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Презентация к уроку на тему "Do you help in the house?" ("Помогаешь ли ты по дому?")

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Презентация к уроку "Do you help in the house?"  "Помогаешь ли ты по дому?" 

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«Презентация к уроку на тему "Do you help in the house?" ("Помогаешь ли ты по дому?")»

PRESENT SIMPLE  Do you help in the hous e?  FORM 5

PRESENT SIMPLE Do you help in the hous e?


Warm up Andy helps his mother Sandy makes his bed Eddy takes the rubbish out Teddy does the washing up

Warm up

Andy helps his mother

Sandy makes his bed

Eddy takes the rubbish out

Teddy does the washing up

Warm up Andy …  Sandy … Eddy …  Teddy …

Warm up

Andy …

Sandy …

Eddy …

Teddy …

Warm up

Warm up

Present Simple Exercises Exercise 1 Give the correct form of Present Simple  I …...................(not/play) tennis on Sunday. Tina …… … ……….(go) to school every day.  Mike always ……………..(help) his friends. …………………… ...( they /lay) the table?  don’t play goes helps Do they lay

Present Simple


Exercise 1 Give the correct form of Present Simple

  • I …...................(not/play) tennis on Sunday.
  • Tina …… ……….(go) to school every day.
  • Mike always ……………..(help) his friends.
  • …………………… ...( they /lay) the table?

don’t play



Do they lay

Present Simple Exercises Exercise 1 Give the correct form of Present Simple Sam ………………………….(not/tidy) his room. You …………………………(not/take) the rubbish out  My son ….... ……………. (not/make) his bed You seldom ……………(do) the washing up.  doesn’t tidy don’t take doesn’t make do

Present Simple


Exercise 1 Give the correct form of Present Simple

  • Sam ………………………….(not/tidy) his room.
  • You …………………………(not/take) the rubbish out
  • My son ….... ……………. (not/make) his bed
  • You seldom ……………(do) the washing up.

doesn’t tidy

don’t take

doesn’t make


Present Simple Exercises Exercise 1 Give the correct form of Present Simple I …...................(not/play) tennis on Sunday. Tina …… … ……….(go) to school every day. Mike always … ……………..(help) his friends. …………………………… ...( they /lay) the table? Sam …………………………………….(not/tidy) his room. You ……………………………(not/take) the rubbish out  My sister .. ………………….(not/make) her bed. You seldom ………………..(do) the washing up.  don’t play goes helps Do they lay doesn’t tidy don’t take doesn’t make do

Present Simple


Exercise 1 Give the correct form of Present Simple

  • I …...................(not/play) tennis on Sunday.
  • Tina …… ……….(go) to school every day.
  • Mike always … ……………..(help) his friends.
  • …………………………… ...( they /lay) the table?
  • Sam …………………………………….(not/tidy) his room.
  • You ……………………………(not/take) the rubbish out
  • My sister .. ………………….(not/make) her bed.
  • You seldom ………………..(do) the washing up.

don’t play



Do they lay

doesn’t tidy

don’t take

doesn’t make


Exercises Present Simple Exercise 2. Ask YES-NO question.  Omar makes his bed  She helps her mother.  You often take the rubbish out  They lay the table every day. Does Omar make his bed? Does she help her mother? Do you often take the rubbish out? Do they lay the table every day?


Present Simple

Exercise 2. Ask YES-NO question.

Omar makes his bed

She helps her mother.

You often take the rubbish out

They lay the table every day.

Does Omar make his bed?

Does she help her mother?

Do you often take the rubbish out?

Do they lay the table every day?

Exercises Present Simple Exercise 2. Translate the sentences.  Я всегда помогаю своей маме.  Он никогда не заправляет свою кровать .  Ты иногда выносишь мусор.  Они обычно накрывают на стол . I always help my mother He never makes his bed. You sometimes take the rubbish out They usually  lay the table.


Present Simple

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences.

Я всегда помогаю своей маме.

Он никогда не заправляет свою кровать .

Ты иногда выносишь мусор.

Они обычно накрывают на стол .

I always help my mother

He never makes his bed.

You sometimes take the rubbish out

They usually lay the table.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Презентация к уроку на тему "Do you help in the house?" ("Помогаешь ли ты по дому?")

Автор: Товкалова Ольга Анатольевна

Дата: 11.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 549296

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