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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Профессии"

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«Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Профессии"»

I. What do you want to be?  II. What professional fields can you choose?  III. What is important in choosing a profession?

I. What do you want to be?

II. What professional fields can you choose?

III. What is important in choosing a profession?

doctor pilot driver bank clerk designer hairdresser travel agent journalist dentist  computer operator computer programmer nurse teacher vet businessman fireman policeman (militiaman) militaryman




bank clerk



travel agent



computer operator

computer programmer






policeman (militiaman)


A militaryman is a person who defends the Motherland. He services in the army. A militaryman participates in war actions. He is strong and brave, resolute and willed. A militaryman is a patriot of the country

A militaryman is a person who defends the Motherland. He services in the army.

A militaryman participates in war actions.

He is strong and brave, resolute and willed.

A militaryman is a patriot of the country

A fireman is a person who puts out fires. He rescues from danger. He is courageous and resolute. A fireman is a fearless and disinterested person.

A fireman is a person who puts out fires.

He rescues from danger.

He is courageous and resolute. A fireman is

a fearless and disinterested person.

A policeman is a person who defends a law, social and state order. He is justice and honest. A policeman must be a sociable, polite and desent person. A policeman is a person who has patience and self- control.

A policeman is a person who defends a law, social and state order.

He is justice and honest. A policeman must be a sociable, polite and desent

person. A policeman is a person who has patience and self- control.

A doctor is a person who works with people and helps them. A doctor must be patient and kind. This job is interesting and socially important .

A doctor is a person who works with people and helps them.

A doctor must be patient and kind.

This job is interesting and socially important .

Money Further training Job satisfaction reasons Good job conditions Promotion prospects  Travelling abroad


Further training

Job satisfaction


Good job conditions

Promotion prospects

Travelling abroad

hard-working  communicative  problem-solving skills  logical reasoning  profound knowledge  analytical abilities careful  ambitious  efficient  kind  patient  physical abilities
  • hard-working
  • communicative
  • problem-solving skills
  • logical reasoning
  • profound knowledge
  • analytical abilities
  • careful
  • ambitious
  • efficient
  • kind
  • patient
  • physical abilities








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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Профессии"

Автор: Козлова Юлия Александровна

Дата: 09.01.2019

Номер свидетельства: 494307

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