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«Презентация к уроку английского языка по теме "Halloween"»
Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31.
Fortunetelling and storytelling about ghosts and witches are popular activities.
*ghosts – привидения
*witches – ведьмы
Trick or Treat
The main Halloween activity for children is trick-or-treating. Children dress in costumes and masks and go from door to door saying "trick or treat".
The neighbours give children such treats as candy, fruit so that children do not play tricks on them.
* neighbours -соседи
* trick – подшучивать
* treat - угощать
Jack-o'-lanterns got its name from a fellow named Jack, who played tricks on the devil, so he was not allowed into the hall either. Instead, he is destined to wander around forever with his lantern, waiting for Judgment Day.
*destine – суждено
*wander – скитаться
*lantern – фонарь
Some words about witches. They are magic women. Some witches are young but most of them are old and ugly. It was believed they held big meetings every season. One meeting came on October 31. Halloween became the witches night. They had a wonderful time there. They danced in a ring and wished people bad luck, storm and sickness. They flew to their meetings on broomsticks.
* Witches – ведьмы
* broomstick -метла
Ghosts can be seen, but not heard. They never leave shadows or footprints. They can walk through closed doors, even walls. They love to live in empty houses.
* shadow -тень
* footprint -следы
1.What is the origin of Halloween?
A. A South American holiday honoring the day of the dead.
B. A Chinese holiday honoring ancestors.
C. A Celtic holiday celebrating the new year.
*honour – чествовать
*ancsestors - предки
2. Who first celebrated Halloween? A.The Druids. B.The Romans. C.The Christians.
3. The tradition of dressing up started because: A. Trying to scare away evil spirits. B. It's a way to honor the dead. C. When the evil spirits came, they wouldn't recognize you.
4.What did people think happen on Halloween?
A. The souls of the death came back to the Earth.
B. Wizarts and witches came out to do magic.
C. It was the end of the winter.
*wizarts- волшебники
5.Why did people put a lantern inside the pumpkin?
A. to frighten evil spirits
B. to be friendly to the spirits
C. to see while they had a party
* frighten – пугать
6. What is a Halloween lantern made from today?
7. What is a pumpkin?
A. fruit
B. vegetable
C. tree
8 . At a Halloween they play a game called “Trick or treat”.
What are”tricks”?
A. magic spells
B.card games
C.practical jokes
9. At Halloween they play a game “Trick or treat”?