market and import duties.

His secretary booked tickets, a room at a hotel and made some business appointments for her boss.

Mr. Calder is an experienced businessman and he hasn’t forgotten to get letters of introduction, lots of business cards and pictures of the equipment and his plant.

Mr. Calder has arrived in Omsk to discuss some business matters with the people of the plant. The company is interested in buying Mr. Calder’s equipment.  Mr. Belov, a representative of the plant, phone him.  Belov : Good morning Mr. Calder, glad to know you are in Omsk at last. Did you have a good trip?  Calder: Oh, yes. Thank you. Everything was all right.  B: Is it your first visit to Omsk?  C: Yes, it is.  B: Oh, I’m sure Omsk will impress you greatly. There are many places of interest here and you’ll enjoy sightseeing I think. I’m sure, I will. Thank you. And now I’d like to discuss with you some points of the contract.  C: I think it’s better for us to make an appointment.  B: Absolutely agree with you. Could I meet you on Monday?  C: Oh, I’m very busy on Monday. How about Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock?  B: Good. See you on Wednesday. Good bye!

Mr. Calder has arrived in Omsk to discuss some business matters with the people of the plant. The company is interested in buying Mr. Calder’s equipment.

Mr. Belov, a representative of the plant, phone him.

Belov : Good morning Mr. Calder, glad to know you are in Omsk at last. Did you have a good trip?

Calder: Oh, yes. Thank you. Everything was all right.

B: Is it your first visit to Omsk?

C: Yes, it is.

B: Oh, I’m sure Omsk will impress you greatly. There are many places of interest here and you’ll enjoy sightseeing I think. I’m sure, I will. Thank you. And now I’d like to discuss with you some points of the contract.

C: I think it’s better for us to make an appointment.

B: Absolutely agree with you. Could I meet you on Monday?

C: Oh, I’m very busy on Monday. How about Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock?

B: Good. See you on Wednesday. Good bye!

2) УПРАЖНЕНИЕ К ТЕКСТУ № 1 Complete the sentences from the text . Mr. Calder is ... He has been in business for about ... His company produces ... He began to look for ... He decided to go to … Mr. Calder believes that one of the best preparations for a trip is ... He learned a lot about ... His secretary booked ... The company is interested in... Mr. Belov is ... C: Oh, I’m very busy on ... How about Wednesday morning at …?


Complete the sentences from the text .

Mr. Calder is ...

He has been in business for about ...

His company produces ...

He began to look for ...

He decided to go to …

Mr. Calder believes that one of the best preparations for a trip is ...

He learned a lot about ...

His secretary booked ...

The company is interested in...

Mr. Belov is ...

C: Oh, I’m very busy on ... How about Wednesday morning at …?

3) УПРАЖНЕНИЕ К ТЕКСТУ № 2 Read the story again and number the events in the order they appear in the text. 1. Mr. Calder spoke to Mr. Belov, a representative of the plant. 2. Mr. Calder decided to go to Russia. 3. Mr. Calder has been a successful American businessman for about 13 years. 4. Mr. Calder arrived in Omsk. 5. He is going to sell his equipment in foreign markets. 6. Mr. Calder and Mr. Belov made an appointment on Wednesday. 7. He looked through a lot of magazines about the country. 8. Mr. Calder prepared the latest catalogues and quotations. 9. Mr. Calder’s secretary booked tickets, a room at a hotel, and some business appointments for her boss.


Read the story again and number the events in the order they appear in the text.

1. Mr. Calder spoke to Mr. Belov, a representative of the plant.

2. Mr. Calder decided to go to Russia.

3. Mr. Calder has been a successful American businessman for about 13 years.

4. Mr. Calder arrived in Omsk.

5. He is going to sell his equipment in foreign markets.

6. Mr. Calder and Mr. Belov made an appointment on Wednesday.

7. He looked through a lot of magazines about the country.

8. Mr. Calder prepared the latest catalogues and quotations.

9. Mr. Calder’s secretary booked tickets, a room at a hotel, and some business appointments for her boss.

4) УПРАЖНЕНИЕ-ПОДГОТОВКА К ДИАЛОГУ Вариант 1 - Hello , Calder Mr .! Nice to you see. - Mr. Hello, Belov! Glad you to too see. - your How business is? - is My doing business well. It’s best the of for trade kind me. - know I. Your is used in of equipment economy all fields: industry and agriculture, medicine and space research transport and sport … Вариант 2 - morning Good Mr. Calder, to see you glad in Omsk. Did have you a trip good? - Oh, yes. you Thank. Everything all right was. - it Is your first visit Omsk to? - Yes, is it.


Вариант 1

- Hello , Calder Mr .! Nice to you see.

- Mr. Hello, Belov! Glad you to too see.

- your How business is?

- is My doing business well. It’s best the of for trade kind me.

- know I. Your is used in of equipment economy all fields: industry and agriculture, medicine and space research transport and sport …

Вариант 2

- morning Good Mr. Calder, to see you glad in Omsk. Did have you a trip good?

- Oh, yes. you Thank. Everything all right was.

- it Is your first visit Omsk to?

- Yes, is it.



Вариант 1

  • to do business with – заниматься бизнесом
  • price – цена
  • term – условие
  • payment – оплата
  • shipment – отгрузка, погрузка, отправка
  • delivery – поставка
  • business matters – деловые вопросы
  • enquiry – запрос
  • equipment – оборудование
  • to sell – продавать
  • to be interested in – быть заинтересованным в
  • quotation – расценка, цена
Вариант 2

Вариант 2

  • to be busy – быть занятым
  • to look through – просматривать
  • goods – товар
  • term – условие
  • payment – оплата
  • shipment – отгрузка , погрузка , отправка
  • delivery – поставка
  • business matters – деловые вопросы
  • enquiry – запрос
  • equipment – оборудование
  • to sell – продавать
  • to make an appointment – назначать встречу
  • quotation – расценка, цена


EX 23 P 123

EX 25 P 135

БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ  1. Английский язык: учебное пособие для студентов II курса всех специальностей / Составитель Н. С. Малахова. – Омск: издательство Омского экономического института, 2009.  2. www.native-english.ru по состоянию на 01.01.2011.  3. www.wikipedia.ru   по состоянию на 01.01.2011.


1. Английский язык: учебное пособие для студентов II курса всех специальностей / Составитель Н. С. Малахова. – Омск: издательство Омского экономического института, 2009.

2. www.native-english.ru по состоянию на 01.01.2011.

3. www.wikipedia.ru   по состоянию на 01.01.2011.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к уроку иностранного языка

Автор: Лысак Татьяна Викторовна

Дата: 19.06.2014

Номер свидетельства: 107059

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