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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Health".

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Title: "Healthy Habits: Exploring the Importance of Health"

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the concept of health and identify simple habits that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

1. Pictures or flashcards depicting healthy habits (e.g., eating fruits and vegetables, exercising, washing hands)
2. Whiteboard and markers
3. Worksheet with simple health-related questions and activities
4. Storybook or video related to health (optional)

Lesson Plan:

1. Introduction (5 minutes):
   - Greet the students and introduce the topic of health.
   - Ask students what they think it means to be healthy. Encourage them to share their ideas.

2. Vocabulary Building (10 minutes):
   - Introduce new vocabulary related to health, such as "exercise," "nutrition," "hygiene," etc.
   - Use pictures or flashcards to illustrate each term and provide simple explanations.
   - Practice pronunciation and encourage students to repeat after you.

3. Discussion (10 minutes):
   - Lead a discussion about healthy habits. Ask questions like:
     - What kinds of foods do you think are healthy?
     - Why is it important to exercise?
     - How do we keep our bodies clean?
   - Encourage students to share their own experiences and ideas.

4. Activity: Healthy Habits (15 minutes):
   - Show pictures or flashcards of various healthy habits.
   - Ask students to identify each habit and explain why it is important.
   - Divide the class into groups and give each group a worksheet with questions or activities related to healthy habits. For example:
     - Circle the healthy foods.
     - Draw a picture of yourself doing exercise.
     - Match the hygiene practice with its correct description.
   - Walk around the class to provide assistance and monitor progress.

5. Storytime or Video (optional, 10 minutes):
   - Read a storybook or show a short video related to health and healthy habits.
   - Afterward, facilitate a brief discussion about the story/video. Ask students what they learned and how they can apply it to their own lives.

6. Conclusion (5 minutes):
   - Recap the key points discussed during the lesson.
   - Emphasize the importance of maintaining good health habits.
   - Encourage students to try implementing at least one new healthy habit in their daily routines.

7. Homework (optional):
   - Assign a simple task related to health, such as keeping a food diary for a day or practicing a specific exercise.

Note: Be mindful of cultural sensitivities and ensure that the activities and discussions are appropriate for the students' age and background. Additionally, adapt the lesson as needed based on the students' proficiency level in English.

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«Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Health".»

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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMHVEFWNLMc
The 5 th of February.  Classwork.  Healthy food.

The 5 th of February. Classwork. Healthy food.

Food healthy unhealthy




Keep you healthy Give you energy 1 2 Help you to grow and make you strong cereals 3 pasta 4 Empty foods cheese 5 6 fish 7 cola 8

Keep you healthy

Give you energy



Help you to grow and make you strong





Empty foods








True or false ?  1. All foods are good for you.  2. Vitamins and minerals help you to keep healthy.  3. Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat.  4. Sweets, crisps and cola keep you healthy.  5. You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong.

True or false ?

1. All foods are good for you.

2. Vitamins and minerals help you to keep healthy.

3. Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat.

4. Sweets, crisps and cola keep you healthy.

5. You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong.

Tips / Советы  / You should ...  You should not ...

Tips / Советы /

You should ...

You should not ...

Get up early and go to bed early Wash your hands before eating Go in for sports Sleep enough Take a cold shower Air the room
  • Get up early and go to bed early
  • Wash your hands before eating
  • Go in for sports
  • Sleep enough
  • Take a cold shower
  • Air the room
Smoke Watch TV too long Clean your teeth once a day Eat too many sweets Spend much time indoors Eat between meals
  • Smoke
  • Watch TV too long
  • Clean your teeth once a day
  • Eat too many sweets
  • Spend much time indoors
  • Eat between meals
How healthy is your friend? Do / Did you ...? Yes / No 1. have breakfast yesterday 2. have breakfast every day 3. eat fresh fruit and vegetables once a day 4. eat cakes and sweets three times a day 5. drink cola many times a week 6. eat late yesterday evening 7. clean your teeth twice a day 8. do your exercises yesterday 9. do some sport every week 10. play computer games for more than one hour a day 11. watch TV late night 12. go to bed late

How healthy is your friend?

Do / Did you ...?

Yes / No

1. have breakfast yesterday

2. have breakfast every day

3. eat fresh fruit and vegetables once a day

4. eat cakes and sweets three times a day

5. drink cola many times a week

6. eat late yesterday evening

7. clean your teeth twice a day

8. do your exercises yesterday

9. do some sport every week

10. play computer games for more than one hour a day

11. watch TV late night

12. go to bed late

Выучить цитату на тему « Health »

Выучить цитату на тему « Health »



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Health".

Автор: Жомартов Нурали Русланович

Дата: 11.02.2024

Номер свидетельства: 645453

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