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Presentation '' Buckingham Palace ''

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   The history of Buckingham Palace began in 1702 when the Duke of Buckingham had it built as his London home. The Duke´s son sold the house in1761 to GeorgeIII., it was renamed “Queen´s House“ in 1774 as Queen Charlotte resided there. Queen Victoria was the first monarch to take up residence in Buckingham palace in 1837. 

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«Presentation '' Buckingham Palace ''»

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

History of Buckingham Palace

History of Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace in 1808

Buckingham Palace in 1808

The history of Buckingham Palace began in 1702 when the Duke of Buckingham had it built as his London home. The Duke´s son sold the house in1761 to GeorgeIII., it was renamed “Queen´s House“ in 1774 as Queen Charlotte resided there. Queen Victoria was the first monarch to take up residence in Buckingham palace in 1837.  It was Queen Victoria´s death tahat the Palace metamorphosed into today´s familiar landmark.  More than 600 rooms, including 52 Royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms.

The history of Buckingham Palace began in 1702 when the Duke of Buckingham had it built as his London home. The Duke´s son sold the house in1761 to GeorgeIII., it was renamed “Queen´s House“ in 1774 as Queen Charlotte resided there. Queen Victoria was the first monarch to take up residence in Buckingham palace in 1837.

It was Queen Victoria´s death tahat the Palace metamorphosed into today´s familiar landmark.

More than 600 rooms, including 52 Royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms.

Victoria Born:1819 Died:1901 Reigned:1837-1901  The only child of Edward,  Duke of Kent(son GeorgeIII.) and the last member of the Hanoverian dynasty. -In 1840 married her first cousin  Prince Albert. -Gave birth to 9 chidren: 4 boys and 5girls. -The longest reigning Brithis monarch  for over sixty-three years. .





The only child of Edward,

Duke of Kent(son GeorgeIII.)

and the last member of the

Hanoverian dynasty.

-In 1840 married her first cousin

Prince Albert.

-Gave birth to 9 chidren:

4 boys and 5girls.

-The longest reigning Brithis monarch

for over sixty-three years.


GeorgeIII. Born:1738 Died:1820 Reigned:1760-1820 -Succeed his grandfather George II., following the death in 1751 of his father,  Frederick Prince of Wales. -In 1761 married Princess Charlotte. -Bought Buckingham Hause (now Palace) following his marriege to Princess Charrlotte  of Mecklenburg-Strelitz in 1761 .





-Succeed his grandfather George II.,

following the death in 1751 of his father,

Frederick Prince of Wales.

-In 1761 married Princess Charlotte.

-Bought Buckingham Hause (now Palace)

following his marriege to Princess Charrlotte

of Mecklenburg-Strelitz in 1761 .

Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz Born:1738 Died:1820 Married:1761 -Daughter of Charles, Duke of  Mecklenburg-Strelitz -Gave birth 15 children: 9 boys and 6 girls -Most of her collection and library was sold in 1819 for the support of her 4 younger surviving daughter.

Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz




-Daughter of Charles, Duke of


-Gave birth 15 children:

9 boys and 6 girls

-Most of her collection and library

was sold in 1819 for the support

of her 4 younger surviving daughter.

James I. Born:1566 Died:1625 Reigned:1567-1625(in Scotland)  1603-1625(in England) -The only child of Marry, Queen of  Scots and Lord Darnley. -Married Anne of Denmark in 1589;  their children included Henry, Prince of Wales, Charles I.  and the „Winter Queen“ Elizabeth  of Bohemia. -On Elizabeth I.´s death in1603,  he united the crowns of England  and Scotland and became  the first monarch of the Stuart dynasty

James I.



Reigned:1567-1625(in Scotland)

1603-1625(in England)

-The only child of Marry, Queen of

Scots and Lord Darnley.

-Married Anne of Denmark in 1589;

their children included Henry,

Prince of Wales, Charles I.

and the „Winter Queen“ Elizabeth

of Bohemia.

-On Elizabeth I.´s death in1603,

he united the crowns of England

and Scotland and became

the first monarch of the Stuart dynasty

Buckingham palace TODAY

Buckingham palace TODAY

Buckingham palace is of the Brithis monarch in London. Today it is the Queen´s official residence with 755 rooms. It is one of the few working royal palaces remaining in the world today. During August and September when The Queen makes her annual visit to Scotland, the Palace´s nineteen states rooms are opened to visitors. Buckingham palace is not only home of the Queen Elizabeth II. But also the London residence of her son Charles with his wife and his sons Harry and William. The Queen has other homes, too, including Windsor castle(last set Queen) and Barmoral in Scotland.  The monarch´s thrones are localed in the scarlet and gold. Throne Room used for formal photograps. From Buckingham Palace you can easily walk other great London sights including; Hauses of Parliament, Big Ben, Piccadely Circus, St. Jame´s Palace, 10 Downing Street, The Tames, Trafalgar Square and even Hard rock Cafe.

Buckingham palace is of the Brithis monarch in London. Today it is the Queen´s official residence with 755 rooms. It is one of the few working royal palaces remaining in the world today. During August and September when The Queen makes her annual visit to Scotland, the Palace´s nineteen states rooms are opened to visitors. Buckingham palace is not only home of the Queen Elizabeth II. But also the London residence of her son Charles with his wife and his sons Harry and William. The Queen has other homes, too, including Windsor castle(last set Queen) and Barmoral in Scotland.

The monarch´s thrones are localed in the scarlet and gold. Throne Room used for formal photograps. From Buckingham Palace you can easily walk other great London sights including; Hauses of Parliament, Big Ben, Piccadely Circus, St. Jame´s Palace, 10 Downing Street, The Tames, Trafalgar Square and even Hard rock Cafe.

Elizabeth II.  - Today Elizabeth II.is reigning in London Born:1926 Reigned from:1952 -Elder daughter of King George VI. and  Queen Elizabeth. -In 1947 married Prince Philip of Greece (The Prince Philip of Edinburgh); -The Prince Charles is the eldest of their four children-Crowened in Westminister Abbey on II. June 1953

Elizabeth II.

- Today Elizabeth II.is reigning in London


Reigned from:1952

-Elder daughter of

King George VI. and

Queen Elizabeth.

-In 1947 married Prince Philip of Greece

(The Prince Philip of Edinburgh);

-The Prince Charles is the eldest

of their four children-Crowened

in Westminister Abbey on II. June 1953

In this picture are Charles  and his simultaneous wife Camilla:   Charles´s sons are William and Harry:

In this picture are Charles

and his simultaneous wife Camilla:

Charles´s sons are William and Harry:

Some state rooms

Some state rooms

Drawing Rooms The Blue and Green drawing rooms:

Drawing Rooms

The Blue and Green drawing rooms:

The Ballroom- was added by Queen Victoria

The Ballroom- was added by Queen Victoria

The Throne room- was used Elizabeth II., Duke of Edinburg at the Queen´s coronation in 1953

The Throne room- was used Elizabeth II., Duke of Edinburg at the Queen´s coronation in 1953

Grand Staircase  1870 Today

Grand Staircase

1870 Today

Galery of Queens and Kings

Galery of Queens and Kings

GeorgeII.  Frederick- George IV. Prince of Wales

GeorgeII. Frederick- George IV.

Prince of Wales

King Edward VII. King George V. King George VI.

King Edward VII. King George V. King George VI.

Henry VII. Henrietta Maria James II.

Henry VII. Henrietta Maria James II.

Wiliam III. George I. Caroline of Ansbach

Wiliam III. George I. Caroline of


Augusta Wiliam IV. Albert of Saxe  Princess of  Wales

Augusta Wiliam IV. Albert of Saxe

Princess of


Queen Alexandra Queen Mary Henry VII.

Queen Alexandra Queen Mary Henry VII.

Anne of Denmark Charles I. CharlesII.

Anne of Denmark Charles I. CharlesII.

Marry Anne  Elizabeth I .

Marry Anne Elizabeth I .

So, this is Buckingham Palace

So, this is Buckingham Palace

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Presentation '' Buckingham Palace ''

Автор: Есенгалиева Айгерим Дидаровна

Дата: 15.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 326689

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