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Презентация для урока по теме "Как ты проводишь свободное время?" 7 класс

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Презентация к уроку по теме "How do you spend your free time?" для 7 класса к учебнику В.П. Кузовлева.

Задачи урока:

-учебная: формировать навыки и умения в чтении, устной речи (монологическая формы) по материалам темы  “How do you spend your free time?” с использованием лексического, грамматического материала (-ing and –ed adjectives);

 -познавательная: продолжить ознакомление учащихся с увлечениями в Великобритании, в России;

 -развивающая: развивать интерес к учебно-познавательной деятельности на иностранном языке, развивать логику, внимание, память, целостность высказывания;

 -воспитательная: формирование уважительного отношения к увлечениям других людей, к мнению другого человека.

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«Презентация для урока по теме "Как ты проводишь свободное время?" 7 класс »

How do you spend your free time? 7 класс. Unit 8 Беркутова Н.А. МБОУ СОШ№9

How do you spend your free time?

7 класс. Unit 8

Беркутова Н.А.


A hobby  is an activity, interest or  amateur pastime that is  undertaken for pleasure  or relaxation, typically  done during one's leisure  time.

A hobby is an activity, interest or

amateur pastime that is

undertaken for pleasure

or relaxation, typically

done during one's leisure


I have many friends. They are very different and they have different kinds of hobbies. One of my friends likes to make everything with his own hands. He can repair an iron, a radio-set, or a tape-recorder. I think it's a very good hobby. One of my girl-friends, for example, likes to knit very much. Another girl-friend of mine spends all her free time sewing things: skirts, blouses, dresses. She makes it nicely and she always looks fine.

I have many friends. They are very different and they have different kinds of hobbies. One of my friends likes to make everything with his own hands. He can repair an iron, a radio-set, or a tape-recorder. I think it's a very good hobby.

One of my girl-friends, for example, likes to knit very much. Another girl-friend of mine spends all her free time sewing things: skirts, blouses, dresses. She makes it nicely and she always looks fine.

Shopping is a favorite pastime for women. Our best friend Tyler Smith is not exception. She is fond of shopping. It is a kind of amusement for her. She always get a great enjoy, as every girl, when she  does purchase. She prefers to buy stuff.

Shopping is a favorite pastime for women. Our best friend Tyler Smith is not exception. She is fond of shopping. It is a kind of amusement for her. She always get a great enjoy, as every girl, when she

does purchase. She prefers to buy stuff.

interesting exciting relaxing thrilling boring challenging silly








Choose the correct word to describe things and people’s feelings . 1. Tom is ________ in motorsport. He finds it _________. (interesting/interested) 2. I’m so ________ by collecting stamps. It’s _________ to learn a lot about the world. (amusing/amused) 3. Reading books is not ______ . I am never _______ with it. (boring/bored) 4. My Mum was _______ at the news. (surprising/surprised) 5. Cycling is an ________ hobby. (exiting/exited) exercise 2 1. It was not ________ for Tom to do the tests. (interesting/interested) 2. Our teacher was _________ with Nick who was not a prodigy. (disappointing/disappointed) 3. Pupils were _________ because their marks were not good. (depressing/depressed) 4. George didn’t have a brother or a sister. He was ________ to tears. (boring/bored) 5. Looking after his Grandma wasn’t the most _________ way to spend a Saturday morning. (exciting/excited)

Choose the correct word to describe things and people’s feelings .

1. Tom is ________ in motorsport. He finds it _________. (interesting/interested)

2. I’m so ________ by collecting stamps. It’s _________ to learn a lot about the world. (amusing/amused)

3. Reading books is not ______ . I am never _______ with it. (boring/bored)

4. My Mum was _______ at the news. (surprising/surprised)

5. Cycling is an ________ hobby. (exiting/exited)

exercise 2

1. It was not ________ for Tom to do the tests. (interesting/interested)

2. Our teacher was _________ with Nick who was not a prodigy. (disappointing/disappointed)

3. Pupils were _________ because their marks were not good. (depressing/depressed)

4. George didn’t have a brother or a sister. He was ________ to tears. (boring/bored)

5. Looking after his Grandma wasn’t the most _________ way to spend a Saturday morning. (exciting/excited)

Choose the correct word to describe things and people’s feelings . Tom is interested in motorsport. He finds it interesting . I’m so amused by collecting stamps. It’s amusing to learn a lot about the world. Reading books is not boring . I am never bored with it. My Mum was surprised at the news. 5. Cycling is an exciting hobby. exercise 2

Choose the correct word to describe things and people’s feelings .

  • Tom is interested in motorsport. He finds it interesting .
  • I’m so amused by collecting stamps. It’s amusing to learn a lot about the world.
  • Reading books is not boring . I am never bored with it.
  • My Mum was surprised at the news.

5. Cycling is an exciting hobby.

exercise 2

  • It was not interesting for Tom to do the tests.
  • Our teacher was disappointed with Nick who was not a prodigy.
  • Pupils were depressed because their marks were not good.
  • George didn’t have a brother or a sister. He was bored to tears.
  • Looking after his Grandma wasn’t the most exciting way to spend a Saturday morning.
Интернет ресурсы: http://www.ladyfromrussia.com/rus/hobby.shtml http://images.yandex.ru/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobby http://time-hobbies.ru/ http://www.learnathome.ru/blog/talking-about-hobbies

Интернет ресурсы:






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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация для урока по теме "Как ты проводишь свободное время?" 7 класс

Автор: Беркутова Наталья Александровна

Дата: 18.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 132261

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