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Presentation on Sports

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Презентация "Олимпийские игры" ("Знаменитые спортсмены") предназначена для изучения материала по теме "Спорт" в 10-м классе по учебникам "Английский с удовольствием" М.З. Биболетова,           О.В. Афанасьева,  7 класс по теме "Спорт в моей жизни". 

Презентация сопровождается активной лексикой по данной теме, необходимыми упражнениями, содержательными справочными материалами.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Presentation on Sports»

SPORT Олимпийские игры Знаменитые спортсмены Тема: Спорт Учитель :Малышева О.В Половневская СОШ


Олимпийские игры

Знаменитые спортсмены

Тема: Спорт

Учитель :Малышева О.В

Половневская СОШ

Health is above wealth. A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Health is above wealth.

A healthy mind in a healthy body.

  • Health is above wealth. A healthy mind in a healthy body.
  • Health is above wealth. A healthy mind in a healthy body.
  • Health is above wealth. A healthy mind in a healthy body.
Why do people go in for sport?

Why do people go in for sport?

  • It makes …
  • It gives …
  • It helps …
LISTENING COMPREHENSION History of the Olympics    start


History of the Olympics


History of the Olympics Vocabulary Work

History of the Olympics

  • Vocabulary Work

Find the Russian equivalent an athletic event  запрещать   быстрее  принимать участие соревноваться в представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent

an athletic event



принимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать
















Find the Russian equivalent an athlete  запрещать быстрее принимать участие соревноваться в представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать  an athletic event - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent

an athlete



принимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать

an athletic event
















Find the Russian equivalent a foot race  запрещать быстрее принимать участие соревноваться в представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать  an athlete  an athletic event - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent

a foot race



принимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать

an athlete

an athletic event
















Find the Russian equivalent to honor запрещать быстрее принимать участие соревноваться в представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать  an athlete  a foot race  an athletic event - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent

to honor



принимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать

an athlete

a foot race

an athletic event
















Find the Russian equivalent to ban запрещать быстрее принимать участие соревноваться в представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать  an athlete  a foot race  an athletic event  to honor - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent

to ban



принимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать

an athlete

a foot race

an athletic event

to honor
















Find the Russian equivalent to compete in запрещать   быстрее принимать участие соревноваться в представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать  to ban    an athlete  a foot race  an athletic event  to honor - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent

to compete in



принимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать

to ban

an athlete

a foot race

an athletic event

to honor
















Find the Russian equivalent linked rings запрещать   быстрее принимать участие соревноваться в представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить со единён ные кольца чтить, почитать  to ban    to compete in  an athlete  a foot race  an athletic event  to honor - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent

linked rings



принимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


со единён ные кольца

чтить, почитать

to ban

to compete in

an athlete

a foot race

an athletic event

to honor
















Find the Russian equivalent to represent запрещать   быстрее принимать участие соревноваться в представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать  to ban    to compete in  an athlete  a foot race  an athletic event  linked rings  to honor - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent

to represent



принимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать

to ban

to compete in

an athlete

a foot race

an athletic event

linked rings

to honor
















Find the Russian equivalent swifter запрещать   быстрее принимать участие соревноваться  в  представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать  to ban    to compete in  to represent  an athlete  a foot race  an athletic event  linked rings  to honor - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent




принимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать

to ban

to compete in

to represent

an athlete

a foot race

an athletic event

linked rings

to honor
















Find the Russian equivalent to be held запрещать   быстрее  принимать участие соревноваться в представлять прово диться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать  to ban    swifter   to compete in  to represent  an athlete  a foot race  an athletic event  linked rings  to honor - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent

to be held



принимать участие

соревноваться в


прово диться



спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать

to ban


to compete in

to represent

an athlete

a foot race

an athletic event

linked rings

to honor
















Find the Russian equivalent to take part запрещать   быстрее  пр и нимать участие соревноваться в представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать  to ban    swifter   to compete in  to represent  to be held  an athlete  a foot race  an athletic event  linked rings  to honor - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent

to take part



пр и нимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать

to ban


to compete in

to represent

to be held

an athlete

a foot race

an athletic event

linked rings

to honor
















Find the Russian equivalent Olympic competition запрещать   быстрее принимать участие соревноваться в представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать  to ban    swifter   to take part  to compete in  to represent  to be held  an athlete  a foot race  an athletic event  linked rings  to honor - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent

Olympic competition



принимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать

to ban


to take part

to compete in

to represent

to be held

an athlete

a foot race

an athletic event

linked rings

to honor
















Find the Russian equivalent to propose запрещать   быстрее принимать участие соревноваться в представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать  to ban    swifter   to take part  to compete in  to represent  to be held  an athlete  a foot race  an athletic event  Olympic competition  linked rings  to honor - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu back

Find the Russian equivalent

to propose



принимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать

to ban


to take part

to compete in

to represent

to be held

an athlete

a foot race

an athletic event

Olympic competition

linked rings

to honor
















Wonderful ! запрещать   быстрее принимать участие соревноваться в представлять проводиться атлет бег спортивное событие Олимпийские игры предложить соединённые кольца чтить, почитать  to ban    swifter   to take part  to compete in  to represent  to be held  an athlete  a foot race  an athletic event  Olympic competition  to propose  linked rings  to honor - - - - - - - - - - - - - menu next back

Wonderful !



принимать участие

соревноваться в





спортивное событие

Олимпийские игры


соединённые кольца

чтить, почитать

to ban


to take part

to compete in

to represent

to be held

an athlete

a foot race

an athletic event

Olympic competition

to propose

linked rings

to honor

















Choose the correct variant  (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)  The Games … every four years in summer .  were spent  was completed  were played  were held  menu back

Choose the correct variant (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)

The Games … every four years in summer .

were spent

was completed

were played

were held



Choose the correct variant  (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)  The Games were held every four years in summer.  were spent  was completed  were played  were held  menu next back

Choose the correct variant (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)

The Games were held every four years in summer.

were spent

was completed

were played

were held




Choose the correct variant  (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)  The games organized in Olympia were called …. the Zeus’s Games  the Olympic competition  the Victory Games  menu back

Choose the correct variant (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)

The games organized in Olympia were called ….

the Zeus’s Games

the Olympic competition

the Victory Games



Choose the correct variant  (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)  The games organized in Olympia were called the Olympic competition . the Zeus’s Games  the Olympic competition  the Victory Games  menu next back

Choose the correct variant (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)

The games organized in Olympia were called

the Olympic competition .

the Zeus’s Games

the Olympic competition

the Victory Games




Choose the correct variant  (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)  The Olympic saying is “………”.  “Wiser, Stronger, Slimmer”  “Swifter, Smarter, Taller”  “Swifter, Higher, Stronger” menu back

Choose the correct variant (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)

The Olympic saying is “………”.

“Wiser, Stronger, Slimmer”

“Swifter, Smarter, Taller”

“Swifter, Higher, Stronger”



Choose the correct variant  (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)  The Olympic saying is “Swifter, Higher, Stronger.”  “ Wiser, Stronger, Slimmer”  “ Swifter, Smarter, Taller”  “ Swifter, Higher, Stronger” menu next back

Choose the correct variant (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)

The Olympic saying is “Swifter, Higher, Stronger.”

“ Wiser, Stronger, Slimmer”

“ Swifter, Smarter, Taller”

“ Swifter, Higher, Stronger”




Choose the correct variant  (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)  Ancient Greeks … their gods. hated  liked  honored  amused  menu back

Choose the correct variant (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)

Ancient Greeks … their gods.







Choose the correct variant  (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)  Ancient Greeks honored their gods. hated  liked  honored  amused  menu next back

Choose the correct variant (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)

Ancient Greeks honored their gods.








Choose the correct variant  (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)  Women … to take part in the Olympic Games. had to were invited were not allowed  didn’t want menu back

Choose the correct variant (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)

Women … to take part in the Olympic Games.

had to

were invited

were not allowed

didn’t want



Choose the correct variant  (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)  Women were not allowed to take part in the Olympic Games. had to  were invited were not allowed  didn’t want menu next back

Choose the correct variant (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)

Women were not allowed to take part in the

Olympic Games.

had to

were invited

were not allowed

didn’t want




Choose the correct variant  (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)  The contemporary symbol of the Olympic Games is …. linked rings  a bear Nike  a dove of peace menu back

Choose the correct variant (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)

The contemporary symbol of the

Olympic Games is ….

linked rings

a bear


a dove of peace



Choose the correct variant  (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)  The contemporary symbol of the Olympic Games is linked rings . linked rings  a bear Nike  a dove of peace menu next back

Choose the correct variant (click on the most suitable word or phrase to fill in the gap)

The contemporary symbol of the

Olympic Games is linked rings .

linked rings

a bear


a dove of peace




Listening Listen to the radio program  about the History of the Olympics and get ready to answer the following questions: Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?  Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?  Who banned the Olympic Games?  Who proposed the celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece? start the sound menu next back


Listen to the radio program about the History of the Olympics and get ready to answer the following questions:

  • Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?
  • Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?
  • Who banned the Olympic Games?
  • Who proposed the celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece?

start the sound




Now answer the questions: 1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games? Click to see the answer menu next back

Now answer the questions:

1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?

Click to see the answer




Now answer the questions: 1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?  The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia. menu next back

Now answer the questions:

1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?

The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.




Now answer the questions: 1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?  The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.  2. Who was honored by the ancient Greeks? Click to see the answer menu next back

Now answer the questions:

1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?

The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.

2. Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?

Click to see the answer




Now answer the questions: 1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?  The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.  2. Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?  They honored the Greek god, Zeus. menu next back

Now answer the questions:

1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?

The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.

2. Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?

They honored the Greek god, Zeus.




Now answer the questions: 1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?  The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.  2. Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?  They honored the Greek god, Zeus.  3. Who banned the Olympic Games? Click to see the answer menu next back

Now answer the questions:

1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?

The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.

2. Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?

They honored the Greek god, Zeus.

3. Who banned the Olympic Games?

Click to see the answer




Now answer the questions: 1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?  The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.  2. Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?  They honored the Greek god, Zeus.  3.  Who banned the Olympic Games?  The ancient Romans banned them in the 4th century. menu next back

Now answer the questions:

1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?

The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.

2. Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?

They honored the Greek god, Zeus.

3. Who banned the Olympic Games?

The ancient Romans banned them in the 4th century.




Now answer the questions: 1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?  The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.  2. Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?  They honored the Greek god, Zeus.  3.  Who banned the Olympic Games?  The ancient Romans banned them in the 4th century.  4. Who proposed the celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece? Click to see the answer menu next back

Now answer the questions:

1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?

The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.

2. Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?

They honored the Greek god, Zeus.

3. Who banned the Olympic Games?

The ancient Romans banned them in the 4th century.

4. Who proposed the celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece?

Click to see the answer




Good ! 1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?  The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.  2. Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?  They honored the Greek god, Zeus.  3. Who banned the Olympic Games?  The ancient Romans banned them in the 4th century.  4. Who proposed the celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece?  Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France proposed the world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.  menu next back

Good !

1. Which ancient city held the first Olympic Games?

The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia.

2. Who was honored by the ancient Greeks?

They honored the Greek god, Zeus.

3. Who banned the Olympic Games?

The ancient Romans banned them in the 4th century.

4. Who proposed the celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece?

Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France proposed the world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.




Listen to the radio program again and get ready to fill in the gaps: The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than … years ago. The name of the correspondent is … . At the first Olympics, men took part in … . The celebrations were held to honor the Greek god, … . Greece held the Olympic games every … years for the next … thousand years. The ancient Romans banned them in the … century. The modern Olympic games began more than … years ago. start the sound menu next back

Listen to the radio program again and get ready to fill in the gaps:

  • The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than … years ago.
  • The name of the correspondent is … .
  • At the first Olympics, men took part in … .
  • The celebrations were held to honor the Greek god, … .
  • Greece held the Olympic games every … years for the next … thousand years.
  • The ancient Romans banned them in the … century.
  • The modern Olympic games began more than … years ago.

start the sound




Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct  form of the verbs. History of the Olympics   The first Olympic competition ( was , had been held , was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells, is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.  At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took, were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added, added) later.  Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.  The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.  menu back

Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form of the verbs.

History of the Olympics

The first Olympic competition ( was , had been held , was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells, is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.

At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took, were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added, added) later.

Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.

The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.



Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form  of the verbs. History of the Olympics   The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics ( begin , has begun , began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells, is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.  At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took, were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added, added) later.  Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.  The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.  menu back

Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form of the verbs.

History of the Olympics

The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics ( begin , has begun , began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells, is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.

At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took, were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added, added) later.

Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.

The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.



Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct  form of the verbs. History of the Olympics   The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen ( has told , tells , is telling ) us more about the Olympic Games.  At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took, were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added, added) later.  Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.  The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.  menu back

Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form of the verbs.

History of the Olympics

The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen ( has told , tells , is telling ) us more about the Olympic Games.

At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took, were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added, added) later.

Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.

The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.



Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct  form of the verbs. History of the Olympics   The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells , is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.  At the first Olympics, men ( had taken , took, were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added, added) later.  Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.  The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.  menu back

Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form of the verbs.

History of the Olympics

The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells , is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.

At the first Olympics, men ( had taken , took, were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added, added) later.

Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.

The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.



Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form  of the verbs. History of the Olympics   The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells , is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.  At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took , were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added, added) later.  Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.  The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.  menu back

Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form of the verbs.

History of the Olympics

The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells , is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.

At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took , were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added, added) later.

Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.

The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.



Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form of the verbs. History of the Olympics   The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells , is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.  At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took , were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added , added) later.  Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.  The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.  menu back

Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form of the verbs.

History of the Olympics

The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells , is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.

At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took , were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added , added) later.

Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.

The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.



Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct  form of the verbs. History of the Olympics   The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells , is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.  At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took , were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added , added) later.  Greece (hold, held , had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.  The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.  menu back

Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form of the verbs.

History of the Olympics

The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells , is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.

At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took , were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added , added) later.

Greece (hold, held , had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.

The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.



Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form  of the verbs. History of the Olympics   The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells, is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.  At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took, were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added, added) later.  Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.  The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.  menu back

Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form of the verbs.

History of the Olympics

The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells, is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.

At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took, were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added, added) later.

Greece (hold, held, had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned, had banned) them in the 4th century.

The modern Olympic games (had begun, began, are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.



Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct  form of the verbs. History of the Olympics   The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells , is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.  At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took , were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added , added) later.  Greece (hold, held , had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned , had banned) them in the 4th century.  The modern Olympic games (had begun, began , are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.  menu back

Read the script of the radio program and choose the correct form of the verbs.

History of the Olympics

The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells , is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.

At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took , were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added , added) later.

Greece (hold, held , had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned , had banned) them in the 4th century.

The modern Olympic games (had begun, began , are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed, was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.



Brilliant !  History of the Olympics   The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells , is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.  At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took , were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added , added) later.  Greece (hold, held , had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned , had banned) them in the 4th century.  The modern Olympic games (had begun, began , are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed , was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.  menu next back

Brilliant !

History of the Olympics

The first Olympic competition (was, had been held, was held ) in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. The modern day summer Olympics (begin, has begun, began ) today in the Greek capital, Athens. Gwen Outen (has told, tells , is telling) us more about the Olympic Games.

At the first Olympics, men (had taken, took , were taking) part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports (had been added, were added , added) later.

Greece (hold, held , had held) these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans (were banning, banned , had banned) them in the 4th century.

The modern Olympic games (had begun, began , are beginning) more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France (had proposed, proposed , was proposing) a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.




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Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Presentation on Sports

Автор: Малышева Ольга Владимировна

Дата: 21.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 296571

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