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Презентация по теме "Рождество"

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«Презентация по теме "Рождество"»

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When is Christmas?  2. Where does the main Christmas tree of the UK stand?  3. Where is the main Christmas tree of the USA situated?  4. Do the Americans and the British decorate streets and houses before Christmas?  5. What is one of the most popular decorations inside their houses?

  • When is Christmas?

2. Where does the main Christmas tree of the UK stand?

3. Where is the main Christmas tree of the USA situated?

4. Do the Americans and the British decorate streets and houses before Christmas?

5. What is one of the most popular decorations inside their houses?

6. What is the main dish on the Christmas table in the UK? 7.Why do they bake Gingerbread men? 8. Where do children find their presents? 9. What happens if people meet under a branch of mistletoe? 10.What other Christmas traditions are there in great Britain and the USA?

6. What is the main dish on the Christmas table in the UK?

7.Why do they bake Gingerbread men?

8. Where do children find their presents?

9. What happens if people meet under a branch of mistletoe?

10.What other Christmas traditions are there in great Britain and the USA?

When is Christmas? Christmas comes on the 25 th of December in Europe and the USA.  2. Where does the main Christmas tree of the UK stand? The main Christmas tree of the UK is on Trafalgar Square. 3. Where is the main Christmas tree of the USA situated? In the USA the main Christmas tree stands in front of the White House. 4. Do the Americans and the British decorate streets and houses before Christmas? People decorate streets, the outsides of their houses with lights. 5. What is one of the most popular decorations inside their houses? One of the traditions is to make wreaths and decorate houses with them.

  • When is Christmas?

Christmas comes on the 25 th of December in Europe and the USA.

2. Where does the main Christmas tree of the UK stand?

The main Christmas tree of the UK is on Trafalgar Square.

3. Where is the main Christmas tree of the USA situated?

In the USA the main Christmas tree stands in front of the White House.

4. Do the Americans and the British decorate streets and houses before Christmas?

People decorate streets, the outsides of their houses with lights.

5. What is one of the most popular decorations inside their houses?

One of the traditions is to make wreaths and decorate houses with them.

6. What is the main dish on the Christmas table in the UK? The main Christmas meal is at lunchtime or early afternoon. It's normally roast turkey and vegetables. 7.Why do they bake Gingerbread men? 8. Where do children find their presents? Children believe that Santa Claus leaves presents in stockings. These hang by the fire or by the children's beds on Christmas Eve. They bake Gingerbread men as a reminder that God has created the man.

6. What is the main dish on the Christmas table in the UK?

The main Christmas meal is at lunchtime or early afternoon. It's normally roast turkey and vegetables.

7.Why do they bake Gingerbread men?

8. Where do children find their presents?

Children believe that Santa Claus leaves presents in stockings. These hang by the fire or by the children's beds on Christmas Eve.

They bake Gingerbread men as a reminder that God

has created the man.

9 . What happens if people meet under a branch of mistletoe? If a man and a woman meet under a branch of mistletoe they kiss. 10.What other Christmas traditions are there in great Britain and the USA? All family members gather together to celebrate the holiday. Christmas sales start in September-October. The biggest sales are after the holyday.

9 . What happens if people meet under a branch of mistletoe?

If a man and a woman meet under a branch of mistletoe they kiss.

10.What other Christmas traditions are there in great Britain and the USA?

All family members gather together to celebrate the holiday. Christmas sales start in September-October. The biggest sales are after the holyday.

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. a

1. b

2. a

3. b

4. b

5. c

6. c

7. a

8. a

9. a

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация по теме "Рождество"

Автор: Боженова Ирина Александровна

Дата: 03.08.2020

Номер свидетельства: 555292

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