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Презентация к уроку английского языка "Present Progressive Tense"

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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 6 классе "Настоящее длительное время". Разработка соответствует стандартам нового поколения, применяется для проведения открытого урока в 6 классе. Разработана к учебно-методическому комплексу М.З.Биболетовой. Вводится понятие глаголов настоящего длительного  времени, проводится сравнение с глаголами настоящего времени. Приводятся примеры. В конце презентации представлена проверочная работа в виде теста. Объяснение нового материала происходит с помощью сказочных героев. Презентация воспринимается детьми с удовольствием, они с радостью воспринимают героев, что способствует качественному усвоению материала урока и созданию благоприятной обстановки в классе.

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка "Present Progressive Tense" »

Present Continuous (Progressive)  настоящее продолженное время Болотова Цыржена Цыдыповна учитель английского языка МБОУ «Верхнецасучейская СОШ»

Present Continuous (Progressive) настоящее продолженное время

Болотова Цыржена Цыдыповна

учитель английского языка МБОУ «Верхнецасучейская СОШ»

now The cat is sleep ing . The kitten is play ing . The dog and the kitten are run n ing .


The cat is sleep ing .

The kitten is play ing .

The dog and the kitten are run n ing .

Remember I am He is  She is  It is      V ing We are  You are They are play – play ing sleep – sleep ing write - writ ing get - get t ing


I am

He is

She is

It is V ing

We are

You are

They are

play – play ing

sleep – sleep ing

write - writ ing

get - get t ing

Negative The boy is not  playing . am not is not = isn’t are not = aren’t Question Is the boy going to school?  Am  I Is  he, she, it    going ? Are  we, you, they


The boy is not playing .

am not

is not = isn’t

are not = aren’t


Is the boy going to school?

Am I

Is he, she, it going ?

Are we, you, they

Say what he is doing.  Ask questions. writ e - is writ ing read - is read ing

Say what he is doing. Ask questions.

writ e - is writ ing

read - is read ing

open – is open ing speak – is speak ing

open – is open ing

speak – is speak ing

play – is play ing skateboard – is skateboard ing

play – is play ing

skateboard –

is skateboard ing

jump – is jump ing dance – is danc ing sleep – is sleep ing

jump – is jump ing

dance – is danc ing

sleep – is sleep ing

Choose the right verb for each gap is doing am reading are watching are dancing am playing are going Look! The girl _____________ her homework. My parents _________________ TV now.  At the moment I ______________ computer games. The children _______________ to school.  I _______________ an interesting book now.  The man and the woman _______________ .

Choose the right verb for each gap

is doing

am reading

are watching

are dancing

am playing

are going

Look! The girl _____________ her homework.

My parents _________________ TV now.

At the moment I ______________ computer games.

The children _______________ to school.

I _______________ an interesting book now.

The man and the woman _______________ .

Agree or disagree The boy is swimming. The man is dancing.

Agree or disagree

The boy is swimming.

The man is dancing.

They are running. They are cooking.

They are running.

They are cooking.

The boy is fishing. They are eating.

The boy is fishing.

They are eating.

He is doing his homework. The cat is drinking.

He is doing his homework.

The cat is drinking.

Tests Образуйте Participle 1 to read  - read ing to stand - stand ing  to jump - jump ing to give - giv ing to swim - swim m ing to sit - sit t ing to buy - buy ing to dance - danc ing to play - play ing


Образуйте Participle 1

to read -

read ing

to stand -

stand ing

to jump -

jump ing

to give -

giv ing

to swim -

swim m ing

to sit -

sit t ing

to buy -

buy ing

to dance -

danc ing

to play -

play ing

Заполните пропуски. Используйте am / is / are и Participle 1 . swimming, reading, playing, doing, eating

Заполните пропуски. Используйте am / is / are и Participle 1 .

swimming, reading, playing, doing, eating

  • Listen! Dan and John … the piano.
  • Look! Your dog … in the river.
  • Where are you? – In the room. I … an interesting book.
  • The children … a cake.
  • She … her homework now.
Check your answers:

Check your answers:

  • Listen! Dan and John are playing the piano.
  • Look! Your dog is swimming in the river.
  • Where are you? – In the room. I am reading an interesting book.
  • The children are eating a cake.
  • She is doing her homework now.
Make sentences. books / the children / are / reading ? playing / my friend / is / tennis . they / are / river / in the / swimming . doing / your homework / are / you ?  Check your answers: Are the children reading books? My friend is playing tennis. They are swimming in the river. Are you doing your homework?

Make sentences.

  • books / the children / are / reading ?
  • playing / my friend / is / tennis .
  • they / are / river / in the / swimming .
  • doing / your homework / are / you ?

Check your answers:

Are the children reading books?

My friend is playing tennis.

They are swimming in the river.

Are you doing your homework?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация к уроку английского языка "Present Progressive Tense"

Автор: Болотова Цыржена Цыдыповна

Дата: 22.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 133991

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