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Презентация к уроку английского языка TV- family

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Данная презентация составлена для урока английского языка в 5 классе по программе "Английский в фокусе". Дети познакомятся с лексикой темы и с телевизионными семьями. В презентации даются вопросы на повторение притяжательных местоимений. В ходе работы на уроке идет знакомство с семьей Симпсонов. Также представлены другие телевизионные семьи.

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка TV- family »



Complete the sentences. Use I/me/he/him, etc.

Complete the sentences. Use I/me/he/him, etc.

  • I don’t eat tomatoes. I don’t like __.
  • Do you know that boy? Yes, I study with ___.
  • Where is Anna? I want to talk to ___.
  • Do you like ___English lessons?
  • They are having a party. They have invited all ____ friends.
Say the words Cool Kind Clever Friendly Funny Naughty Beautiful Noisy ooCl indK leverC ndFriely unnyF htyNaug utiBeaful isyNo Example :  My mother is clever.

Say the words

















Example : My mother is clever.

Lisa Simpson is 8 years old. She's short and she's got fair hair. She is very clever. She can sing and play the saxophone and she can speak Swedish and French.

Lisa Simpson is 8 years old. She's short and she's got

fair hair. She is very clever. She can sing and play the

saxophone and she can

speak Swedish and French.

Bart Simpson is 10 years old. He is short with fair hair. He is naughty and noisy. He likes comic books and skateboarding. He can speak French. He's got  two sisters, Lisa and Maggie.

Bart Simpson is 10 years old. He is short with fair

hair. He is naughty and

noisy. He likes comic books and skateboarding. He can speak French. He's got

two sisters, Lisa and


Homer Simpson is the father of the family. He is 39 years old and is tall and fat. He likes eating and drinking very much. He is not very clever, but he's funny.

Homer Simpson is the

father of the family. He is 39 years old and is tall

and fat. He likes eating

and drinking very much. He is not very clever, but he's funny.

Maggie Simpson is the baby of the family. She is small and she has got fair hair. She can't walk and she can't talk, but she can play the saxophone. She is quiet, friendly and very clever

Maggie Simpson is the baby of the family. She is small and she has got fair hair. She can't walk

and she can't talk, but

she can play the

saxophone. She is quiet, friendly and very clever

Marge Simpson is the mother of the family. She is 38 years old. She is tall and slim and her  hair is blue! She can cook well and she is very patient and kind. She is afraid of flying.

Marge Simpson is the mother of the family.

She is 38 years old. She is tall and slim and her hair is blue! She can cook well and she is

very patient and kind.

She is afraid of flying.

Marge mother 38 tall, slim can cook patient, kind Homer father 39 tall, fat eating, drinking funny Maggie baby small can't walk can play saxophone friendly, clever Bart 10 short comic books French naughty, noisy Lisa


  • mother
  • 38
  • tall, slim
  • can cook
  • patient, kind


  • father
  • 39
  • tall, fat
  • eating, drinking
  • funny


  • baby
  • small
  • can't walk
  • can play saxophone
  • friendly, clever


  • 10
  • short
  • comic books
  • French
  • naughty, noisy


  • 8
  • short
  • sing
  • Swedish, French
  • clever
Is this family big or small? Who has got short, black hair? What is Fred’s wife name? What colour of hair has Wilma got? Is Wilma short? Who’s got long, red hair and a small Is this family big or small? Who has got short, black hair? What is Fred’s wife name? What colour of hair has Wilma got? Is Wilma short? Who’s got long, red hair and a small nose? What is the pet’s name? What is the pet’s name?
  • Is this family big or small? Who has got short, black hair? What is Fred’s wife name? What colour of hair has Wilma got? Is Wilma short? Who’s got long, red hair and a small
  • Is this family big or small?
  • Who has got short, black hair?
  • What is Fred’s wife name?
  • What colour of hair has Wilma got?
  • Is Wilma short?
  • Who’s got long, red hair and a small


  • What is the pet’s name?
  • What is the pet’s name?
Fred Flintstone is the mother. Wilma Flintstone is the daughter. Fred Flintstone hasn’t got round nose. The Flintstones is a sad family. Pebbles has got a big nose and mouth Fred Flintstone is the mother. Wilma Flintstone is the daughter. Fred Flintstone hasn’t got round nose. The Flintstones is a sad family. Pebbles has got a big nose and mouth
  • Fred Flintstone is the mother. Wilma Flintstone is the daughter. Fred Flintstone hasn’t got round nose. The Flintstones is a sad family. Pebbles has got a big nose and mouth
  • Fred Flintstone is the mother.
  • Wilma Flintstone is the daughter.
  • Fred Flintstone hasn’t got round nose.
  • The Flintstones is a sad family.
  • Pebbles has got a big nose and mouth
Thank you!!!

Thank you!!!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к уроку английского языка TV- family

Автор: Алексеенко Ирина Валерьевна

Дата: 20.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 241814

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