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Презентация "Мир животных"

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Дикие животные, части тела животных, загадки.Повторение грамматического материала Present Simple.

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«Презентация "Мир животных"»

The aim of our lesson is… Цель урока – научиться употреблять новые слова по теме «Животные»; научиться употреблять глаголы в Present Simple в 3-м лице единственного числа.

The aim of our lesson is…

Цель урока – научиться употреблять новые слова по теме «Животные»; научиться употреблять глаголы в Present Simple в 3-м лице единственного числа.

сobra -кобра

сobra -кобра

rhino- носорог deer- олень leopard- леопард camel- верблюд

rhino- носорог

deer- олень

leopard- леопард

camel- верблюд















It is the King of animals. It is big. It is yellow and brown. It eats meat.

It is the King of animals. It is big. It is yellow and brown. It eats meat.

This animal has got black and white stripes. It runs fast. It eats grass.

This animal has got black and white stripes. It runs fast. It eats grass.

This animal lives in hot countries. It has got a long body, a long tail and short legs.  It eats meat and fish.

This animal lives in hot countries. It has got a long body, a long tail and short legs. It eats meat and fish.

I am from Africa. I`ve got big ears. I am strong. I am the biggest animal. I can carry (нести) people. I am an…

I am from Africa. I`ve got big ears. I am strong. I am the biggest animal. I can carry (нести) people. I am an…

I live in Africa. I`ve got four legs and a very long neck. I canrun well. I like to eat green leares. You can see me in the zoo. I am a…

I live in Africa. I`ve got four legs and a very long neck. I canrun well. I like to eat green leares. You can see me in the zoo. I am a…

I live in the forest. I like to eat honey. In winter I sleep. I am a…

I live in the forest. I like to eat honey. In winter I sleep. I am a…

I live in a desert. I am very dangerous . I have no body. I am poisoned ( ядовитая). I am a …

I live in a desert. I am very dangerous . I have no body. I am poisoned ( ядовитая). I am a …

I live in a desert. I can live without water and food for a long time. I can carry people. I am…

I live in a desert. I can live without water and food for a long time. I can carry people. I am…

Настоящее простое время

Настоящее простое время

!!! В 3-м лице единственного числа глагол имеет окончание -s, -es !

!!! В 3-м лице единственного числа глагол имеет окончание

-s, -es !

1. Write the third person singular of the Present Simple of the verbs below:   1.  swim  2.  play  3.  carry  4.  use  5.  run  6.  keep  7.  sleep  8.  copy  9.  fix

1. Write the third person singular of the Present Simple of the verbs below: 1. swim 2. play 3. carry 4. use 5. run 6. keep 7. sleep 8. copy 9. fix

1.  swims  2.  plays  3.  carries  4.  uses  5.  runs  6.  keeps  7.  sleeps  8.  copies  9.  fixes

1. swims 2. plays 3. carries 4. uses 5. runs 6. keeps 7. sleeps 8. copies 9. fixes

2. Put the verbs into the correct form

2. Put the verbs into the correct form

  • Lions … (run) very fast.
  • Monkeys … (like) bananas.
  • The Indian Elephant … (carry) heavy things with their trunks.
  • Crocodiles … (swim) in rivers.
2. Answers

2. Answers

  • Lions run very fast.
  • Monkeys like bananas.
  • The Indian Elephant carries heavy things with their trunks.
  • Crocodiles swim in rivers.
Present Simple  Forms  Affirmative Negative Interrogative  I work I don’t work Do I work?  You work You don’t work Do you work?  He work s  He  doesn’t work Does he work?  She work s  She doesn’t work Does she work?  It work s  It doesn’t work Does it work?  We work We don’t work Do we work?  They work They don’t work Do they work?

Present Simple Forms

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I work I don’t work Do I work?

You work You don’t work Do you work?

He work s He doesn’t work Does he work?

She work s She doesn’t work Does she work?

It work s It doesn’t work Does it work?

We work We don’t work Do we work?

They work They don’t work Do they work?

Write negative and interrogative forms with short answers of the Present Simple She swims very well. Ben likes playing computer games. My mum likes dogs. I feed my pet every day. My father likes fish. They always help our parents.

Write negative and interrogative forms with short answers of the Present Simple

She swims very well.

Ben likes playing computer games.

My mum likes dogs.

I feed my pet every day.

My father likes fish.

They always help our parents.

Answers: ● She doesn’t swim very well. Does she swim very well? Yes, she does/No, she doesn’t. Ben doesn’t like playing computer games. Does he like playing computer games? Yes, he does/No, he doesn’t. ● My mum likes dogs. Does your mum like dogs? Yes, she does/No, she doesn’t. ● I don’t feed my pet every day. Do I feed my pet every day? Yes, I do/No, I don’t. ● My father doesn’t like fish. Does he like fish? Yes, he does/No, he doesn’t. ● They don’t always help our parents. Do they always help our parents? Yes, they do/No, they don’t.


● She doesn’t swim very well. Does she swim very well? Yes, she does/No, she doesn’t.

Ben doesn’t like playing computer games. Does he like playing computer games? Yes, he does/No, he doesn’t.

● My mum likes dogs. Does your mum like dogs? Yes, she does/No, she doesn’t.

● I don’t feed my pet every day. Do I feed my pet every day? Yes, I do/No, I don’t.

● My father doesn’t like fish. Does he like fish? Yes, he does/No, he doesn’t.

● They don’t always help our parents. Do they always help our parents? Yes, they do/No, they don’t.

Be kind to animals!

Be kind to animals!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация "Мир животных"

Автор: Оврах Елена Николаевна

Дата: 15.02.2019

Номер свидетельства: 499925

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