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Презентация по английскому языку по теме "World Sleep Day"

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«Презентация по английскому языку по теме "World Sleep Day"»

March 19,  2021

March 19, 2021

World Sleep Day  ( WSD )  It is an annual, global call to action about the importance of healthy sleep. Th е focus of WSD is to bring cognizance to many burdens of sleep problems, as well as the importance of healthy sleep.  It is an internationally recognized event bringing researchers, health professionals and patients together to recognize sleep and its important impact on our health.

World Sleep Day ( WSD )

It is an annual, global call to action about the importance of healthy sleep. Th е focus of WSD is to bring cognizance to many burdens of sleep problems, as well as the importance of healthy sleep.

It is an internationally recognized event bringing researchers, health professionals and patients together to recognize sleep and its important impact on our health.

World Sleep Day  ( WSD )  2021 will mark the 14 th annual World Sleep Day on March 19.  The first WSD was held in 2008.  It is held the Friday before Spring Vernal Equinox.

World Sleep Day ( WSD )

2021 will mark the 14 th annual World Sleep Day on March 19.

The first WSD was held in 2008.

It is held the Friday before Spring Vernal Equinox.

World Sleep Day - History

World Sleep Day - History

  • “ Sleep Well, Live Fully Awake” – March 14, 2008
  • “ Drive Alert, Arrive Safe” – March 20, 2009
  • “ Sleep Well, Stay Healthy” – March 19, 2010
  • “ Sleep Well, Grow Healthy” – March 18, 2011
  • “ Breathe Easily, Sleep Well” – March 16, 2012
  • “ Good Sleep, Healthy Aging” – March 15, 2013
  • “ Restful Sleep, Easy Breathing, Healthy Body” – March 14, 2014
World Sleep Day - History

World Sleep Day - History

  • “ When Sleep is Sound, Health and Happiness Abound” – March 13, 2015
  • “ Good Sleep is a Reachable Dream” – March 18, 2016
  • “ Sleep Soundly, Nurture Life” – March 17, 2017
  • “ Join the Sleep World, Preserve Your Rhythms to Enjoy Life” – March 16, 2018
  • “ Healthy Sleep, Healthy Aging” – March 15, 2019
  • “ Better Sleep, Better Life, Better Planet” – March 13, 2020
  • “ Regular Sleep, Healthy Future” – March 19, 2021
2021 World Sleep Day  Slogan / Theme : Regular Sleep,  Healthy Future

2021 World Sleep Day Slogan / Theme :

Regular Sleep,

Healthy Future

2021 World Sleep Day   Regular Sleep, Healthy Future  World Sleep Day 2021 will incorporate this slogan, highlighting sleep’s important pla с e as a pillar of health, connecting regular sleep to healthier physical and mental state in the future. This focus is surrounding the message that quality of life can be improved with healthy sleep.

2021 World Sleep Day Regular Sleep, Healthy Future

World Sleep Day 2021 will incorporate this slogan, highlighting sleep’s important pla с e as a pillar of health, connecting regular sleep to healthier physical and mental state in the future.

This focus is surrounding the message that quality of life can be improved with healthy sleep.

World Sleep Society  ( WSS )  WSD is organized by World Sleep Society , an international association whose mission is to advance sleep health worldwide.  WSS acts as link between various sleep associations and cultures, sleep clinicians and researchers, in the advancement of worldwide sleep health.

World Sleep Society ( WSS )

WSD is organized by World Sleep Society , an international association whose mission is to advance sleep health worldwide.

WSS acts as link between various sleep associations and cultures, sleep clinicians and researchers, in the advancement of worldwide sleep health.

World Sleep Society  ( WSS )  WSS has  compiled ten tips for healthier sleep. These recommendations are both for children and adults.

World Sleep Society ( WSS )

WSS has compiled ten tips for healthier sleep. These recommendations are both for children and adults.

Some Statistics

Some Statistics

Get up early &  have healthy sleep!

Get up early & have healthy sleep!

Wish you having  good deep sleep & nice dreams  every night!

Wish you having good deep sleep & nice dreams every night!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация по английскому языку по теме "World Sleep Day"

Автор: Керимова Татьяна Валентиновна

Дата: 16.03.2021

Номер свидетельства: 575653

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