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Presentation "My day"

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Now it’s six o’clock,

Six o’clock, six o’clock.

Now it’s six o’clock

And what do you do at six o’clock?

I get up.

Now it’s seven o’clock,

Seven o’clock, seven o’clock.

Now it’s seven o’clock

And what do you do at seven o’clock?

I do exercises.

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«Presentation "My day" »

What do you do at this time?  Now it’s six o’clock, Six o’clock, six o’clock. Now it’s six o’clock And what do you do at six o’clock? I get up.  Now it’s seven o’clock, Seven o’clock, seven o’clock. Now it’s seven o’clock And what do you do at seven o’clock? I do exercises.  Now it’s eight o’clock, eight o’clock, eight o’clock. Now it’s eight o’clock And what do you do at eight o’clock? I take shower.

What do you do at this time?

Now it’s six o’clock,

Six o’clock, six o’clock.

Now it’s six o’clock

And what do you do at six o’clock?

I get up.

Now it’s seven o’clock,

Seven o’clock, seven o’clock.

Now it’s seven o’clock

And what do you do at seven o’clock?

I do exercises.

Now it’s eight o’clock,

eight o’clock, eight o’clock.

Now it’s eight o’clock

And what do you do at eight o’clock?

I take shower.

Read and translate  Get up  Clean teeth  Wash my face and hands Take a shower Have breakfast Have dinner Have supper In the morning In the evening  In the afternoon  Go to school Help mother

Read and translate

  • Get up
  • Clean teeth
  • Wash my face and hands
  • Take a shower
  • Have breakfast
  • Have dinner
  • Have supper
  • In the morning
  • In the evening
  • In the afternoon
  • Go to school
  • Help mother

  • Watch TV
  • Go for a walk
  • Do sports
  • Listen to music
  • Sleep
  • Play games
  • Read a book
  • Take a dog for a walk
  • At night
  • Do homework
  • Come home
  • Go to bed
Look at the words and arrange them in pairs. Have Go Help Watch Read Play Do Clean Listen to Teeth Homework Music Breakfast To school Mother A book TV Games

Look at the words and arrange them in pairs.

  • Have
  • Go
  • Help
  • Watch
  • Read
  • Play
  • Do
  • Clean
  • Listen to
  • Teeth
  • Homework
  • Music
  • Breakfast
  • To school
  • Mother
  • A book
  • TV
  • Games

Find the hidden words.

Find the hidden words.

Make up sentences The boy plays computer games. The boy takes a dog for a walk. The girl does homework. He goes for a walk.

Make up sentences

The boy plays computer games.

The boy takes a dog for a walk.

The girl does homework.

He goes for a walk.

Ask questions to each other. When do you get up? What do you do in the morning? Do you have breakfast at home? What do you do in the evening? Do you have lessons on Sunday? Do you read books in the evening? What do you like playing? When do you go to bed?

Ask questions to each other.

When do you get up?

What do you do in the morning?

Do you have breakfast at home?

What do you do in the evening?

Do you have lessons on Sunday?

Do you read books in the evening?

What do you like playing?

When do you go to bed?

My Day Usually I get up at…… I wash ….., clean……,and have …… After breakfast I……. At … o’clock I …… Then I ….. I sometimes …… After dinner I….. In the evening I … I have supper at … After supper I ….. At …. o’clock I go to bed.

My Day

Usually I get up at……

I wash ….., clean……,and have ……

After breakfast I…….

At … o’clock I ……

Then I …..

I sometimes ……

After dinner I…..

In the evening I …

I have supper at …

After supper I …..

At …. o’clock I go to bed.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Presentation "My day"

Автор: Kenzhebayeva Dinara Gizatovna

Дата: 27.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 162205

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